Chapter 16

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"Ace I'm going to fall," I said since the blindfolded let me see nothing but darkness. The dried leaves crushed under my feet made me scared. 

"Ace I'm scared," I whined 

"Baby I'm right here nothing is going to happen to you," he said as he clutched my hand and continued to guide me.

"Where are we going," I asked annoyed he won't tell me

"It's surprised you have to be patient," he said with a chuckle 

"I hate surprises" I muttered

"No, you just hate not knowing what the surprises are about," he said with a little laugh at the end 

"Are we there yet?" I asked excitedly 

"Almost baby give me your hand," he said

I raised my hand and felt him grip my hand as he pulled me up 

"Ok now walk up a bit," he said still held onto my hand

I felt his presence behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist while my back hit his rock-hard chest. 

"I love you" he whispered into my ear as he trailed hot kisses down my neck. I tilted my head more to give him access and he gladly took it. 

"You brought me all the way here to kiss me," I asked slightly disappointed

"Of course not I just wanted to tease you a little bit," he said teasingly 

"You ready to see your surprise," he said

"Hell yes " I shouted and he chuckles at my childishness 

      He stood behind me and slowly started to open the knot of the blindfold.

     I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my entire life.
         There I stood not too far from a breathtaking lake. The water glitters as the moon reflects off of it. Not too far from the lake was a small campfire already lit.

"Baby this is the most beautiful place I've ever been," I said as I turned to hug him. As soon as I let go of him I shiver from the cold wind. 

      He seems to notice and he took off his hoodie and handed it to me

      "Here put this on," he said

     He was only left wearing his t-shirt. 

     "But you'll feel cold," I said to him with a frown 

           "I will but I'm willing to sacrifice myself to the cold for you. That's how much I love you" he said cheekily 

     I whacked him in the head and ran up to the campfire. 

         He catches up to me and tickles me to the ground 

         "S-stop I c-c-can't brea- breathe " I laugh between my breath

         He finally stops and waits till I catch my breath. He leaned down and started to kiss me. I ran my hands through the back of his hair causing him to let out a moan as he continued to kiss me

           His tongue brushed against my bottom lip asking for permission to enter which I gladly granted. His tongue fought for dominance over mine which I gave in and let him win. 

     All of a sudden he decides to break into a kiss causing me to whine

          "Stop whining like a baby and come on," he said as he got up. He stretches his hand out and I gladly take it.

        He then pulled out his phone and begin doing something

         "What are you doing?" I asked curiously and received no answer.

          Seconds later "you are the reason" by Calum Scott starts to play

      "Ace," I said more like a question 

         "Dance with me," he said with a beautiful smile.

     "Ace you know I can't dance," I said shyly

       "Yes you can come on," he said as he put my arms around his neck, his hands hanging loosely around my waist. We continued to dance in the moonlight together hoping this night would never end.


     My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone. It was Evans's phone. He muttered a sorry and picked up his phone.

        I hadn't noticed tears were running down my cheek until I felt a droplet landed on my hand. I tried to wipe my tears as fast as I could so no one wouldn't notice I was crying but I was too late.

       Ace was already watching me through the rearview mirror. I looked at him for a moment before tearing my gaze away and looked out the window.

  Enjoy the chapter😊. Don't forget to vote and comments🥰😘


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