Chapter 5

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    We entered the club to see people grinding on each other on the dance floor. Neha pull me to the bar where we ordered some drinks "listen" she said "I want you to let loose and enjoy yourself just for tonight, forget about all your worries and trouble and have fun ok" she said 

Easier said than done when you have a kid I thought to myself 

"Let's go dance," she said she

pulled me towards the dance floor

Love talk by WayV starts to play as I move my hips towards the song. I felt a hand slide around my waist. I turned back to see a handsome man behind me. 

He must be a famous person by the way he was dressed. He was dressed in a black suit while his tie was loose. He had a lot of tattoos and eyebrow piercings. He looked at me with a smile. I returned the one and continued to dance while his hands were around my waist.

"What's your name sweetheart," he whispered with a Spanish accent in my ears 

"Anaya," I said quietly wondering if he heard "what's yours," I asked

"Mateo Morales," he said, his voice sending chills down my spine. He had a familiar name as if I heard it before 

"Let me buy you a drink," he said and I nodded we headed to the bar I look back to see if I can spot Neha she was dancing with a guy on the dance floor. 

"I see your friend is enjoying her night and so is my friend there," he said as looked over to where Neha was

"Is he your friend?" I asked and he nodded. He handed me my drink and I notice his ring had the initials "MM" that's when I realized he must be the owner of this club

"So Anaya why do I have a feeling I know you from somewhere," he said as he looked at me trying to figure out where he saw me before

"What can I say this is a small world we could have run into each other somewhere," I said that's when it hit me, his name I knew where I heard it before 


I was currently wrapped in an ace's blanket as I waited for him to finish taking a shower so we could have our movie night. I was staying over at his place for the night which my parents agreed after much begging. He entered the room in his towel hanging dangerously low as if he wanted to tease me. Water was dripping from his hair down to his toned abs chest down to his abs. 

Just as he looked at me his phone rang he walked towards me planted a kiss on my lips and answered his phone

"What do you want," he asked through his teeth 

I couldn't hear what he was talking about him but he said the name "Mateo Morales" and he left the room. He came back a couple of minutes later and I asked who he was. He had already put his clothes on and he laid next to me 

"He's the leader of the Spanish mafia. There are called the " MM" he said

"Like m&ms," I said with a smile and he chuckled 

"Come here babe," he said as I sat on his lap and we made out


My thoughts were interrupted by the call of my name

"Anaya" "I have been calling for you for the past two minutes," he said "you seemed to be deep in your thoughts," he said as he looked at me concerned

I needed to get away from him I needed to get away from here

"I'm sorry I need to go," I said and got up and rush to get Neha

I looked around the club to spot Neha talking to Mateo's friend. I ran towards her and grabbed her arms "I'm sorry but we need to go" I said to her 

"Wait why," she asked 

"I'll explain later we need to go now," I said wanting to get out of this place 

"I turned around to see Mateo looking at me. An evil smirk etched onto his face. Shit he knows, he knows who I am 

I felt as if I'm going to faint we ran from the club and into the car 

I knew something bad was going to happen tonight. If he knows about me that means he knows about lia. No no, I can't let anything happen to her I thought to myself I will never forgive myself something does happen to her 

" what going on? why do you look scared? You're scaring me" I heard neha said scared also

" the guy I was dancing with is the leader of the Spanish mafia and he knows who I am we're in danger neha especially lia," I said 

        Hey, guys don't forget to vote and leave your feedback. Hope you enjoyed the chapter🥰😘


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