Chapter 31

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Ace pov

I fell asleep beside her with my hand entwined within hers. She looks so peaceful sleeping.

It was now 7:30 in the morning. I kissed her head before getting up to check if the guys were still outside.

I came outside to see Al sitting in a chair looking through his phone but there was no sign of Leo.

"Where's Leo," I asked, my voice hoarse from crying.

"He went to go get us some coffee," he said and I nodded

"How's she doing," he asked worriedly

"She's stable. The doctor said she was dead for 60 seconds. " I whispered " I don't know what I would have done if she had died," I said as I buried my head into my hands

"Coffee anyone" Leo's voice chirped.

I nodded and collected my coffee. Looks like I'll be needing more than one coffee to get through today.

"Why don't you go home and freshen up and I'll stay here and watch her," Al said as he motioned to my blood-stained clothes.

"No, I'll stay here with her," I said as I sipped my coffee."

"Ace you need to go home also we need to find out who was the shooter.

" He is right, you should go home, in fact, I'll go with you too so we'll speed up the process and find your shooter and you can be back here to check on her," Leo said.

He is right, I do need a shower. I'm going to make that person regret their existence for hurting the ones I love.

"Ok, I'll go," I said as I stood up. "Call me if she wakes up," I said to Al before I turned to Leo to leave.

Leo and I made our way out of the hospital. We walked towards the parking lot and a weird feeling settled in my stomach.

"Have you spoken to Williams yet?" I asked him

"Yes, I have he's currently searching for the shoot-" he stops

I turned to look at him. "You good?" I asked.

He looks at not saying anything. His hand made its way towards the back of his head.

His hand was covered in blood as he slowly fell towards the ground.

"Le-" I barely got to tell before I felt a hard impact behind my head.

My vision starts to blur as I try to look at the person who hit me.

They were multiple of them. Each one of them dressed in black and a black mask.

I felt my body grow lifeless before collapsing onto the ground and everything went black.

Alia pov

My body trembles on the cold floor as I lay in my blood from the cuts the mean man did to me.

Aunt neha stood and watched as he hit me repeatedly before chaining me up and running the knife against my body.

Multiple cut wounds were on my tummy and back. I cried at the pain not wanting to get the mean man upset. I was getting tired of waiting for mama it someone to save me.

Maybe she forgot about me. Maybe she is with my father whom I don't know. He was supposed to save me too but I guess he forgot too.

They all did. I was getting tired of still being able to wake up the next day just to be tortured and in pain.
When was it going to stop?

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