Chapter 4

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"Ana it's almost time we need to get ready" Neha shouts from the hall
"I know I'm moving as fast as I can" I shouted back

I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs so I knew she was coming to check on me
"Here put this on," she said as she handed me a velvet dress with a slit down the side

"Wow this is beautiful," I said as I stared at the dress
"I know I'm the one who chose it," she said with a smile on her face

"Ok now put it on quickly so I can do your make up," she said as she ushered me into the bathroom
"I'm going to put on my dress come out when you're finished," she said from the other side of the door

"Ok," I said and began to put on my dress
After a long while, I'm seeing myself in a dress just like old times
The image of Ace and me at prom popped into my head. He was holding me in his arms as we swayed together to the music

My mom was helping me with my makeup when we heard a knock at the door. I had already known who it was so I told my mom to tell him I'll be down in a second.

After a few minutes, I headed downstairs in my dress. I could feel his eyes staring at me. I looked up to meet his gaze. He smiled as walked me towards me, he had the most beautiful smile.

"Ready baby," he said as he whispered in my ears
I nodded and we headed towards his car.
A couple of minutes later we reached and we entered the school to see students wandering the halls and making out.

We entered the room to another set of students dancing.
I saw Neha, Al, and Leo together chatting and headed over. Neha had a crush on Leo but she never told him because he was into blondes.
We chatted for a while until "thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran started playing.

"Babe you wanna dance" Ace mumbled in my ears, I nodded and we went to the dancefloor.
I put my arms around his shoulder while his hand rest around my waist and a little bit above my butt
We swayed to the music for a while with my arms still around his neck but this time I rested my head on his chest

"Baby I want you to know I will always love you no matter what life brings us," he said as he rested his chin upon my head
"I will always love you too no matter what," I said as I looked into his eyes
He looked down to meet my gaze with his gorgeous eyes and he kissed me

End of flashback

A knock interrupted my thoughts "are you done yet?"
"Yeah I'm finished," I said as I opened the door
"Oh my God you look so fucking hot" she sequel
"I could say the same to you. You look gorgeous" I said with a smile she was dress in a short black dress

"Ok now time for makeup," she said as she pushed me into the bathroom again
After about an hour later we finally finish our makeup

While we're heading downstairs a knock came from the door "it must be the babysitter" Neha said as she went to opened the door
A young girl around my age entered "hi my name is Emily I'm the babysitter you hired" the girl said with a smile
"Hi I'm Anaya and this is Neha," I said as I shook her hand
I shouted for Alia so I can introduce her to the babysitter
After explaining everything to the babysitter we left and headed to the car
As we drove closer to the club which is packed by the way I had this bad feeling something bad was going to happen
" we're here," Neha said excitedly as she parked the car. The club was called "MM".  "what is this magic mike?" I asked her and she starts to laugh at me

"Time to head in," she said as she grabbed my arms and pulled me towards the entrance to the club. This is to be an interesting night and it is not going to end well.

Hi, darlings don't forget to vote and leave feedback. Hope you enjoyed the chapter


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