Chapter 39

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2 days later

     I lifted the caskets onto my shoulder as I carried them outside to the car.

     Leo and Al have been by my side since I found out about naya.

  I made my way into the driver's seat while Al made his way to the passenger seat and Leo went in the backseat.

       It's just the three of us. I tried getting in contact with naya parents but they haven't spoken to nata since she found out about the baby and kept it.
    I continued to drive towards the cremation ground where lia and naya both will be cremated. 

    The drive was silent. We all grieved in our own way.

      My body felt numb from crying every day wishing they would wake up. My thoughts and guilt were eating me up every minute.

    I try to act calm about their death when I'm with the guys but deep down I'm dying slowly as the days go by. My heart aches every time I think about my girls.

       I wanted to marry naya, make her my wife, give her the life she deserves, show her the world, and give her my love. 

    I wanted to see Alia grow and become a teen. I wanted to be the father who would threaten their daughter's boyfriend. I wanted her to grow up and be a successful woman and walk her down the aisle. Seeing my daughter in her wedding dress for the first time.

     Me and naya growing old together, us sitting on the balcony in the evenings holding hands talking about the old days.

    Alia, bring our grandbabies for us to play with and me still threatening her husband.

    I just wanted to see their smiles every day of my life.

    But all that is gone because of me, because of Mateo.


      I continued to drive along the road as my mind drifted off to the distant memory of me and naya meeting for the first time.


   I hopped on my bike and headed towards hell. The only reason I go to school is because of my stupid father and my friends. Well mostly because of my friends.

    I saw Al and Leo, my best friends heading into the school compound from a distance.

     I sped up on my bike trying to reach them.

    Out of nowhere someone runs across the road causing me to dodge and fall with my bike onto the road.

    The bike pinned my leg down as it slid across the road getting the attention of everyone around me.

      "Are you fucking blind!" I shouted at the figure who fell to the ground.

    Her long black hair covered her face as she tries to get up.

    Some of the girls who saw me felt rushed to help me up.

       "Oh my God I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn't look, are you ok?" She rushed out with tears in her eyes about to cry.

    At that moment all I stared at was her beautiful chocolate eyes. Her red plump lip trembled as she spoke. Her brown complexion makes her skin glow in the sun. She is truly beautiful

    I was so caught up staring at her I didn't notice her tears streaming down her cheek as she helped get the bike off of me with the help of the other students. 

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