Chapter 11

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      Ace's POV (continuation from chapter 10)

       I could feel the anger building inside of me knowing I have a daughter and she is in danger. 

        Leo was not one to get angry but seeing him angry is scary even though I get a little bit scared. 

      He loved Neha since we were in high school but he never got the chance to tell her because he thought she wouldn't be into him. Both of them were blind.


         Every second that ticks by my mind drift to what my daughter is doing. I've never seen her, never met her, and just like that my ex shows up at my prison saying I have a daughter. 

      No stupid person would believe that if their random ex showed up out of the blue and said you have a child. But this is not a random person.

       It's my first love, the girl who I'd risked my life for, the girl who brought light into my life when it turned dark. She's sitting in front of me. 

       Anaya's  POV

           After Ace had stormed out of the office the officers followed behind causing me to follow them.

     Is he angry at me because I kept it a secret from him? What else am I supposed to do to publish Lia's name in a newspaper to see he was expecting a child. 

       He left when I needed him the most. He left when he said he'll never leave. He just gave up on everything, on me, on us, on our love he just gave up. I didn't realize tears were streaming down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away not wanting anyone to see I was crying 

       We entered another room with a large desk in the middle. It wasn't as big as the chief but it was still big. Everyone was sitting in the room including Ace. I stood at the door and waited for them to start talking.


          "So Mr. Mafia what's the plan," the handsome officer said I need to find out his name

       "First, we need a secure location where we can stay, we must blend in with everyone since this is Brooklyn there are eyes everywhere." Ace said with ease

          "In case you didn't notice we're dealing with another mafia here. A mafia that's after me. Since they know I have a daughter and" he said as he looked at me "I dated her and they'll try to take everything from me. So you're going to need to put your big boy boxers on the cause some serious shit is about to go down" he started with a grin

         The handsome officer glared at him and said "I'll find a place for us to stay by nine till then the rest if you could wait outside" he said as he stood up " Ms. Malhotra may I have a word with you" he spoke softly 


      Ace didn't seem to like this since he was glaring at him like he was potting 100 ways to kill him in his head.


          I ignored him and replied "sure," I said and we head out of his office 


       " Are you 100% sure you wanna go with us?" he asked concerned

      "My daughter's life is at stake as well as five other girls. I'm not going to let them sit in fear and cry hoping someone is going to save them" I responded angrily 

   He senses my anger rising and he lowers his head and shuts up


       Now I feel guilty for bursting out on him like that

      " Look I'm sorry it's just that I'm frustrated right now. I can't eat or sleep without wondering what my child is going through right now" I said as I cover my face with my hands as I cry

        " Hey don't cry I know this is hard for you but we'll find her and we won't let anything happen to her I promise," he said as he hugged me

       "I'm sorry I know this is a bad time to ask this but what is your name," I asked shyly as if I wasn't crying a couple of seconds ago. 

           He started to chuckle at my shyness and then replied 

     "Evan" " Evan William, " he said with a charming smile

    Hi guys I posted a picture of him at the top so you can see what I envision him to look like.

Don't forget to vote and leave feedback. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the grammar mistakes🥰😘


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