Chapter 29

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Neha pov

"P-please h-help me-me" her voice trembled from her mouth.

I walked slowly towards her as her body shivered from the cold, her dress torn, her skin marked with bruises.

I pity the little bird but what has to be done has to be done.

"Tsk tsk tsk," I said as I shook my head. "You must feel cold and hungry," I said mockingly

She nods as tears spilled out at the corner of her eye

"Aww, sweetheart don't cry, we aren't going to hurt you... Well not as yet at least" I scoffed quietly

" Mama is going to be mad at you for doing this," she says quietly with her raspy voice.

I chuckled at her before getting back to my resting bitch face

"Your mama is going to be dead when she gets here," I said coldly

Before I could say anything else the door opened and Mateo walked in.

A smug look etched onto his face as he looks down at Alia on the cold ground.

"Seems like you two had a wonderful reunion," he says, his lips tugging up into a smirk as he makes his way towards us. His hands wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into a kiss.

My hands buried deep into his hair while he let his other hand roamed my body. I forgot we had company until I heard a small whimper and he pulled away causing me to whine.

"Not now baby we need to continue with our plan after that I promise you won't be able to walk for days," he says leaning down to whisper the last part causing my face to redden.

"Now shall he begin," he said as he clapped his hand as he made his way towards a table filled with knives

"Who should we torture next," he said as an evil smirk made its way upon his face as he picked up a small knife.

Ace pov

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards my room locking the door behind us.

"So I left for a couple of hours just to come back to find you in the arms of another man" I shouted as the anger continued to rise

"Will you stop shouting" she yelled back

"Who cares if I'm in the arms other another man it's my life I will be with who I wanna be with, you can't make that decision for me," says screams as she pushed me

"I fucking care Anaya" I yelled harshly. I was completely sure the entire house was listening to us but I could care less.

"I always did," I whispered. I felt a familiar type of pain hit me. The one which I got accustomed to when I left her.

The sadness, the hurt, the numbness each one of them is coming back.

"If you did you would have never left," she says as a tear escapes her eye

"You would have never broken me" she yells as she slaps me in the chest

"You would've been there for lia... You would have been there for me" she cries as she whispers the last part

"Naya I had no choice but to leave you," I said quietly as I held her hand.

"Yes you did have a choice you had a choice to stay but you didn't " she yells at me

" If I wouldn't have left he would have killed you" I shouted

At that moment everything went quiet. She looked at me with confusion held in her eyes

"What?" She asks with tears in her eyes" what are you talking about?"

"The day I turned 18 was the day I became leader of the vipers. If I chose not to, my father would have killed you. I wasn't going to let anyone hurt you so the best decision was to let you go that way so the other mafias wouldn't know about you and tried to hunt you down."

"It was the best and worst decision I have ever made in my entire life. I thought it would protect you but I just made it worst" I sobbed as I buried my face in my hands

"I'm so sorry" I sobbed "I thought I was doing the right thing"

I felt her hands on mine as she removed them from my face. She looked at me with tears in her eyes

"I thought you left me because I wasn't enough," she said quietly

"Baby you're more than enough for me. You're my first love, you are the only one I care about. You mean everything to me and no one can change the way I feel about you baby no one" I said as I looked into her eyes.

She lifted her hand up to wipe my tears before locking eyes with me once again.

"Do you still love me?" She asks as she looked down

I lifted her chin up so she can look at me in my eyes

"I never stopped loving you," I said with a smile.

She smiles as her hand wrapped around my neck in a tight hug. These were the types of hugs I was yearning for. The types of hugs that make you want to stay here forever in her embrace.

I stared into those chocolate brown eyes before leaning down to kiss her soft lips. Those soft warm lips would make any man go crazy for her.

Her fingers ran through my hairs as she tugged on them making me groan in her mouth wanting more of her. My hands travel down to her lower back and down to her ass squeezing it earning a moan from her.

I continued to nibbled on her bottom lip while her hands roam freely through my hair until we were interrupted by gunshots echoing through my room.


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