Chapter 14

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Anaya's POV

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" I shouted at him

"Oh sweetheart I don't want anything from you all I want is to see your little boyfriend beg for his life" he chuckled evilly

"Ace is not my boyfriend," I said as I looked at him

"Who said I was talking about Ace," he said with a grin God knows how much I wanted to slap that grin off his face 

I decided to change the topic not wanting to talk about Ace

" where's my daughter," I asked timidly 

"Ahh she is a gem," he said as he walked further into my room

"What did you do to her Mateo!?" I raised my voice

He looked at me like a lion ready to pounce on its prey. 

He walked up to me and pulled a knife out of the blue and placed it onto my neck

"Lower your tone when you speak to me do you understand" he whispered into my ear as he continued to put pressure onto the knife. I could feel blood trickling down my neck.

"Good girl now shut up and follow and if you try to scream all I have to do is to pull this knife across your neck so you decide ok," he said as he spun me around and my back is now touching his chest.

"Now walk" he ordered. I began to walk slowly out of my room. I was now in the hall of my house walking with him holding a knife at my neck. Even if I tried to run he'd pull the knife. 

I needed to get away from him, I thought to myself. We were now headed downstairs. As we reached the last step I saw some flowers in a vase sitting on a small table to my left. We need to pass there to get to the door. I need to distract him so I can get hold of the vase to hit him with.

"Why can't you just let go of the children and take me instead" I mumbled as we continue to walk
close to the vase

"Sweetheart as much as I want you, you would be useless to me, your child is what matters," he said as he tightened the knife around my neck. 

" As for those other girls they are baits we'll send each one of their lifeless body to Ace, in that way he'll show up to make sure his daughter won't end up like them," he said with a chuckle 

"You're sick," I said with disgust laced into my voice

" I know sweetheart I know," he said with a grin

At this point, we were right in front of the vase. I used all my strength and bend his hand that held the knife downwards and I grabbed the vase and hit him in his head

"You fucking bitch" he shouted as he clutched his head in pain and stumbles backward 

I didn't wait for him to get back up. I bolted through the front door and ran like my life depended on it because it does. 

"Running won't get you anywhere" he shouted holy fuck he's behind me. I didn't look back, I just kept running, trying to get as far away as possible from him.

I was bolting through streets and alleys trying to get away from him. I finally stopped in front of a small cafe that was open so I decided to enter. I was a panting mess as I looked for a place to sit where I could be out of sight. All the workers stopped to stare at me which made me realize I was only in shorts and a t-shirt ruining the streets barefooted. I went up to a female who worked and asked her if I could use her phone in an emergency to which she nodded yes.

It's a good thing I memorized Evan's number. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. I kept looking out through the cafe glass to make sure Mateo wasn't coming.

Evan finally decides to answer.

"Hello, this is officer Williams speaking." He exhausted through the phone

"Evan it's me he's after me I'm at a cafe called Maria's cafe" I spoke quickly almost out of breath

"Ok I know where that is I'll be there in a second, stay there," he said and hangup 

Now I just needed to wait for him to reach here in time.

     Not the best I know. Promise a surprise is coming in the future 😏 make sure to vote and leave a comment 🥰😘



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