Chapter 13

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Anaya's POV

He left me there alone crying all over again. Why does this always happen to me? Why me God? Why me? I thought as I cried even more. 

" No, I can't be weak not right now. I came here to find lia not to mend my relationship with him. I have to be strong if he can be a cold-hearted bitch I can be one too. I have been to hell and back because of him and it won't happen again" I said to myself as I got up

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and took deep breaths "focus on finding lia Anaya she's the reason why you're here" I said to myself 

Just as I was about to open the door someone opened it from the outside 

"Hey, I guess you two solved your problems," Evan said with a smile 

"Yes we did" I replied and forced a smile 

"So have you found a place we could stay," I ask him, he looked at me and raised his brow with a sheepish smile "we huh," he said with a grin as he sat on the edge of his table with his arms folded

I could feel my face heat up at his comment. 

"That's no- I- I mean" I stuttered to find the right words 

"I know what you meant Anaya. I was just teasing you," he said with a chuckle. At this point, I was full-on blushing like a madwoman. I probably look like a fucking tomato in front of him I thought I could feel my face heating up even more

"No sweetheart I haven't found a place yet I've spoken to the chief he said you can go home we'll send two officers to watch over you to make sure nothing happens to you," he said as he looked at me with a smile. 

Oh my God, this man called me sweetheart lord help me. I felt like a high school girl who just got her first kiss. I need to get out of here before I embarrass myself.

" ok then I guess I will leave now," I said as I avoided eyes contact and made my way to the door

"Wait," he said just as I was at the door "here" he handed me his card with his phone number

"Call me if you need anything or if anything goes wrong ok," he said 

"Ok I will," I said with a smile

"Good night Anaya," he said quietly "Good night Evan" I replied and left. 

As I was headed out of the station an older officer around his late fifties came up to me 

"Ms. The chief sent me to take you 
home," he said with a smile

I nodded my head and we left. As I made my way to the door I saw Ace sitting on a chair in the corner of the station by himself. Just as he looked up to see me I glanced away from his staring pretending as if I didn't see him.

I was standing in front of my home, scared to enter wondering if I'll find lia's body like how I found the babysitter's body. 

I slowly made my way towards my house. This was not my home anymore. I turned the knob and entered, I tried not to look into the living room. I headed upstairs and packed some of my clothes.

I couldn't eat anything So I took a shower and headed to bed. Just before I laid on my bed I looked out the window to make sure the officers were there and they were.

I headed to bed and laid there for a while. I wondered if Lia had had anything to eat. She must be so scared I thought to myself.

"Lord please don't let anything happen to her please," I said as a tear ran down my cheek. 

I jolted up from my sleep to a noise. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep. 

I heard the noise again. It came from the kitchen. There is no way I'm going downstairs to visit my unwanted guest.

I tiptoed to my window making the sure not to make any noise. I pulled my curtains a bit so I could see the officers and get their attention.

As I looked through my windows I saw a sight that I will never forget. The two officers laid lifelessly in their car.

I hadn't noticed someone was trying to open my bedroom door until I heard the knob jiggling. At this point I was terrified. I had nothing to defend myself with.

I grabbed the lamp off my nightstand ready to throw at whoever enters through my door.

The knob stopped moving. I waited for a couple of seconds and I heard nothing. Maybe the left I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way towards the door just as I stretched my arms to turn the knob. The door kicked open and I dropped the lamp. 

"Nice to see you again cupcake," he said with an evil smile etched onto his face

Hello there again I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment🥰😘


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