Chapter 28

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Mateo's pov

"So what's the plan next baby" neha whispered in my ear

"We going to make their lives even worse than it is right now" I grinned wickedl

"I bet there are trying to find out our location right now after what happened at the warehouse, to be honest, I'm surprised the little brat survived," I muttered as I leaned back into my chair

"You should have killed her after all she is no use to us " Neha says bitterly

I shrugged at her comment and leaned out to grab my whiskey from the desk to take a sip.

Not gonna lie I wonder what they're actually up to.

"Why don't we go pay you so call niece a visit"I said with an evil grin. " I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you" I said as I run my fingers down her neck

She looked at me with a smirk as she got from my lap.

" I will be more than happy to" she says as she makes her way towards the door.

I slowly made my way up from the chair to follow her lead just before my phone started buzzing off.

I pulled my phone out to look at the called ID. Neha was now waiting at the door for me to join her.

" Why don't you go ahead? I'll join you in a moment" I said as I looked at my phone to see the familiar name calling. She nodded and made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her. As soon as she left I answered the call.

"Hola qué tal " I answered annoyed. It was my best friend Samual. I actually have known him for almost all my life along with my other best friend Deigo.

Samual has a little crush on Diego but he doesn't know. Actually no one besides me knows Samual's still in the closet.

"Acabo de llegar a casa del gimnasio y vi tu llamada perdida, así que decidí ver qué estás haciendo" he say through the phone.

"Oh cierto, necesito tu ayuda. Necesito que tú y Diego bajen al almacén, tenemos un trabajo que hacer" I said as I walked back to my desk to take a seat.

I heard him while before he spoke "Por qué ahora solo quiero estar en casa y ver los diarios de vampiros" he cried

"Dude , tienes 23 años, deja de lloriquear como un niño y trae tu trasero aquí junto con Diego"I said irritated as I hear him chuckle

" Ok damn daddy chill I'll be there along with my other papi" he said. I could tell he was smirking at the end thinking about Diego. I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose and hung up.

"How are there people my best friends" I question myself

I got up from my chair to head to the basement to see how Neha was treating our guest.

Neha pov

I made my way out of Mateo's office and headed to the basement to see Alia.

Now you may wonder why I would do such a thing to the poor little bird after spending so many years with her.

Truth is I never hated the little thing. She is actually a sweet little girl, the one whom I hate was Anaya.

Yes I have been best friends with her for years I never really wanted too.

The only reason why we became best friends was because of Ace.

Ever since high school I wanted Ace and part of me still does now. But then I saw the way he would always looked at her, smiled at her, she would make him laugh when no one has ever made him.

I have tried everything to get him to talk to me, to get him to smile like the way he smiles at her but nothing worked.

That stupid bitch stole him away from me.

Ever since then I wanted to end them both, especially Anaya even if I had to continue pretending to be her best friend.

The only way I could have been around him was pretending I had a crush on Leo. The crazy bastard actually thought I liked him.

Too bad he kept playing around with his whores I would've actually given him a chance.

After finding out Ace had left her I felt so happy. I thought it was finally my chance to get him to like me. I tried contacting him but it was of no use he had changed his phone number. I couldn't find him for years, well that's before I heard he was in prison.

Now it's my time to get revenge.

Meeting Mateo after highschool was the best thing that ever happened to me.

And the fact we wanted the same people dead made it even better. No one knew about us. We kept it a secret for years.

He was the one who helped me fake my death with the car accident and the one who will love me more than any man ever will.

I will make their life miserable even if it means hurting the ones who they love the most.

I smiled as I stood in front of the basement door ready to open it.

I slowly pushed open the door to find a fragile little girl silently crying as her thin body shivered from the cold.

"P-please h-help m-me"


Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been updating frequently. I have been busy with school. I promise I'll try to update more frequently. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and leave a feedback😊😘


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