Chapter 32

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Ace pov

I'm still stuck in this place tied to a chair. My hands are almost free I just need to pull my hand harder. My right hand snaps out the rope followed by my left hand. I quickly try to loosen up the rope tying me to the chair. Once I got the rope off of me I made my way quietly towards the door to listen for any movement.

I heard the voices of two men having a conversation but I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying since their voices sounded muffled through the door.

How am I going to get out of here without them knowing I wondered. My hands ran through my hair furiously trying to come up with a plan.

I looked around the room to see if I can find anything that'll help me get out of here.

I barely spotted a small knife covered in blood in the corner of the room.

I quickly picked it up and rushed back to the door. I need them to come in here so no one is going to notice them laying dead outside.
I ran towards the chair, picked it up, and threw it against the door causing it to shatter into pieces.

That should get their attention. I hid behind the door waiting for them to enter.

A couple of seconds later two huge guys enter the room. They made their way towards the center of the room.

I quickly made my way behind the guy at the back slitting his throat.  His hands quickly shot up to his neck trying to stop the blood from gushing out as he gasped for air. The other man turned around quickly looking shocked at his partner gasping for air.

I took advantage of the moment and aimed for his lower abdomen but he quickly dodges. His fists connected to my jaw with a force almost knocking me to the ground.

I regained my balance and aimed for his face. My knuckles connected with his nose twice, I was satisfied with the cracking noise I heard after the first blow. He stumbles back clutching his bleeding nose.

I grabbed my knife and drove into his chest above his heart, pressing it deeper every time he moved. He screams in pain as I slowly pull the knife out before driving it right back into the same place.

I watched him place his hands over his heart trying to stop the blood that was pouring out. I wasn't taking any chances of him still being alive so I slid the knife across his neck watching him choke on his own blood.

I wiped the blade of the knife that was covered in his blood onto his shirt before making my way towards the door. I checked the halls to make sure no one was roaming around before I exited the room. Never in my life have i seen a basement that has creepy hall like this. I made my way towards the end of the hall and to my surprise no one was down here. Don't they know when they kidnap someone they need to have more people to watch over them.

As i turned right and came across a big wooden door. They were hush voices coming from the room. I leaned closer to the door to listen to their conversation. The voices kept coming closer and closer. It sounds like a woman's voice. A voice that I was familiar with. I haven't heard her voice in years.

I soon heard footsteps approaching the door so I quickly hid around the corner. I saw a young woman exit the door. Her back was turned against me so I couldn't see her face. I watched as Mateo exited through the door behind her. I watched them from around the corner as his hand slid behind back down to her waist. He leads down and planted a kiss against her lips.

He whispers something into her ear making her giggle. That's when she finally turned around. I was praying it wasn't her but turns out it was. She was alive all this time and she was with him. This means she must also know about alia. How could she do this to naya her own best friend and to lia. I was shocked and confused that i hadn't noticed them walking away. I quickly hid further back in the corner just to make sure that they couldn't spot me.

After the coast was clear I made my way to look for Leo. I made my way into the room they both exited from. The room was completely dark and it smelled awful. There was blood everywhere. I looked around for a couple minutes before quickly heading out of the room. I roamed around for a bit before coming across another door.

I quietly push the door open and just like the other rooms this one is also dark. Have these people ever heard about lights? This room smelled even worse than the one I was in. I turned around to leave but stopped in my tracks when I heard a small whimper. I looked around the room carefully trying to spot where the noise was coming from.

Something small curled up in the back corner of the room. I would have definitely missed it if it wasn't for the noise made. I slowly made my way towards what was in the corner of the room. I noticed this wasn't just something. This was a person. A little girl. 

Her long hair tangled up in a mess, her clothes torn, her skin filled with blood and bruises. What did they do to this poor girl? I couldn't see her face since her back was against me. I could tell she hasn't been fed in days. Her skin stuck to her bones. She shivers against the cold floor as small whimpers come from her mouth.

I stoop down towards her height as my hand reaches out to touch her back. Startled by my presence she jerks back crying in fear. 

" p-please don't h-hurt me" she cries as she stutters. That's when she finally turned around and her blue eyes met mine. At that moment I knew it was her. 



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