Chapter 34

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     Al pov


        Anaya has woken up asking for Ace but how can I tell her he has been kidnapped. Almost 30 hours have passed and we haven't found a single clue where those bastards took him and Leo.

           I'm going crazy here. Williams said he's looking into it but I haven't heard any news from him for the past 24 hours. I tried calling him and his phone went straight to voicemail.

        I was still at the hospital, I haven't left since Ace and Leo left. I decided to check up on Anaya so I went to her room.

      Entering the room I saw a nurse hovering over Anaya before she pulled out a small syringe from her pocket.

      "Excuse me what are you doing," I said with a cold expression, suspicious of her actions.


        She jumps back startled by my presence behind her. I couldn't see her face since she had on a medical mask.

      "I-I was assigned to make sure the p-patient is stabilized, sir," she stammered, she looked like a deer caught in headlights.

            I watched her carefully as she tried to hide the syringe behind her back.

         I don't know why I have a feeling that I've seen her before. Her Carmel brown skin, her long black hair, and those dark brown eyes. I've seen it all before but where. That's when I remember I saw her here when I was watching over that little girl.

      She had bumped into me and from what it looked like she was in a rush. Is she a nurse here?


      "What's your name?" I asked coldly


     "W-what?" She stammers as she shifts around uncomfortably.


     "Are you deaf?" I asked "what's your name," I asked, raising my voice

   Anaya slowly gain consciousness as she looked around observing the room
    Her eyes widen as they fell onto the nurse.
       "Neha" she whispered

     "Is that you?" Anaya asked as she twisted and turned in her bed.

       Why is she addressing the nurse as Neha? She's dead. I looked towards the nurse to see her trembling in fear but why.

       She looked at me in fear, before slowly making her way to the door

     " Neha" Anaya tries to shout but her voice cracks from the dryness of her throat

     I looked towards the nurse to see her rushing towards the door. I quickly ran behind her and grabbed her hand.

        " Who are you?" I hissed at the woman in front of me. 

      Her eyes pooled with tears as she looked at me.

     She didn't look like she was going to talk so I ripped the mask off her face revealing someone who was supposed to be dead.

        " Neha," I whisper in shock. There she stood all and well not a single scratch on her skin.

        I stood in shock in front of her trying to process how she is still alive.

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