Chapter 38

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Leo pov

Her hands hung limp at her sides as I stared at her lifeless body. Ace is going to be devastated that she's gone. We couldn't protect her, we couldn't save her and the worst part is I watched her took her last breath.

This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have pestered Ace to go home he wouldn't have been kidnapped. He would have been here with her by her side.

Now he's going to come back only to find her lifeless body lying in the bed that he laid with her.

Lia did not even get to say goodbye to her.

Anaya didn't even get to see her daughter before she left. Now it's only her and her father.

Ace pov

I hugged my daughter's lifeless body as I cried for her to wake up.

Because of me, her father, she's gone. I failed to give her the perfect life, to spoil her with love and gifts.

She doesn't deserve this, she deserves to be with her mother at home, laughing with her family and friends, enjoying her childhood but all of that is gone because of me.

I opened the car door not before placing her in the seat gently before I made my way out.

I stood in the middle of the road as the darkness set in. The chipping of the crickets, the sound of the wind, and my cries filled the night.

"WHY!" I shouted into the darkness

"WHY HER!"I screamed as I broke down and fell to my knees in the middle of the road.

" Why are you playing this game with me, god?" I said as I cried

"Do you enjoy seeing me suffer" the tears were running freely down my cheeks as I argued

"I just wanted to be with my family" I cried as I crumbled onto the road laying flat on my back.

The sound of the thunder roared in the sky as the clouds moved quickly covering up the sky filled with stars.

It's almost as if he's arguing back with me. I felt cold droplets of water fell onto my face. I closed my eyes and took in the cold and the darkness.

The rain drenched me completely as I laid in the middle of the road. I picked myself up and made my way back to the car. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I wished she didn't have to sleep forever.
I gather my courage and start the engine before driving off.

What am I going to tell Naya when she sees me carrying our baby in my arms lifeless?

She's going to hate me.

I finally made my way out of the forest since they were cars driving everywhere. I need to take her to naya so she can at least see her daughter.

I drove to the hospital Naya was at. Hopefully, Al is still there with her. I parked in the parking lot and sat there for a couple of minutes debating whether or not it's a good idea to go in there.

After deciding I was going to face it, I gently lifted her body into my arms as I took her out of the car.

I walked towards the entrance of the hospital with her in my arms. As I enter a doctor rushed up towards me assuming lia needed help

"She's gone," I said quietly

"May I take her to her mother so she can see her?" I said. The doctor looked at me with pity before turning her eyes to lia. They all knew who I was so either way if they did try to stop me I was still carrying my daughter to her mother.

She nodded and I made my way towards naya's room. I looked to see Al and Leo outside of the room silently crying. Al stood in front of her door with his head down letting his tears ran down his cheek.

Leo was sitting in one of the chairs outside the room with his head buried in his hands as he sobbed.

"Guys," I said quietly as I looked at the confused

They all looked up at him shocked before rushing to hug me but I backed away since I had lia in my arms.

"That's her," Al whispers as he looks at her with a smile.

I nodded in response as I looked at my girl.

"I'm so glad you guys are ok," Leo said.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "Are you ok?" Al asked

I nodded no before responding

"She's gone," I said quietly as a tear ran down my cheek.

They looked at me in shock. Their eyes drifted away from me and made their way to alia.
"All because of me" I broke down crying.

The guys looked at me with tears in their eyes.

"I brought her here so naya could see her one last time," I said

They both looked at each other as if they were communicating using their minds.

"Ace I'm so sorry," Al said as his voice trembled at the words.

I looked at him in confusion. He looks at Leo before continuing to speak.

"Anaya had a seizure. She's gone" he whispers

I felt as if my body grew numb as the words came out from his mouth. My hands felt so weak that I almost dropped alia. They quickly rushed to grabbed hold of her body to make sure she didn't fall. Al collected her from me as I began to cry.

"No no this can't be happening," I mumbled with tears in my eyes

I quickly rushed into naya's room to find her lying there lifelessly.

The guys rushed behind me trying to calm me down.

I stood there shocked as i stared at another lifeless body that's my world.
Both of them are gone, all because of me. I walked over to Al and collected lia from him.

"Guys can you please leave us alone," I said quietly as I turned to face naya. I didn't turn back to see if they left, the sound of the door shutting confirmed that it was just us.

I slowly made my way towards the bed and placed Lia next to her.

I stood at the corner as I looked at them sleeping. I walked over to the other side of the bed and laid next to naya.

"Baby I'm so sorry. I failed you...I failed us. You're both gone because of me. I promised you a beautiful family when we got back together but I failed." I cried into her shoulder as I hugged her.

"Please forgive me," I said as I sobbed. I could tell the guys were listening at the door. You could hear their sobs.

They're both gone. I have nothing to fight for anymore. Is life even worth living now?

I cried into her shoulder as I kept apologizing for my mistakes. I hadn't realized that my body had grown tired from my cries until I felt my lids getting tired. I let the darkness take over me hoping when I wake up tomorrow this would all be just a dream.


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