Chapter 10

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Ace's POV

       We had just come out of our cells and made our way to the cafeteria. If Gordon Ramsay was here to taste the food they serve he'll slap their asses back into their father's balls but beggars can't be choosers. 

       Leo and Al joined me at the table. We have been friends since we were in high school and they work with us which is why we're all there. Let's just say shipping went wrong and it landed us in prison for a couple of years.

      I'm the leader of the Vipers, the Italian mafia. We are the highest ranked of dangerous mafias out there. Second, is the "MM" also known as the m&ms lol jk they are the Spanish mafia.

       "So did you hear six little girls went missing in one night," Leo said as he ate his mash potatoes which looked like vomit being served on a plastic plate

         "What, when did that happen," I asked curiously

      "Last night, also a car got into an accident just before the highway one girl survived the other didn't," he said "I heard one of the officers talk about it in the halls the girl that survived for the crash, he daughter was taken too," he said pushed aways his food

       "That food taste like shit," Leo said and we all chuckled 

      "Why don't have a feeling the MM's had something to do with this cause there is no way that's a coincidence" ace said 

           Just as Al was going to say something the door opened and an officer walked in. He scanned his eyes over the cafeteria and his eyes landed on our table. He made his way towards our table

        "Ace what did you do" Leo whispered harshly 

     "I didn't do anything so don't look at me" I defended 

      "Well he's not coming over here to wish us a good day " Al muttered 

         "Mr. Giovanni you have a visitor, please make yourself presentable she will be here in a moment," the officer said and left


         I didn't even have time to process what he said before Al and Leo bombarding me with questions

       "YOU HAVE A VISITOR! that's not fair" Leo shout then started to whine

       " boy if you don't shut up and behave like a man" I whispered harshly 

      "Hey I am a man all the girls want me they call me the dark prince of Brooklyn," he said with a smirk

      "No one cares," Al said looking annoyed at Leo

    "But for real though, who do you think it is?" he asks me 

      " I have no idea I already told my men if I get caught not to visit me in prison plus I have no one else, " ace said looking confused 

      "Wel- " Al barely got to say before the door opened 

      For a minute I felt everything stopped. Everyone stopped talking even Leo and who is known for babbling a lot


           We all looked towards the door to see a small petite Indian woman. That's when it hit me. I felt all the walls that I built to hide from the world came crashing down.


      There she stood still looking beautiful as ever with her long black hair, those chocolate brown eyes, and those rosy pink lips. God I missed her more than you'll ever know

       "Holy fuck" I heard the two boys said I didn't even reply to them I just kept staring at her


         She scanned her eyes around the cafeteria until it finally landed on me. We kept staring at each other, neither of us breaking eye contact. For the first time, I'm scared, scared of talking to her 


       I can't look scared in front of her I need to show her I haven't changed since the day I left

        She walked towards me and took a seat. Neither one of us spoke we must stare at each other while the people around us start to gossip


      I motioned a sign to the boys to leave. We just kept staring at each other so I decided to break the silence. 


    "Are you going to talk or are you just going to sit there and stare at me?" I asked in an intimidating voice

        "You have a daughter," she mumbled quietly as if she didn't want me to hear. That was certainly not what I expected to hear.

     Hi, guys don't forget to vote and leave feedback. I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes. I'll try to upload at least two chapters a day😊. Hope you enjoy this chapter🥰😘


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