Chapter 44

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I drove through the busy streets as my mind began to drift off. I felt tired and weak. My body felt lifeless.

I listened as the noise of the busy population started to fade. I was driving away from everything, I was heading towards where my world lies.

I rolled the windows down letting the cool breeze hit the surface of my skin. My vision was starting to fade. My eyes were feeling heavy. I was not going to let my body decide what's going to happen next. I need to get to them.

I finally reached my destination. Millions of stars decorated the sky brighten the night. The moon shone brightly over the cemetery. The trees sway as the breeze blows through them.

I opened the car door, stepping my foot onto the corner of the road groaning from the amount of pain I was feeling.

Just before the entrance of the gate were daisy flowers planted. I walked up to the plant and picked the two biggest, brightest ones for my girls.

I clutched my side as I slowly limped my way towards them.

My breathing was heavier, I winced from the pain and the amount of blood I have lost in the last past 3 hours.

There stood the gravestones fifteen feet away from me. A small smile made its way onto my face as I walked towards them. I was now standing in front of them.

I made my way between both of them just like how I was the last time, leaning onto naya's and looking at lia's.

I leaned my head back as I looked at the stars. They looked beautiful twinkling in the sky. The sky was blessed with two big stars both sitting next to each other. It looked like if it was representing lia and naya

"I did it baby," I whispered as I looked at the brightest star.

"I hope you're happy wherever you are. I hope lia's are happy too." I said with a small smile.

"I miss you" my voice croaked. Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at the two gravestones.

"I miss you so much" I cried, tightening my hands around the stem of the flowers.

I crawled my way to Lia's gravestone and sat next to her.

"I'm so sorry baby. You never got to see your first week of school, you never got to live through your childhood all because of me. I know I'm a horrible father, I never even got to spend enough time with you. You couldn't even see your mother before you went. Please forgive me" I cried out as I ran my hands on the gravestone.

I gently place Daisy next to her, letting the tears fall. "Please forgive me. I want you to know I will always love you." I whimpered

I slowly slipped away and made my way back to naya.

The ache in my stomach was starting to intensify. My shirt was covered in blood. There was blood all over the grass where I sat.

"Baby, you're probably angry with me" I whispered as I wiped my tears.

"And you have every right to be. I let you down. I couldn't protect her. . . I couldn't protect you. I made a promise to you and I failed to keep it. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I don't think I can't live without it" fresh set of tears streamed down my face as I sobbed

"I wanted to have a perfect family. I wanted us to be that perfect family. To spoil you and lia, take you out to movies, to the fair, have picnics. I wanted us to do everything other families do. I wanted to take you out on a date, give you surprises, give you my love, make you the happiest woman in this world." I whispered as I stared into nothing with a small smile on my face.

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