Chapter 30

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   Ace pov

I felt my body freeze at the sound of the gunshot that went through my glass window shattering it into pieces. Her body felt tense in my arms as she looked into my eyes wide-eyed. 

Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes as she gripped my arms.

I watched her as she put her hand over her stomach, slowly looking down at the blood staining her pink tank top. 

My eyes widened in horror. My body shook in fear of losing her. Her body slowly collapses into my trembling arms.

"A-ace" she whispered as she grabbed into my arms with her trembling hands

I hold onto her still shocked about what just happened.

Leo and Al broke the door down and rushed into the room.

"Holy shit" Leo whispered silently horrified by what he had seen.

"We need to get her to the hospital now" I shouted, my voice trembling out of my mouth.

"What happened?" Williams rushed into the room as I was picking naya off the ground.

He looked at her shocked. I ignored him and rushed downstairs with naya in my arms with Al and Leo behind me.

"You're going to be ok I promise," I said to her as I looked down at her. Tears were streaming down her face. Her eyes were slightly close no matter how much she tried to look at me

I entered the car with her in my arms in the back seat as Leo and Al drove as fast as they could to the nearest hospital.

"Don't cry baby I promise nothing is going to happen to you" I said as I wipe the tears from her face

"I'm right here in not leaving baby" my voice trembles. I could feel the tears running down my cheek as I looked at her clutching onto her stomach. 

"I'm not going to lose you. We're going to be the perfect family once we get Alia back " I cried " I just need you to be strong on hold on in there for me ok" she nodded groaning in pain. I wipe my tears on my shoulder as I spotted the hospital 

"We're almost there baby," I said to her. I gently picked her up into my arms and ran into the hospital.

"HELP!!" I shouted as I ran to her. An old lady who's a doctor ran up to me. 

They quickly put her onto a stretcher and rushed her into the ICU. I quickly ran behind her but was stopped by a nurse

"Sir I'm going to need you to stay here and fill up a form," she said calmly.

"N-no I need to be with my girl," I said worriedly as I paced around 

"I'm sorry sir but you aren't allowed in there," the woman said with pity in her eyes

"Ace, she's going to be ok. Let the doctors do their job to help save her" Al said as he grabbed my shoulder

"She's going to be ok, don't worry," Leo said with a small smile. I nodded and looked towards the door.

God, please let her be ok, please I said mentally as the tears escaped my eyes. I quickly wiped my tears and grabbed the form from the nurse's hand and began to fill it in.

We sat there for two hours with no news of how she's doing.

The guys tried their best to assure me she's going to be ok and I know she is but part of me is scared. So scared of losing her, losing lia. God is playing with my feelings right now. I can't lose them. They're the only family I have apart from the guys.

" Miss Malhotra?" a nurse asked. I quickly stood up and made my way towards her.

"I'm here to see her," I said quickly. She looked at me in suspicion.

"And you are?" She asked "the doctor would like to see a family member," she says

"I'm a family member... I'm her boyfriend" I said. I know naya might not like that I said it but it's the only way I can see her.

Al and Leo looked at me in shock but gave me a small smile.

"Ok follow me," she says and leads me into the room.

I entered the room scared of what's about to come. Is she ok? Is she in pain? All these questions pooled into my mind.

There she was in a white hospital gown. She laid so peacefully. I smile as I see the heart monitor beating. My baby girl made it like she always does.

Never in my years living would I have thought I would be seeing her like this. So helpless, so lifeless, in pain. Why didn't they shoot me instead of her?

"Mr. Giovanni," the doctor said as she looked at me. I looked at her and nodded.

"You have yourself a fighter here I see," she says with a smile as she looks at naya. " yes I do" I smile as I look at my girl 

"I'm surprised she even made it." She said as she looked at her before looking at me

"Your girlfriend was dead for 60 seconds," she says quietly. I looked at her in shock before looking back at my girl

       "In those 60 seconds, we tried our best to get her to come back but she wouldn't respond. Just when we were at the point of giving up she got a pulse. She came back." She smiles sadly at her

      "You are one lucky man, Mr. Giovanni," she said as she looked at me with a smile.

      "I'm going to write some prescription of medicines she should talk about along with the amount and the time. Also, you must keep her stress level low. She says as she writes something on a paper.

        "Since she is weak from dehydration and malnutrition, make sure she drinks plenty of water and eats three times a day," she says smiling and hands me the paper before leaving.

      It was just me and her. I slowly made my way towards her bed. I pulled a chair and sat beside her.

       I gently grabbed her hand and placed mine into hers. 

     I brought her hand up to my lips and placed a small kiss.

       " you made it baby girl you always do" I whispered with a small smile as I led to place a kiss on her forehead.


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