Chapter 18

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Anaya's POV

            We finally reached back at the station and we headed into Evan's office.

           Everyone piled into the room, some took a seat and waited for me to begin talking while the others stood at the corner of the office.  

            I sat in one of the chairs by his desk. Ace took a seat beside me while Evan sat opposite us. I tried not to look in his direction so I just kept my gaze at Evan.

            "So what happened," Evan asked 

             " well I heard a noise from downstairs but there was no way I was going to go check who it was so I decided to check outside to see if I can get the attention of the officers you put to watch over me but when I did they were already dead" I explained 

          "Seconds later Mateo broke down my door and he tried to kidnap me." I continued 

          "Mateo?" Evan asked

       "Mateo Morales is the leader of the " MM '', the Spanish mafia, who we have to fight against. You're supposed to know this Williams I'm surprised you don't," he asked curiously 

              Evan ignored the last part and continued to ask me questions

      "Did he say anything to you that can help us?" Evan asked

         "He did actually," I said as I looked at Ace. His gaze met mine and I continued 

           "Ace, he knows who lia was all this time. He's using those girls as bait to draw you out so he can hurt you. He's going to kill every one of them as a message to what is going to happen to lia" I said fresh tears starts to form at the corner of my eyes

        He pulls me in and hugs me. For the first time, I hugged him back. I didn't want to let go of him. I held onto him as I sobbed in his chest. 

        By now everyone had left the room. I didn't even notice when they left.

           I continued to sob in Ace's chest as he hugged me. He rubs circles in my back with his thumb. He used to always do this method to calm me when I usually cry.

          "Nothing is going to happen to our child naya I promise you" he whispered to me as he kissed my forehead. I was too tired to process what was happening so I just nodded in his chest. I felt my eyelids getting heavy so I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

              I tossed and turned in my bed. I peered my eyes open to see the sunlight shining. 

      "Thank God it was all a dream" I mumbled to myself

          "What was a dream?" I heard a voice coming from the other side of the room.

        I looked over to see Ace in this towel hanging low at his waist. His hair was damped but droplets of water were still running down his tattooed chest. He got more tattoos than before. The mother fucker was looking like a Greek God sent by Almighty himself.

         "Like what you see," he said with a smirk as he walked towards what I assumed was his closet.

             I looked away flustered at the sight I just saw and the fact that I got caught staring at him

            "W-where am I?" I asked, trying to recover from what happened a moment ago. Wow Anaya you just had to stutter. 

          "We're at the new house with the guys," he said "your room is across mine and your clothes are already there," he said as he pulled his towel off to put his boxers on.

          Surprised by his action I quickly pulled the comforter over my head.

          "What are you doing?" I shouted shyly as I blushed used the sheets

          "What is nothing you haven't seen before" I heard him say

        "You can look now," he said 

    I slowly pulled down the comforter and peeked at him to see him now hand on grey sweatpants and he was putting on a black t-shirt.

              "Look I know I'm a handsome man but can you please stop staring at me it's making me feel uncomfortable," he said with a grin while his hands were folded as he leaned back onto his closet 

         Shit, he caught me starting again. I could feel my face heating at the sight of his stare. I didn't know what to do so I yelled at him to shut up and I ran from his room into my room and quickly closed my door.

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