Chapter 7

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They couldn't find Neha's body in the car which meant it was burnt to ashes. Her mother broke down to the news of her daughter's death. She has no one left but me. I still feel responsible for her death and will always be.

        A few days after the accident we did a small funeral for her. I walked out of Neha's home where the funeral was kept. I couldn't help but break down. 

         "I'm sorry neha I'm so so sorry," I said as I cried 

      It was around midday when I headed to meet the person who can help me find lia back

        "Miss what are you doing here, we told you we'll inform you as soon as we find any information about your daughter," the officer said 

         "I know someone who can help find my daughter as well as those other girls," I said quietly since my voice was raspy due to all the screaming and crying

        " and who may that be," the officer asked as he studied me

      I hesitated to say his name 

  "Ace Giovanni," I said the officer looked at me with his eyes widen 

        "I'm sorry ma'am I know you want your child back but we cannot bring the mafia into this," the officer said clearly scared 

       "I suggest you leave and we'll contact you if we find anything about your daughter," he said and he turned around to leave 

        "That's his daughter," I shouted. The officer stopped in his tracks as he turned around to look at me. 

    "I don't believe you," said the officer 

       "Just let me talk to Ace please and you'll see" I pleaded with the officer. He looked at me as if he was deciding whether or not to he'll let me talk to him

     "Give me a minute," he said and he left 

        I sat in one of the chairs and waited for him to return. A couple of minutes later he returned with another officer a little bit older than I am. He was good looking I could tell you that. He was about 6ft with brown eyes and black hair.

           "Miss Malhotra," he asks as if there is any other Indian in this station who would answer yes. I just shut up and nodded 

        "I was just told that you said Ace Giovanni is the father of Alia Angela Giovanni," he said seriously dude you couldn't tell by the last name. What has gone into me I need to stop 

       "Couldn't you tell by the last name" I blurted out fuck Anaya you need to shut up

         "Look, I need to talk with Ace. He's the only one who can get Lia and the girls back safely. Please let me talk to him". I pleaded

       " You do realize Ace is with the mafia. You could get hurt if I let you into that prison. I cannot let you two into a room alone because for all I know you could be planning to get him out of here," he said

               "Are you sure you want to enter that a prison filled with serial killers, murders, thieve- " I cut him off

        "Listen, my daughter, as well as five other girls, are kidnap and probably kept in some place scared as hell for their lives I don't have time to chit chat with you just send me in there with a police officer so those children could return home safe" I shouted I was furious at this point

        "Miss Malhotra calm down you'll talk to him right now they're having lunch and the cafeteria is full. Are you still wanna talk to him?" he asks once again at this point I wanted to hit him he senses my anger and told the officer to notify Ace he has a visitor 

         A couple of minutes later the officer came out back and told me to go in. I can't believe I'm seeing him for the first time in four years. After four years he is going to find out he has a daughter. I'm scared to see his reaction. Would he even help me if he doesn't believes he has a daughter? I can't let him see me being weak. 

           I stood in front of the door to the cafeteria. On the other side of this door is someone different, not the Ace I once knew, not the ace who loved me and promised me the world. It was a cold-hearted selfish bastard. 

           The door opened. I looked around to see if I could spot him. I felt a pair of eyes burning into me. I looked towards the center of the cafeteria and spotted him already staring at me.

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