Chapter 46

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Leo pov

1 day later

I hopped out of the shower and made my way into the bedroom. A black suit was laid neatly on the bed. I made my way towards grabbing some boxers.

I quickly put the clothes on before standing in front of the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I haven't been able to sleep, eat, or talk. I felt so weak, so numb, so tired.

I lost a brother. Someone who was stuck with me since childhood. My entire life I have known him and just like that he's gone forever.

Fresh tears pooled at the corners of my eyes threaten to fall.

I wiped my tears and pulled on the black jacket over the dress shirt.

I grabbed my sunglasses and phone from my table, looking at myself one last time before exiting from my room.

I made my way towards Al's room knocking twice on his door. He opens the door dressed in a black suit also. He already has his glasses on.

"You ready?" I asked. He simply replies with a nod and begins walking out of his room. I followed behind him as we made our way towards the car.

Everyone was in the cars behind us waiting for us to take the lead. Al got in the driver's seat while I made my way towards the passenger's seat. He started the engine and we began leaving the mansion.

I rolled the windows down to let the cool breeze blow against my skin. It somehow made me feel better. I watched as we passed the busy people heading towards their jobs.

As we were starting to get close to our destination I felt all the emotions coming back. All the sadness and hurt. They were all coming back. My eyes were starting to tear up so I quickly put in my glasses not wanting Al to see me in that state again.

As far as I know he's not handling this well. He's never one to show any emotions. He was closer to Ace so I see how he is just like him. They always try to hide and bottle up their emotions.

While I was the one who was the opposite. I was easily hurt and can not handle emotional pain.

We pulled up towards the entrance cemetery and parked the car. I got out of the car and waited for Al to do the same. He shut off the engine and got out before making his way towards the backseat of the car. He pulls three bouquets of roses which I didn't notice when I entered the car.

He gives me one before closing the door and heading into the cemetery. Everyone had walked up and was waiting for us.

We made our way towards the men dressed in black standing around a freshly dug hole next to lia and anaya.

We made our way towards Anaya placing the bouquet of roses I had next to her gravestone.

Al made his way towards Lia's gravestone placing the roses next to her.

We then made our way towards where the men stood. We stood and watched as they placed the urn with his ashes into the hole.

He too was cremated. They then began filling the hole with dirt and placing his tombstone.

I felt the tears forming behind my glasses. I watched as the men placed their flowers and said their last goodbyes while we stood there and waited for them to finish.

Everyone was leaving, making us the only two persons in the cemetery. I stood not too far from his gravestone with Al next to me.

None of us know what to say or what to say.

I slowly made my way closer to his grave and stooped down next to him.

"You're gone now. I hope you are happy where you are. I hope you are with lia and anaya. Most importantly I want you to know we will always love you and we will miss you. You've been there for me since we were children running and playing in your backyard. You've been my bother since then and I'll never forget you." I whispered my voice raspy from crying.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Al move from his spot. He was now stooped down next to me with the roses in his hand. He lifts his hand to pat my shoulder before turning to Ace's grave.

"We'll miss you, we'll always will. I hope you're doing good wherever you are and that you're happy" he whispers as he looks down at him.

"Till we meet again brother," Al says as he places the roses next to his gravestone. We both stood up and decided to head back to the car.

I turned around one last time. A small smile made its way to my face. Al seems to notice I have stopped and turned to look back to see I was looking at the graves.

"At least he's with them now," I said with a smile to Al. He responds with a small smile before looking towards them.

"He is," he said. We both turned around and made our way towards the car.

Some love stories are meant to end while some are meant to be forever. Even in the afterlife.

He never gave up on his love for her and neither did she. He sacrificed his love for her and his child showing them how much he truly loves them. He didn't have enough time when he was with them on earth to show them how much he loves them but he does now in heaven. After all, love conquers all.



Heyyyy. I can't believe this is the last chapter I want to cry. Thank you all for giving my book a read. It truly means a lot.

Please make sure to vote and comment and tell me if you enjoyed this chapter. It means a lot. Thank you all once again.🥰😘


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