Chapter 27

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    Al's pov

         "What's going on in here?" I asked, my anger starting to rise. 

   I entered the kitchen to find Williams's hand wrapped around Anaya's waist. 

     Does this man have a fucking death wish or something?

     I quickly walked up to them, shoving Williams's hand off of her.

    If Ace finds out Williams had his filthy hands around his girl he is going to murder him right in front of her.

        "What the fuck do you think you're doing" I yelled at him. My fist clenched ready to beat the shit out of him.

       "I didn't know it was a crime to hug someone," he said blankly, not giving a shit about me ready to beat his ass. This just makes my anger rise more and more

          "Al stop it, it was just a hug" anaya interrupted 

     I scoff as I look at her "it sure does seem more than a hug" I said I stare at Williams.

      "Ih shut the fuck up, who are you to judge who she gets to hug and who she doesn't," he said boldly as he walks and stood in front of me

      Ahhh, it seems like the little officer finally got some balls to stand up to me.


        "I suggest you kindly walk out of this room so we can continue our conversation because from what I can see this doesn't involve you" he stated his eyes held anger but that's not all. A flick of fear peeped through his shield of words and that gave me a chance to invade. 

       "You see that's where you're wrong," I said with a smirk as I circled him 

     "Fuck this is not good" I heard anaya mutter from the corner of the room which made me smirk harder. 

        "This does concern me, it always does, especially when it concerns her," I said with a grin as he gulped in fear, assuming we didn't notice it.

        " You are so lucky Ace isn't here right now, otherwise he would have beaten your ass the moment he saw you two." I am smirking. 

     "I told you it was just a hug to stop trying to make it a big deal," Anaya says, frustrated.


        "Naya stop, you don't have to explain yourself to him," Williams said with a stern face. 

     Please tell me my ears were glitching a moment ago. He did not just call her naya. Ace is going to shred his balls. 


         "Ohh you don't know-" I was cut off by a loud voice entering the kitchen. 


         "Why are you people making so much noise," Ace asked coldly. 

     At the corner of my eyes, I see Williams shiver in fear but he covers it quickly.


       His eyes trail to Anaya, then to me and then to Williams. His stare could kill a man. Trust me, I've been best friends with him for a long time. I've seen it.

        "So are any of you going to speak or are we just going to look at each other," he says, eyes still on anaya. He is already not in a good mood to imagine if he finds out about these too.

      This man is possessive as fuck especially when it comes to anaya. 

     Trust me, I know one time back in high school when they were dating and they got into an argument. Leo offered to hang out with her so they could talk and my God did that not be well.

       Let's just say Leo had to spend a night at home with an ice pack and a black and blued eye.


        He still has feelings for her he always has but when you're an asshole like him you tend to ignore those feelings.

         "Yes anaya why don't you tell him what was going on in here," I asked her innocently with a smirk


          "I don't need to tell him anything that doesn't concern him" she snarls. Looks like they argued this morning. No wonder Ace left early this morning.

      "Fine, I'll speak on behalf of you both" I grin knowing Williams is going to shit himself in a few moments. I turned to Ace and began my story

       "So I was strolling around the house so I decided to enter the kitchen and upon entering the kitchen guess what i found, I found Williams here with his hands wrapped around you girl's waist. Not going to lie, they looked pretty comfortable. Not to mention he called your girl naya"

          If you haven't know Ace for a long time you would've thought he looked calm but his eyes they always tell what he's feeling. His fist clenched tightly together ready to beat the shit out of Williams. 

         He looked at Anaya, fear in her eyes. She's not scared for herself but Williams.


       " Ace, listen to me," she said quietly as she made her way towards him.


       He ignored her and walked towards Williams punching him straight in the face. I think I heard something crack.

     Anaya kept shouting for him to stop while he kept punching one after the other. I quickly rush up to him to stop him in case he does something he'll regret.

      "Ace that's enough," I said as I pulled him away from Williams who was about to pass out.

       His knuckles were damaged blood from him and Williams we're on the floor.


      He was trembling from the rage he felt.

     He looked at Anaya one more time as the tears poured out of her eyes before walking up to Williams.

     He grabbed his shirt and lifted him so he could look him in his eyes.

        "Touch my girl one more time and it's going to be the last time you see sunlight." He snarls 

    " and if I ever hear you call her naya trust me you are going to regret it" he growls as he shoves him back to the ground.


     He turned towards Anaya before strolling towards her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards his room leaving me to deal with the bastard laying on the floor. 


         I looked at him before saying " you better clean up your mess before dinner" I said and I motioned to the blood on the floor before walking out of the kitchen.

      What a lovely day today has been. 



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