Chapter 15

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         Anaya's POV

         Not even thirty minutes later multiple police cars made their way to the cafe. I looked outside the cafe to see Ace and Evan running towards the cafe along with the boys. The officers followed right after them.
            Ace burst through the door looking panic as his eyes scan the cafe for me. His eyes finally met my gaze with that he ran up to me and engulfed me with a hug. I was shocked I didn't even process what was going on.

              "Are you ok, did he hurt you?" ace said Panic as he scanned me for injuries. His eyes finally landed on my neck and his eyes widen
       "Fuck" he hissed
      "Someone get me a first aid kit" he yelled to workers in the cafe.
      Why is he doing this, didn't he just ignore me like a couple of hours ago. I couldn't even move my mouth to ask him why he doing this I was too surprised at his action.

    A worker rushed back into the room with a first aid kit and handed him.
         He gently placed the gotten to my wound as he wiped away the excess blood that was dripping. I hissed at the pain and he immediately removed his hand from the cut
           "Sorry" he muttered quietly and he continued to dress my wound. I just stood there watching him as he took his time to dress my wound.

           He had finished dressing my wound and I was still staring at him like an idiot.
          I hadn't noticed everyone was staring at us until Evan coughs and grabbed my attention.
       I quickly mumbled a thank you to ace and moved away from him not wanting to see his reaction and made my way to Evan

          "Thank God nothing serious happened to you," Evan said as he reached in and hugged me. I was surprised by his action I didn't even hug him back.

            What's with these guys and surprising me these days I wondered
     He realized what he did and quickly pulled away.
         "Sorry," he said with an awkward laugh as he scratched the back of his neck
       "It's ok," I said as I chuckled

       I looked back to ace to see he was back to his cold self.
      "Do you mind telling me what happened," Evan asked
       "I think it's better if we don't talk here," I said as I looked around to see the workers in the cafe still staring at me

         Evan nodded and we headed to his car.
     As I was walking I felt a hand gripped mine. I turned around to see it was Evan. He had a concerned looked on his face.

        "Is everything ok?" I asked and he nodded
      "Ace is riding with us is that ok with you," he asked
   As much as I don't wanna be next to ace I figured it was just a car ride nothing was going to go wrong.

             I sat in the back seat while Ace and Evan sat in the front
     "Is it ok if I play some music?" he asked and I nodded? He began to turn on the radio and a song that brought so many memories back started to play.

There goes my heart beating

Cause you are the reason

I'm losing my sleep

Please come back now

There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now

I climb every Mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh cause I need you
To see

That you are the reason

           I closed my eyes and let the memories take over.

   Don't forget to vote and comment. Enjoy the chapter🥰😘

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