Chapter 21

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" This asshole couldn't choose any other time to speak to me" I muttered angrily as I made my way down the stairs.

I walked into the living room to see everyone present and was discussing something.

"What's wrong," I asked irritably as I took a seat in one of the couches. I really wanted to get back to naya to finish what we started.

"We've found a location as to where Mateo might be," Williams said as he scanned his eyes over me. My hair was ruffled up, sweating was dripping down my forehead, and not to forget hickey marks all over my neck. Don't blame me for naya's doing.

"Well somebody seems to be enjoying their time here," Al said with a smirk.

Leo looked towards me to see why Al was smirking at me.

He looks at me and starts to smile. "Somebody's getting some ass," he said grinning.

I ignored them and turned my attention back to Williams. Apparently, he didn't look too happy as his gaze was towards my neck to see the markings naya made.

I hope he sees that naya will never love him the way she loved me.

"As you were saying Williams, where did you find him?"

"They're currently at a warehouse a couple of miles from here," he replied

"Ok, then we need to leave now gather every one you'll need to get," I said as I got up. They all nodded and got up to get ready to beat the shit out of Mateo

I headed out of the living room and made my way up to naya's room to inform her about the plan.

I entered the room without knocking to find her still lying in bed with the sheets covering her body till up to her chin as she stared at the ceiling

I quietly made my way up to her and sat on the mattress.

"We found where Mateo might be, we need to go," I said as I looked at her.

She instantly turned her eyes towards me and sat up.

"are the girls there too?" she asked

"I don't know I hope so but we need to leave now and you're coming with us," I said as I got off the bed.

She quickly made her way off the bed. She wrapped the sheet around her body as she rushed to put on some clothes.

"Wear something black" I shouted to her as I got up and made my way to my room to search through my closet for some proper clothes

I made my way downstairs and waited for the rest of them to show up. Soon the boys started to show up one by one along with Naya.

She was dressed in a plain black hoodie and plain black jeans along with black boots.

She had her hair up in a bun.

We made our way towards the black SUV cars and headed towards Mateo.

" So here's the plan" I begin to say. "We need to be on the lookout for any guards Leo and Williams you're with me, Al you need to stay back with naya in the car and make sure she's safe," I said out loud.

"What no I'm coming with you" naya shouted

"No, you can't naya. Listen to me for once." I said as I raised my voice.

She was pissed but I need to make sure she's safe.

" the rest of the officers we'll need for backup and security " I said

We slowly pulled up not too close from a warehouse. Guards surrounding the building. There is no way we can enter without being caught.

"How are going to get rid of all these guards without being caught?" Leo asked

"ok first thing we need to get into their security system then we can attack from the front," I said as they all nodded.

Leo grabbed his laptop and began hacking while we waited.

"Are you in yet" I asked him

He turned to look at me confused then a slight smirk etched onto his lips

"You see she won't turn up to meet me so I won't say I'm in her ye-" he started to say before I cut him off

"This is not the fucking time Leo" I whispered angrily

"Damn ok take a chill pill I'm almost in," she said as he put his hands up to surrender then resumes back to working

"Ok now i'm in " he said with a smirk

A small grin made its way to my face. "Ok do your little technology thingy so they won't see we're here " I said as I pulled out my gun ready for action.

"You got it boss" he said with a smile and began typing back again. "Done" he said as he put away his laptop and got his gun ready. Williams did the same with his guns.

"Time to shed some blood" I said before heading out of the car.


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