Chapter 36

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      Mateo pov

       Everything happened so quickly I didn't have time to process it. I watched as he picked the gun up, thinking he'll aim at me. I quickly reached to pull out my gun.

      His hands turned in her direction and in a split of a second I heard the gun go off. I felt my body froze at the sound. I turned to look at her in shock. Her blood poured out rapidly from her forehead. I hadn't realized I stood there in shock looking at her until she fell into my arms.

      I could hear the gunshots and shouting fade as I held my girl in my arms. I held onto her body hoping she's not gone. I felt the tears pooled at the corner of my eyes as I looked at her. I picked her up in my arms and rushed her out of the house with my men surrounding us.

        I opened the car door and sat in the backseat with her while two of my men followed in the driver and passenger seats. The other followed behind with other cars.

    I felt the warm tears slide down my cheek as I looked at her lifeless body. Her blood ran down her face, staining her skin. 

    "Baby I don't know if you can hear me but I love you. You can't die on me" I cried as I held her close to me.

    "Sir she's gone," one of my men said with sympathy in his voice. I was crying so much I couldn't even tell him to fuck off but he was right.

     She's gone all because of him. The one person whom I have loved the most has left me.

    "Turn back," I said angrily. My voice is raspy from crying.

   "Sir it's not safe," the man said driving 

   " I don't fucking care turn back around. I'm going to make sure he loses everything he has ever loved just like how he took the one I loved." I said harshly. They knew better than to argue with me so they did what they were told.

   We made our way towards the gate of the warehouse. The noise had stopped which meant everyone was dead or so I thought. I saw a small silhouette creeping up from the back of what I assumed was the sofa. I already know who it was.


     I instructed them to slowly drive up to the window before grabbing the rifle for one of my men. I aimed it at the silhouette through the window before pulling the trigger twice, shattering it into pieces.

   "Drive," I said and we left. Neha's head rested in my lap as I stroked her hair.

   My expression softened as I looked down at neha. I'm going to make sure he loses everything no matter what I'm going to make him suffer.



    My eyes widened as I watched her body fall limp to the ground trembling. I rushed up towards her holding her in my arms.

  "Baby daddy's here stay with daddy," I said panicked as I looked at her bleeding.

     I picked her up in my arms and rushed her outside to find one of Mateo's cars. Luckily one was parked in the garage so I rushed in quickly and placed her in the front seat.

    The tears stream down her face as she cries in pain clutching her stomach. 

    "We're going to go to the hospital, you're going to be ok, I promise," I said to her as I stroked her cheek but it just made her cry even more.

     I quickly got into the driver's seat and drove away from the house. I have no idea where we are but I need to get her to the hospital fast. My thoughts were on getting her to the hospital that didn't even realize she stopped crying.

     I looked over to see her body limped, her hands to her side, and her eyes closed.

    I quickly stepped on the brakes to make sure she's not gone.

    " Princess, can you hear me?" I asked, panicked, not receiving any response.

     This made me panic even more.

"Alia baby wake up baby" I shook her shoulders fearing she wouldn't wake up.

      Just as I was about to have a full panic attack I heard a small groan coming from her. Part of me was relief while part of me was scared 

    "Baby I'm going to need you to try to keep your eyes open ok," I told her as I quickly began to continue driving. 

      I glanced over her to see her tears rolled down her eyes. She's in so much pain and I can't help her.

     "daddy s-stop" I heard a silent whisper.

   "Baby I can't, we need to get you to the hospital, "I said.

  She barely manages to shake her head no. She moves her hand to her stomach " h-hurt" she whispers 

  "I know baby I know," I said quietly as I let my tears fall.

   Her eyes began to close once again scaring me so I slammed the brakes.

    "Baby?" I panicked once again. 

     "I want m-mama," she said quietly stuttering 

   " yes baby I know but you need to keep your eyes open if you want to see her," I said to her as my tears escape my eyes. She can't leave.

   "Hmm" she hummed clutching her wound 

    " baby you are going to be ok just keep your eyes open," I said as I looked at her scared

     "Cold" she whispers as she shivers. I let my tears fall as I unbuckled her seat belt and gently lifted her into my lap.

    She cried in pain as I lifted her but she quickly snuggled into my neck. I quickly continued to drive towards the hospital with her in my lap.

     "Princess, I want you to know that I'm sorry for not being there for you," I said quietly as the tears ran down my cheek. I felt her give a small nod against my neck before I continued.

     "And I want you to know I will always love you no matter what. You're my girl, my princess, my daughter, my world, you my everything, and no one can change it. I will and always love you" I cried as I hugged tightly but her hand fell limp to her sides.

     "Alia baby" I whispered. I felt as if everything had stopped the moment her hands fell. My feet instantly pressed against the brakes and the car stopped.

    "Baby say something" I cried as I tried to get her to talk to me.

   "Please" I begged. My tears stained my face as I hugged my daughter's lifeless body in my arms. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore so I let go.

     "She's gone all because of him. I'm sorry naya I couldn't protect our baby. I made a promise to you and I couldn't fulfill it." I shout as I cried hugging my girl

    She's gone and I couldn't save her.





   Heyyy, how are you guys? I hope you're doing well. Just wanna say thank you for 1k reads😊. I really didn't think many people would see it even read my book so this really means a lot.❤😘

   Also, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.🥰😘



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