Chapter 42

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   I made my way to the stairs leading up to the third floor. I know these people will be waiting for me as soon as I reach the top.

     Multiple gunshots went off below me as I continued to ascend my way up in the building.

      I reached the third floor which was weirdly quiet except for all the noises below.

    I have learned from my previous mistakes that this is not good. They're waiting for me behind those doors and corners.

    A sly smirk made its way to my face as an idea came to my mind.
     Time to set these dogs free from their leash.

     I pulled out the gas bomb from my jacket and rolled it down the hall. The metallic sound echoed as it made contact with the ground.
     I stood behind the corner not before tying a cloth above my nose to avoid the smoke.

      I watched the men ran out from their hiding spots coughing until their eyes filled with tears.
   I knew they couldn't see me since they were busy trying to find a way away from the smoke.


       I pulled my gun out and aimed it at my targets and pulled the trigger. Their body collapses to the ground alerting the rest of the men who were next to them.
      Someone gripped onto my leg causing me to jump in surprise.

   As soon as I looked down the gun was knocked out of my hand by someone else. 
     Their arms wrapped around my neck, locking off my breathing supply.
     My hands quickly made their way towards the hands around my neck trying to pull it away from me.

   I was so caught up in trying to get the man off of me that I forgot about the man on the floor.
     Suddenly I felt a sharp object peering into my chest.
      I screamed in pain as they continued to turn the knife around while pressing it deeper.
     I let go of the person trying to choke me and pulled the man towards me, grabbing the knife out of his hand and drove it straight into his neck before pulling it out and attacking the other man's hand that was holding me captive.

       He screams in pain as he lets go of my neck causing me to fall to the ground gasping for air. I looked at the man on the floor as he clutched the hole in his neck, his blood covering his hands as he cried in pain. I crawled over to him grabbing him by his hair before driving the knife into his chest twice.
       I hadn't noticed the man who was choking me standing there looking at the scene in front of him.


   Great, just the person I've been wanting to meet. The one I wanted to deal with myself.
    "I see we meet again Williams" an evil smirk made its way to my face.
    His face was horrified by what I had just done to his partner. He shivered in fear at the mention of his name.
  "You know it's a good thing I've never liked your ass which makes me want to hurt you in the worst way possible," I said dangerously 

      He regains his posture. A slight bit of confidence flashed in his eyes.

     "took you long enough to find out" he chuckles, shaking his head at me.

      " You think this is funny huh," I said as I tilted my head a bit to the side. 

    "Why don't we fight this as grown men do," he said as he set his body in a fighting position.

  I smirked in satisfaction knowing there is not a chance he's going to walk out of here alive.

     I position my body ready to fight. He made the first move aiming for my face. I quickly ducked and aimed for his abdomen. He crouches in pain from my impact. I guess he didn't know how good I am at fighting.
   I circle him waiting for him to give another blow. He straightens himself and aims for my stomach. I grabbed his hand and punched him in his face one after the other until he fell to the ground.

    His nose was busted as well as his lip. He hisses in pain as he touched his face
    " tired yet? Come on I bet if Mateo sees you like this, so weak he would kill you himself" I chuckle darkly.

    I seemed to have hit a nerve causing him to quickly stand up and regain posture.
     We watched each other waiting for one of us to make a move. He finally does so, aiming for my lower abdomen where my gunshot wound is. I scream out in pain as he first made contact with the wound.

    His fist then made contact with my face causing me to fall backward onto the floor. I hissed in pain as I clutched my side. I looked down to see the blood was pouring out rapidly.
    He grinned at my pain thinking he won. I watched as he walked over towards where one of his dead partners was laying and grabbed something from his jacket.

   It was a gun. "I thought you said you wanted to fight this like grown men. What? Change your mind about being a grown man?" I chuckled before groaning at the pain. 
       "You know for someone who is about to be dead you sure do know how to provoke someone" he snarled as he made his way and stood in front of me pointing the gun at me.

    "What can I say, it's a mafia thing, something you won't understand," I said before stretching my leg out, tripping him and causing him to fall to the ground. I quickly got up and ran for my gun but he already got his gun in his hands.
     He pulled the trigger and the bullet hit my leg making me fall flat onto the floor. I looked back at him as he tried to pull the trigger again but he was out of bullets. I quickly grabbed my gun before he could get up and aim it towards him causing him to freeze in his spot.

    I limped and winced in pain as I slowly made my way towards him.

   "What happened to all the confidence you just had?" I asked mockingly at him.

    He looked at me with fear in his eyes. He knows he's not going to make it out alive.
   I had no time to waste so I pulled the trigger and a bullet went into his chest. He screams in pain as he falls to the ground. 
    I threw my gun and made my way towards him. I grabbed his hair and pulled him to stand up.

   I grabbed his hand and twisted it around as he screamed for me to stop.

   "These were the very hands that you shot my girlfriend with and you want me to stop." I snarled as I continued to twist it before hearing the bones breaking in his arm.

      I let go of his arm watching it fall lifelessly at his side. Tears were now streaming down his face but I could care less if he was in pain.

    I grabbed his next arms and did the same thing, smiling every time I heard the bones cracking. 

      " How does it feel? Knowing you're going to die soon" I growled.

    He says nothing as he continues to cry from the pain.

      I let him fall to his knees before circling him and standing behind him.

     "I hope you'll like hell, cause after what you did to those poor girls, people like you don't deserve to live," I said as I placed my hands at the side of his neck, snapping it instantly, watching his lifeless body fall to the ground.

    I had no time to sit around and look at dead bodies so I quickly grabbed one of the dead man's guns and checked them to make sure I still had my knife.
        I slowly made my way to the stairs limping all the way there. My body was aching in pain but I have to end this bitch.

     I made my way to the fourth floor. There was only one door and no one guarding it. This was the last story of the building so I'm sure Mateo is in there.
     I made my way towards the door. I stopped for a moment before pushing the door open to the smell of cigarettes.

     "Finally you made it"

   Hey, how are you doing? How are you enjoying the book so far? Please leave a vote and feedback. Sorry for the grammar errors. I hoped you enjoy this chapter.🥰😘


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