chapter 33

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"P-please don't h-hurt me" she jerks back in fear crying. It's her, she's right in front of me. " shhh don't cry, I'm not going to hurt you" I said softly trying my best not to scare her

She looks at me in fear, tears pooled in her eyes as she scoots further into the dark. Those empty blue eyes looked at me with fear. What have they done to her?

" Who are you?" she whispers. Her voice cracks from the dryness in her throat. I looked at my girl hoping if I tell her the truth she'll believe me. "I'm your father angel," I said to her with a small smile. I could feel the tears starting to rush in. "I'm here for you, I'm here to take you home to your mama. She misses you a lot.''
Tears flowed out at the corner of my eyes as I looked at her scared and in pain.

"Is she here?" she asked with a sudden panic. "I want to see mama" she started sobbing once again.

"Don't worry angel I promise you you'll see her but right now we need to get you out of here ok

   I stretched my hand out towards her but she flinches at my movement.

I felt my anger rise to see her in this situation. How could they do this to a four-year-old? Fucking four-year-old, she is just a child. My baby is scared and in pain. she does not deserve this. I looked back at my angel seeing fresh tears pooled in her eyes as she shivers from the cold room.

" Don't cry, I won't hurt you, I promise" I said to her with a smile. My eyes glisten with tears as I took a moment to look at my daughter once again. Her skin was filled with bruises, blood, and cuts everything. I wish I had found you sooner so you wouldn't have to be going through so much pain.

"You need to come with me so we can get you out of here princess," I said softly to her. I reached my hand out for her to take but she just stared at me.

"Trust me," I said quietly to her. She started at the ground for a moment deciding if she wanted to go with me.
"Are you really my father?" she asked quietly. I looked at her in shock. I didn't think she'll want to talk to me since she didn't truth me. I looked into her small eyes to see there was hope. Hope for her and me. I silently nodded with a smile as my eyes pooled with tears. I watched her place her tiny hand into mine.

She looks at me with a small smile making my heart melt. Even in the condition that she is in right now, she looked beautiful smiling. I made my way close towards her to help her stand up but she just collapsed straight into my arms.

"My feet hurt," she cries into my hoodie. I pulled her torn pajama pants up a bit to check her feet. Her ankles were bruised and swollen it's sprained. "it's ok don't cry " I said as I stroked her hair. "Daddy's going to carry you ok but you need to be quiet," I said to her as I looked at her wiping her tears as she nodded.

I let her sit on the floor while I took off my hoodie to put on her. I gently put the hoodie on her making sure not to hurt her. " Are you still feeling cold, princess? '' I asked her before she gave me a nod in return. I smile at my girl before picking her up into my arm. Her hand wrapped around my neck tightly while her head rested on my shoulder. Her legs wrapped around me tightly as if she's scared I'm going to let go of her. For the first time I'm holding my daughter and it's not in the delivery room.

I'm so angry I left my family. I wished I could go back in time and change the past but I can't. But what I can do is try to make a better future for us. I walked towards the door before stopping to listen for movements outside. When I heard nothing I slowly opened the door and made my way out.

I need to find Leo and the other girls. He needs to know what is going on with Mateo and his gang and especially about neha. I held onto Alia tightly as I walked into the halls.

That's when I heard a noise coming from a room to my left. I slowly made my way closer to the room to listen for any voices but I heard nothing, just movements. Alia's grip tightened alerting she heard the noise too. "Don't be afraid I'm not going to let anyone hurt you" I reassure her as I gently rubbed her back

Just as I was about to turn away from the door there was a frustrated shout that came from behind the door. A shout I was too familiar hearing. It was Leo. A great relief washed over me hearing his voice. I quickly made my way into the room making sure to be quiet.

"Who's there, show yourself asshole?" he shouted as I made my way into the darkroom. "Chiudi quella cazzo di bocca sono io"( shut the fuck up it's me) I whispered harshly at Leo.

He looked at me shocked as I made my way closer with my little girl in my arms. "Angel, sit here while I untie your uncle," I said quietly to her. She nodded and I placed her onto the floor since there is no chair in the room.

"Uncle?" Leo asked, confused and still shocked to see her in my arms. I quickly untied his ropes and watched him make his way towards lia. He stoops down to her level before looking at me "is this her?" he asks as he looks at her with a small smile and I nodded." Anaya was right, she does look like you" he said with a small smile.

" You know my mama?" Alia asked, confused but with a small smile. He smiles at her before telling her we were all friends in high school.

He then stood up before saying we should get out of here. " We need to find the other girls first," I said and he nodded. We made our way towards the door before exiting the room with Alia in my arms.

"Wait, I need to tell you something first," I said. I told him everything about what Mateo said to me and I told him about neha. I spoke in Italian not wanting Alia to hear about Anaya being shot. You could see the hurt in his eye as I told him about neha.

All of a sudden his face changed from a hurt expression to an angry one. "she messed with the wrong family" I heard him say quietly as he stared in nothing. "Let's go look for the girls," he said as he made his way towards the door.

"What language were you speaking to daddy?" Alia asked quietly as she looked at me. Just hearing her call me her daddy makes my heart melt. "It's Italian princess," I said to her with a smile.

We continued to search for the girls in the other rooms but we didn't find any of them.
   "Check-in that room daddy" she whispered as she pointed towards a door further down the hall.

I nodded and we made our way down in the hall towards the room.
Leo slowly pushed the door open and entered the darkroom.

We made our way further into the room just before Alia tapped me on the cheek and pointed to the back of the room. There laid four girls snuggled up together sleeping. Their skin was no different from Alia's, marked with bruises. The only thing was that Alia had more.

We made our way towards the girls and gently tapped their shoulders. They jumped in fear as they saw us. One of them almost screamed but Leo put his hands over her mouth before she could.

"We're not going to hurt you don't be scared," he says softly. The girls calmed down a bit but some were still scared. "We're going to get you out of here, " he said with a small smile. Smiles were now upon their faces knowing they were going to be safe.

They quickly got up and Leo told them what was going to happen. He is always good with children so I let him take over while I stood in the corner with Alia in my arms. The girls quickly understood what was going to happen now we just need to get the hell out of here.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the grammar mistakes. Don't forget to vote and comment. 🥰😘 -DeviXO🥰😘

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