Chapter 9

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We're were escorted to the chief office where the chief granted Ace permission to help with the investigation

"Now if you fail to bring these children home the court would not grant your trial and you would spend extra time in jail do you understand," the chief said

"Now I have I request," Ace said " if I do manage to pull off this investigation and bring those girls home safely I must be released from this prison with no target on my back," Ace said strictly

"Young man you are in no position to make requests," the chief said with a slight smirk on his face

This made Ace smirk and it wasn't I'm going to kill you smirk, it was I'm going to rip your balls off and feed them to you then kill you smirk and I kinda like it

"You do realize even if I'm behind bars I could still save my daughter and let all those other girls die. Think of this as a favor. Now we don't want those poor little girls to die do we" Ace said with an evil grinned etched onto his face

"So do we have a deal?" Ace asked with his hand stretch out for a handshake

"Fine we have a deal," the chief said with a scowl

"Now I expect the paperwork to be here as soon as possible until then let's begin" Ace boomed happily as she stood up from his seat

"Now I need my two friends who were with me to assist me in this job" Ace spoke loudly so the chief could hear "oh and by the way the same deal that applies to me applies to them," he said with a smirk as he looks at the chief

"Are you fucking crazy that is not going to happen?" the chief said getting angry at ace

"Remember old man either that of you spend days trying to find those little girls and by the time you do find them they'll be dead and my daughter would be home with her mother eating dinner so you decide," he said as hovered over the chief I didn't even notice he walked up to the chief

"Fine Mr. Giovanni if I hear either one of those girls is hurt you are going to regret it," the chief said as he stood up and left his office

"I can't believe I made him walk out of his own office," Ace said while a couple of officer and myself snickered at his words

"Ma'am you can go home now we'll take care of things from here," said the handsome officer I didn't even realize he was still here

I looked at Ace but he kept quiet "I'm not leaving this place I'm going with you too who knows they might come after me" I said hastily

"She's right we can't take that chance she needs to go with us" Ace explained

"And what do you expect her to do make us breakfast and paint her nails while we're out searching for her daughter said another officer who I don't know

If looks like it could kill. He'd be dead by now. " I bet your mother was doing the same when she made you" I replied getting annoyed t his presence

Apparently Ace is enjoying this little feud since he took a seat and was smiling like a fool.

"Don't underestimate the power of women, they can heal you yet break you into many pieces. Their way of fighting isn't just physical but emotional too. That's what makes them stronger than men." Ace said with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Just as the smile came it left from his face.

"Next time i suggest you think before you speak" he said before making his way out of the chair and leaving the room.

Hi, guys don't forget to vote and leave feedback. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the grammar mistakes. 🥰😘


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