Chapter 17

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Ace's POV

             She hates me, she always have ever since I left her. I couldn't bear to see her breakdown in front of me. I wanted to hug her so badly, tell her everything is going to be ok, tell her I love her but I can't. I'll put her life in more danger than it already is. 

             "Fuck" I said to myself frustrated. I ran my hands through my hair as I sat on one of the chairs in a corner. 

        A couple of minutes later she walks out with an officer in front of her. She looked in my direction and as soon as I looked up she looked away not wanting to meet my gaze.

           I couldn't do anything but watch her leave. 

           It was currently past midnight and now this asshole of an officer found a place for us to stay.

         I don't like him. I don't like the way he looks at Anaya.

          If he wasn't helping me find my daughter I would have already beaten him shitless for flirting with my girl

               We were discussing the house when Williams phone starts to ring 

            He picked it up and answered in an exhausted voice.

         "Hello this is officer Williams speaking," he said 

          That's when I stopped doing what I was doing. I could hear Anaya's panicked voice through the phone.

              I couldn't hear what she was saying but the words "after me" made me lose my shit. I ran out of the room with Evan behind me still on the phone.

          "Ok, I know where that is I'll be there in a second, stay there," he said and I heard him hang up

          "Ok I need some officers with me right now" Williams shouted 

          I ran up to the boys and told them what was going on

         "Anaya is in trouble, we need to go," I said hurriedly and with that, they got up and headed outside.

        " Williams send some officers to her house, we need to find out what happens to the police officers you sent her with to watch her over" I shouted over the car before I enter

         The boys went in another car while Williams and I went together.

           "Where is she?" I asked 

         "She's at a cafe not too far," he said and I nodded. I wanted to ask more questions. I'll wait until I see her. 

                We ended up in front of a small cafe called Maria's cafe. I hurriedly got out of the car and ran into the cafe. I opened the door and scanned the cafe for her. I continued to panic until my eyes landed on her. As soon as I saw her I ran to her and I hugged her not wanting to let go.

            I finally let go of her and started to ask her questions

       "Are you ok, did he hurt you?" I asked as I scanned her for any injuries 

            My eyes fell on a small up cut upon her neck. Blood was running down her neck which meant this had just happened.

         "Fuck" I hissed to myself

        "Somebody get me first aid," I shouted. A worker from the cafe rushed to find a first aid kit. 

         A couple of seconds later the worker rushed in with first aid.

        I cleaned the blood around her neck and the cut caused her to hiss at the pain. I immediately pulled my hand away from her not wanting to hurt her.

        "Sorry" I mumbled and continued to dress her wound. I could feel her stare at me the entire time as I continued to dress the cut.  

          I was finished dressing her wound, I looked up to see her chocolate brown eyes still staring at me

            We were interrupted by a cough. I looked around to see everyone staring at us but I could care less. Anaya seemed to notice this and she left my side not before muttering a small thank you and went to stand beside Williams.

          Williams surprised her and us by hugging her.

     "Thank God nothing serious happened to you," he said still hugging her 

        Something is going to happen to you if you don't stop touching my girl, you ugly prick. 

        He seems to noticed and he lets go of her and lets out a sorry with an awkward laugh

        "It's ok," she said with a chuckle

        She then looked back at me before turning her gaze back to Williams 

      "Do you mind telling us what happened?" Williams asked

      "I think it's better if we don't talk here," she said as she looked around to see everyone staring 

        He then nodded and we head out to the car

                 I walked in front of them while they stopped to talk about something. I hate how this officer gives me off creepy vibes especially when he's with my girl.

             I sat in the car and waited for them to enter. Soon they made their way into the car. "Is it ok if I play some music," Williams asked not to me in particular 

            Naya nodded and he turned on the radio.

           One of our favorite songs started to play. God I it brings back so many memories. It was "you are the reason" by Calum Scott 

        I looked into the rearview mirror to see naya but she already has her eyes closed as if she letting the memories to take over

      Enjoy lovelies. Don't forget to vote and leave a feedback🥰😘


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