Chapter 2

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After a few minutes of talking about random things, we decided to head home. I bid Neha goodbye and we parted our ways. I checked my time and it was almost time for Lia's school to be over. I got in my car and headed towards the school and waited for her. A couple of minutes later I heard the bell ring so I headed into the school to collect her.

As I entered the school I saw her holding a hand with her teacher. I saw my baby's tear-stained face and that was all it took for me to see red. I ran to her, as soon as she saw me she started to cry even harder

"What's wrong baby, why are you crying," I asked worriedly
She said nothing as she continued to cry on my shoulder as I hugged her
I look up to see the teacher looking at us
"What happened, why is my child crying," I asked as my anger starts to rise 

She seems to sense my anger and replied " Mrs. Malhotra I suggest we speak about this in private" she says as she looks around to see us in the hallway.

I nodded my head and replied "it's Ms. Malhotra by the way " I said as we walked towards a classroom
I sat in one of the chairs with Alia on my lap. "So what happened?" I asked
"Ms. Malhotra, some girls from her class started poking fun at her. Alia said the girl came up to her and started bullying her because she looked different from the rest of them. I spoke to the headteacher about this and she said she'll speak to the child's mother. I assure you we take matters like these seriously and we'll make sure it won't happen again to her or any other student."
       (Alia has blue eyes and is brown in complexion therefore resulting to her looking a bit different from the other children she's around.)

I looked at her in my arms as she continued to cry silently in my arms. I can't believe these children are bullying others at this age. I looked at the teacher and thanked her and left.

The car ride was silent since she fell asleep a couple of minutes after we left the school. I carried her up to the bed and decided to make some coffee for myself. I couldn't stop thinking about what she went through today. My baby is only four, why would another four-year-old bully her because she looked different. Does she hate herself because she looks different?

My mind was overflowed with thoughts that I hadn't noticed when lia walked down the stairs.
She rubbed her eyes as she walked into the kitchen. She looked up to reach my gaze and smiled. My heart instantly melts at her smile.

" baby come here, "I said as I opened my arms to hug her
 I pulled her up to a stool and stood in front of her
"Baby I want to talk to you about something important. I know you feel sad and upset about what happened in school today and I understand that. But baby I don't want you to hate yourself because of how you look. You are the most beautiful girl in this world, in fact you are my world. I want you to love yourself and don't worry about what other people think of you because at the end of the day you are the only one who is in control of your life" I said softly

"Mama please don't cry. I promise I will never hate myself because my mama is the most beautiful person and my best friend and she is the reason why I'm beautiful, that's why I love her," she said as she wiped away my tears and hugged me. I wrapped my hands around her not wanting to ever let go of my baby.
She pulled away from the hug and started to speak
"Mama can we have hot cocoa and watch tangle again," she said sweetly
"Sure baby" I replied as I kissed her forehead.

Hi guys it's me again😊. I hope you enjoyed this chapter also don't forget to vote and leave your feedback 🥰😘

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