Chapter 37

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    I was now sitting in my car with Samual and Diego. We were in front of the hospital Anaya is located.
    I decided if I was going to send someone in to finish the job fast and kill anaya it would be them. My men are nothing but useless pieces of shit.
     "I need you two to kill her once and for all. Finish what Neha was supposed to have done. I want her dead, I don't care if you guys have to kill that friend of theirs." I said coldly.

   They both nodded in response. I pulled out a bag and handed it to them. In the bag was the insulin to overdose her.
       When she is injected with this it will only take a few hours before she's dead. They won't even find the cause of death because the insulin would have already been gone from her body.
     It's only been an hour and a half since we left the warehouse. I dropped Neha's body off at my house before coming here.

     I'm going to make him pay for what he did.




    I slammed my foot against the gas pedal and drove as fast as I could away from the warehouse.
     As much as I didn't want to leave Ace and lia, I had the other girls to worry about. I need to get them somewhere safe before I go back looking for them.

      I drove for minutes not seeing a single house. Why would we, we're in a God damn forest in the middle of nowhere? I continued to drive for an hour before I started to see signs of civilization.
     I sign relief washed over me. I should have dropped them off at the police station and headed back but then I remembered what Ace told me.

    If Williams is working for Mateo that means all of them could be too. I can't leave them there. I need to contact Al.
      I drove around for a while trying to find a payphone so I could call Al. Some of the girls were still crying slightly while some of them were surprisingly calm.
       Their skin was filled with bruises and cuts. I'm thankful they didn't get hit by the bullets when they were firing at us.

    As I continue to pay attention to the road my eyes caught the glimpse of a payphone near an alleyway. I debated whether or not I should leave the girls in the car and run over to the phone. Yeah, I'm not going to be the stupid one and do that.
     I drove the car near the payphone and got out. I told the girls I'm going to be right next to them and just yell if they need me before I leave.

        Before reaching the phone I realized I had no money which was just great. I made my way back to the car to check if there was any in the glove compartment. 
    I found some coins and some loose change which should be enough.
     I rushed back to the phone and dialed Al's number. He didn't answer on the first call so called again.

      "Hello?" he asked confused 

   "Al it's me, listen I found the girls and we managed to get out. I need to know where you are so we can come"  I said scared

       "Don't worry I'll send Williams to get you. I'm in the hospital right now" he says quickly

   "No no don't send Williams here, in fact, don't tell him anything about me I'll explain everything when I reach the hospital," I said before hanging up.
      I made my way into the car and headed for the hospital. It was getting dark and the girls looked tired. "Are you girls hungry?" I asked softly. They nodded in response looking down.

    "Don't worry you're safe with me they won't hurt you again I promise. As soon as we reach the hospital they're going to get you checked up and get you some food ok" I said with a smile.
     I continue to drive to the hospital Anaya's at. I wonder if Ace and Lia are safe. I pulled into the parking lot to see Al's is already there waiting for me.


   Samuel pov

     I stood around the corner of the hall in the hospital waiting for Al to leave. It's a shame to kill such a good-looking man but what has to be done has to be done. It's been 40 minutes now and this dude hasn't left her side. I'm starting to think he isn't going to for a while.

     That's when his phone began ringing. I watched him stand up from beside her bed and started to look panicked. He hurries out of the room leaving Anaya alone.
    "Now is our chance," I told Deigo before walking ahead of him entering the room.
      There she was laying on the bed sound asleep. Lucky for her she won't have such a painful death.

       "Watch the door make sure no one is coming," I told Diego before pulling out the syringe from the bag. I separated her index finger and her middle finger and started to inject the liquid between the two. That way I'll doubt they will find out if someone even injects anything into her.

     It should take a couple of minutes to kick in.
    I looked over to Diego signaling it's finished before he nodded.
   We quickly made our way towards the door and exited the room.


    I dialed Mateo's number and waited for him to answer.
      "Hello," he says through the phone

"It's done," I said as I walked to the exit of the building
    "Good we're waiting for you at the back," he says before hanging up.


  Al's pov

  " This cannot be happening not right now" I mumbled as I paced up and down in the parking lot.
    "He was working with them all along and so was Neha," he said 
    "What about Ace, where is he?" I asked 
   "He is still in there and so is lia. We need to go back for him but I need to make sure the girls are safe" I said as I looked at them

   "Ok let's get them cleaned up with something to eat and we'll call their parents. Then we can plan how to get Ace back" I said and he nodded.
    We made our way back into the hospital with the girls close to us. I called for a nurse to help with the girls. Just as I was about to enter the room with them a bunch of nurses was running through the halls.

  I looked to see where they were heading to see it was right in anaya direction. My heart starts to quicken at the thought of something happening to her.
    "Shit Leo something is wrong with anaya we need to go," I said quickly 

    He nods and tells the nurse to look after the girls before rushing beside me to get to Anaya's room.
    I entered the room to see nurses everywhere moving as the doctor shouted at them to hand her something.
     I looked at Anaya to see her body shaking violently. She's having a seizure. We stood at the back of the room giving the doctor and nurses space to work.

    "Turn her on one side" I heard the doctor say. They turned her body onto one side but her body continued to shake violently.
    I looked at her to see her eyes closing before her shaking began to decrease until it stopped. I looked at Leo in fear. His eyes too held the same fear. The fear that she was gone. I watched as the heart monitor stopped beeping and went into a straight thin line.

       The doctor then began doing CPR as the other stood in the room.  I felt my heart tighten at the sight in front of me.
     "Bring the defibrillator" she shouts at the nurses. A nurse rushes out of the room to bring the machine while she continues to do CPR.

    The nurse brings in the machine and gives it to the doctor. She peels off the sticky pad and places them onto her chest.
   The machine then sends a shock to her body causing her body to jolt up into the air. She then went ahead and began CPR once again. 
   She then steps back sending another shock to her body but there was no response.

      The doctor then began taking everything off of her.
   She then turns towards us with pity in her.
    "I'm sorry she's gone, there is nothing else we can do," she said softly. Those words felt like knives through my chest. I didn't have the energy to wipe the tears that so I let them fall.


  Hey guys, how are you? Sorry for the multiple changes of povs in this chapter. Other than that I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and leave feedback. Sorry for the grammar mistakes🥰😘


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