Chapter 3

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I woke up to knocking at the door. I hadn't realized we fell asleep on the couch. I got up and lifted Lia into my arms and carried her to her room.

I then went back downstairs to beat the shit out of the person banging on my door like a mad person.

"Heyy girl" a loud voice chirped as I opened my door.

"Hi Neha lovely to see you on this wonderful morning" did you notice the sarcasm in my voice

She ignored my pleasant words and entered with tons of bags.

" don't tell me you went shopping at 10 in the morning, "I said staring in disbelief

" You bet I did bestie and guess what half of these things in these bags are for you," she said as she handed me some of the bags.

"Good morning mama and aunt Neha," a small voice said as they walked into the living room

"Morning baby" "morning cupcake," both Neha and I said

"Imma go make breakfast stay with an aunt Neha," I said as I headed to the kitchen

A couple of minutes later I saw Neha entered the kitchen with a frown on her face

"What's wrong," I asked

"Why isn't lia at preschool it's her second day," she asked as she pulled a stool out and took a seat

"Some kids bullied her yesterday because of how she looked. Can you believe that 4-year-old girls bullied her? I mean they are so small, what do they even know about bullying, they should be having fun and coloring in books". I said frustrated

" ok first off calm down I know you're angry and you have a right to be and I hope the teachers did something because if not I will deal with them," she said getting up from the stool

"They chose the wrong aunt to mess with no one hurts my cupcake," she said with a smile which made me smile

I finished making breakfast so I called for lia and we all sat and ate our breakfast. I looked around the table to see Lia and Neha laughing at something which made me smile. They are all I need in my life and I'm grateful for that.

After breakfast, I took a shower and put my clothes on. My closet mostly consists of hoodies, t-shirts, and sweatpants. The only time I'll wear nice clothes is if I'm going to work. Right now I took some days off and I'm glad I did

I headed over to Lia's room to bathe her and then headed downstairs. Neha was eating ice cream as she flicked through the channels landing on RuPaul's drag race.

"Guess what we're going clubbing tonight," she said as she clapped her hands excitedly

"Hell no," I replied "is that why you went shopping this morning," I asked

"Yes and come on we haven't been clubbing for like years now," she said pleadingly

" neha you know I can't go plus I have lia now and I'm not going to leave her alone," I mumbled

The truth is I don't feel like going anywhere I will rather be at home with lia having movie nights and eating junk food

"You can hire a babysitter for the night please ana just for tonight," she said pleading with tears in her eyes

"Fine only for tonight," I said

She then jumped up and wipe her fake tears and did her little dance

"Uhhhh I hate you," I said as I stroll into the kitchen

"You know you love me " she shouted from the other room

Hello there lovelies how are you. I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and leave a feedback🥰😘


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