chapter 23

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  Al's pov


      I watched as the house went up in flames. Anaya jumped at the sound of the explosion. With fear in her eyes, she looked at me trying to get words out of her mouth. 

     Without speaking she rushed out of the car and ran towards the house.

      "Anaya wait!" I shouted for her as I rushed behind her.


         We ran across the front yard of the warehouse to see two bodies laying on the grass barely moving.


     Officers were already rushing towards them. I watched them carefully to realize it was Leo and Ace.

   Leo had something or should I say someone wrapped in his arms as he laid onto the grass breathing heavily

       " Shit " I whispered under my breath as I looked to see him tighten his arms around a child.

   I froze in terror as I looked at the little girl. She was covered in blood and bruises. Her beautiful face was now marked by Mateo and his gang.

      "This is a child for god's sake. How can he do this" I thought to myself?

      I watched as the officers rushed the child into a car and took her to the hospital. 

     "We need to contact her parents," I said to the officers

      As soon as I turned around to head to a car, Williams appeared out of nowhere without a scratch.

       He made his way towards us as if nothing just happened. Ace looked pissed and I don't blame him. Where did he go anyways while they were trying to get their asses out of the house. Wasn't he supposed to be helping them. Something about him just gives me bad vibes.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but it was clear that they were arguing.

   I turned around to leave and made my way towards the hospital to check on the little girl.

    " I hope she's ok, she's done nothing wrong," I said to my self

      I finally arrived at the hospital where the little girl was admitted. Patients and nurses roamed the halls as I made my way to the reception desk to ask about the little girl.

       "Hello, I'm here to see the little girl that was admitted here 15 minutes ago. May I please know the room she's in" I asked the woman.

    The woman looked and me with a seductive smile and replied
  " And how are you related to this child" she asked
    "I worked with the officers that brought her in" I replied plainly

         " She's currently in the ICU and don't worry we have the best doctors, they won't let anything happen to her," the woman said as she pulled down her outfit to show me her cleavage. I sighed mentally and thanked her

     "Thank you" I replied and left before she got a chance to reply.

      I was now in front of the ICU waiting for the doctors to come out and say the little girl is ok.

    I waited for minutes which soon turned into hours. 

    "She's going to be ok" I keep telling myself.

         I don't know why I'm so worried for this little girl. Maybe because of what she went through or the fact that she almost died. No child should ever have to go through what she's been through.

     God knows what those other girls are going through. My mind drifts to Ace's daughter. He must've been so scared when he saw this child. 

       Maybe he thought this was his daughter. The fear of knowing my best friend's daughter is dead made me shiver.

      "I am not going to let anything happen to either of the girls," I said to myself

    "Ace is going to meet is the daughter and be the father he was supposed to be year's ago" 

       I paced out side of the room for quite a while before the doctor exited the door. I rushed up to the doctor to ask him if she's ok.


         "Is she ok?" I asked worriedly 

The doctor stopped and looked at me for a minute before he started to speak.

      "She's ok for now. She was lucky enough when they brought her in. Any later than that we wouldn't have been able to save her. We need to make sure when and if she wakes up if she will be able to comprehend what's going on.

She was hit in the head multiple times which could lead to memory loss. Let's pray and hope she'll be ok when she wakes up" the doctor said. 

     It took me a while to understand what he was saying but I just nodded in return. He then walked away leaving me standing in front of an innocent little girl room who's laying on her deathbed hoping she'll make it out.

         I was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't realize that my phone was ringing.

      I looked at the Caller ID to see it was Ace. I tried to calm myself before picking up the phone.

     " hello" was all that came out of my mouth

    "where are you?" ace asked tiredly 

    "I'm at the hospital. I wanted to make sure the little girl was ok," I said as I was now walking away from the room. 

     I was informing Ace about the child until someone bumped into me.

     She was a nurse I couldn't see her face since she had on her mask

      "Sorry," the woman and I said at the same time 

      The woman looked like she was in her early twenties. She had dark brown eyes while her hair was black and long. 

       The woman lifted her eyes to see me and as soon she did that she looked away in shock.

    She muttered sorry before scurrying away 

     "Well that's weird," I said to myself. I ignored what just happened and went back to talking to Ace as I walked out of the building and headed to my so-called home.



           Hello once again my lovelies don't forget to vote and leave a feedback also enjoy the chapter😊



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