Chapter 43

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    "Finally you made it" he announced

    He sat behind his desk with his feet on the table, his cigarette lit between his fingers as he continued to look at his phone, not meeting my gaze.

    I ignored his words and made my way into the room limping in pain but I tried my best not to show it. I pulled the chair that was in the corner and brought it to the center of the room before taking a seat.

    He finally puts his phone away and turns his attention towards me.

    "So you're just not going to say anything" he questions as he leans forwards resting his hands on the desk.

     "I managed to kill most of your men in under one hour including your little pet William," I said before pausing to take a breath before continuing.

    "I just need your blood covered on my hands with your dead body lying in front of me and then I'll be satisfied" I snarled bitterly at the man in front of me.

      He lets out a gruesome laugh that fills the room before coming to a stop. His deadly eyes stared me down as if he was inspecting me.

    "You killed me the day you put a bullet through Neha's head" he growled lowly

    "Now I'm going to make sure that you're never walking through that door alive" he mutters dangerously as he got up from his chair and made his way around the table stopping at the front.

    "I guess we'll have to find out who gets to walk out of the door," I said coldly. In the blink of an eye, I saw him sprinting towards me knocking me over in the chair.

   I fell onto my back as I felt him punch me in the face. I reached for my knife and drove it into his back.

     He hisses in pain at the object before pulling my hands away from the knife in his back. He throws another blow at me in my stomach right where my wound was.

      He winces in pain at the knife as he staggers and makes his way off me, pulling the knife out of his back wincing at the pain.

     I rolled over and got on my knees before attempting to stand up. My body was screaming in pain.

    "You know that was a pathetic move," he said before launching at me once again. This time I was ready for the collision.

    I clenched my fist as he ran up to me and punched him in his stomach and then in his face. He fell flat on the floor while clenching his nose.

      He chuckled painfully as he wiped the blood running down his nose before standing up.

      He motioned me to bring it on and that's exactly what I'm about to do. I aim for his face once again but he blocks and hits me in the stomach. I stumble but regain my balance. I glanced at my knife behind him before fixing my posture.

     I wasn't going to bring out my guns so soon but I guess I have to.

   I quickly pulled out my gun and aimed it at him causing him to freeze in his place.

     He chuckles mockingly at me "what? Are you tired of fighting?" He mocks "or are you scared you aren't going to be one alive in a few minutes" he snickers mockingly

   "Nahh I just wanted to speed up the process" I side grinning before pulling the trigger and aiming for his leg. He screams in pain as the bullet enters his leg.

    "You son of a bitch" he yells in pain on the ground. 

      I threw my gun to the side of the room and made my way towards him. I gripped him by his shirt pulling him to stand up before hitting him in his stomach over and over till the blood was pouring out of his mouth. 

     I let him dropped to the ground clutching his stomach in pain while I turned around to collect my gun

      He stumbled as he tried to stand up. His legs were shaking as well as his hands. But he wasn't over. 

   I didn't notice when he picked up the knife until I felt it plunge into my back. I cried out in pain. I felt him pull it out before plunging it right back in. 

       I quickly turned around, shoving him away from me and pulling the object out.

      He ran for the gun in the corner of the room before aiming it directly at me.

    I stood in my place knowing if I moved he would shoot me.

    "You know I think we have been playing for a long while. I should just end it right now" he spoke with a deadly look in his eye.

    There was no way I'm letting him live. Not after what he did to my family. 

     Although I can feel my body giving up slowly, I gathered every strength in my body and sprinted towards him. Surprised by my action he pulled the trigger and shot me in the shoulder causing me to scream. I collided with him, knocking him along with the gun.

   I quickly got a hold of the gun and aimed it towards him.

      "This is for killing my daughter," I said with a cold expression as I struggled to stand up, my eyes not leaving him.

    Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger aiming at his chest. I smiled as I heard the sound of the gun go off and his scream was heard.


" and this one is for naya," I said before lifting the gun aiming at his head and firing. His scream was instantly gone as soon as the bullet entered his head.

     I dropped the gun onto the floor before collapsing next to it.

     I started to feel a light head as I laid on the ground. My wounds were bleeding every second that went by.

     I heard faint yells outside the room before I saw my men start to enter the room I was in. Leo and Al are behind them.

    "Fuck we need to get you'd the hospital," Al said starting to panic seeing my state.

     I shook my head no. "What do you mean no your fucking bleeding ace" Leo shouted as he looked at me concerned.

    "Help me get to the car," I said more like a whisper. They all quickly helped me get to my feet before taking me down the stairs.

   We finally reached the car before it was brought in front of the building by one of my men.

    "I need you to promise me something," I said to Al and he helped me to the car.

     I motioned for him to stop and listen. 

    "I need to be somewhere and I need you to promise me you're not going to follow me." I groaned in pain

   "No, you are not. The only place you're going to is the hospital," Leo shouts at the side of me,
  "No, I need to be somewhere now. I'll be back later and then I'll head to the hospital" I said wincing in pain as I looked at them.

    "You can barely stand up, we're not going to leave you alone," Al says quietly as he looks at me with sadness held in his eyes. I  know they care for my safety and well-being but I need to do this.

   "Please just trust me" I begged as I looked down.

  "Ok," Al whispered. I turned to look at Leo and he gave me a small nod. 

   I smile at them before pulling both of them into a hug.

    "I need the keys," I said as I looked at Al. He hesitates to give me the key but he still did.

     They helped me get into the car making sure to help me put on the seat belt.

     I turned on the engine and turned to look at them one last time before leaving. I gave them a small nod and smile before driving off.


  Don't forget to vote and comment. Also sorry for my grammar errors. Hope you enjoyed this one. See you soon🥰😘



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