Chapter 35

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           " Seems like you two had a wonderful family reunion," he says standing at the top of the stairs. Talk about a dramatic entrance. In the blink of an eye, his men surrounded us. My hands tighten around Alia while she wraps her hands around my neck tightly.

       " I'm not even angry your friend escaped with those brats they were becoming a pain in the ass," he says as he shakes his head scoffing. I looked at him in disgust. How can someone do that to innocent children?

          " And by the time he comes back to save your asses you'll be dead" he smirks at me.                              "I highly doubt that," I said calmly but inside I was scared. Not scared of my death but Alia. She doesn't deserve any of this.

        He bursts out laughing as if I told him a joke. "You know we almost had the chance to kill your girlfriend" he looks at me grinning. My fist clenched at the thought of him hurting naya. 

    "If it wasn't for your stupid friend she would be dead by now. But don't worry after I kill you two I'll kill her so the three can be reunited and be the happy family you were supposed to be" he says smirking. 

         Before I could say something, someone unwanted decided to grace us with her unwanted presence. "Long time no see," she says as she makes her way towards Mateo kissing him. I looked at her in hatred. I wanted to hurt her so bad.

        "She helped the mean man to hurt me, daddy," Alia whispers in my ears quietly, not wanting them to hear. That made my anger boil. I'm going to make her wish she was dead and this time she's going to stay dead.

         She turns to face me before speaking. "I met Al today while trying to kill Anaya," she says happily as if that's something to be happy about. " to say he was excited to see me would be lying but at least we met after a long time," she says beaming with joy.

      "You disgust me," I hissed at her. I looked at her in her eyes seeing a flash of hurt visible but she quickly blinked it away and started to grin at me. She turns her gaze to matao smiling evilly at him. With a snap of his fingers, his men quickly made their way towards me trying to separate Alia and me. 

        I tightened my hands around her as they tried to pull her away. She clung to my neck not wanting to let go and I will not let her. After a couple of minutes of trying to pull us apart, they stopped. 

     "Are you o-" I barely got to ask her before someone hit me in kneecaps causing me to fall to the ground. I looked to my left to see one of his men with a metal pipe. Another one of his men tried to grab Alia but I kept my arms tight around her. 

      "Well this is interesting," Mateo said, smirking at us. He signals the man to continue. His men circled me before I receiving another blow towards my back causing me to groan in pain. I fell flat onto the ground with Alia in my arms. He then continued to hit me in my back while the other one was trying to rip alia out of my arms. Sensing I wasn't going to let go of her, they stopped and looked at their boss. My eyes were on Alia checking if she's ok. Her tears stained her face as more continued to fall. I placed my hand at the back of her head while the other one gripped her back.

     I received another blow to my shoulder causing me to hiss at the pain. I noticed the man was circling me for a couple of seconds before he lifted the pipe towards alia. He lowered the pipe with a force but my hand gripped it before it touched her. My fingers tightened around the pipe as he kept trying to pull it out from my grip.

     I pulled the pipe with a force causing him to stumble forward. I lifted the pipe and smashed it across his head causing him to fall laying on the ground lifelessly. The other men came rushing at me while some pulled out their guns. 

    I stood up quickly with Alia still in my arms. I lifted the pipe smashing it against the dude's head since he ran up to me first. I grabbed his gun and shield myself behind the sofa as the rest of the men kept shooting. Some of them were protecting Mateo and Neha as they tried to make their way upstairs. I cranked the gun and aimed it towards neha and pulled the trigger. 

      I watched as the bullet hit her in the middle of her forehead. Her blood started to pour out while Mateo stood there in shock as he stared at her.

      He takes a while to process what was happening before her body fell into his arms. I had no time to watch them so I kept shooting at his men who were shooting at us. I watched as the bullet went through the man's chest. I kept aiming at the men in front of me before I knew it my gun was empty.
  I kept alia behind me while I try to look for another gun. She had her eyes closed and her hands covering her ears. Every shot that went off she jumped at the sound.

        I looked in front of me to see the dead man's gun next to him. I quickly grabbed the gun and aimed for the men's heads since that was the quickest way to kill them. In a couple of minutes, there were dead bodies everywhere. Mateo was nowhere in sight. I quickly remembered Alia and yelled for her. She stood up quietly behind the couch and walked slowly towards me causing me to sigh in relief.

        Before I knew it I heard the faint movement of a car pulling up. I turned my head towards the door but I saw nothing. That's when I heard a gun go off not once but twice. I felt my body freeze in fear. I looked at my body and saw no gunshot wounds. That's when I realized alia.

     I turned towards her to see her looking at me. Her body stood in one place before she looked down. I heard the car take off at speed. I watched the blood pour onto my hoodie and some were already on the floor. She looked at me with tears in her eyes before falling onto the floor trembling.



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