Chapter 22

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          Ace's pov

   We made our way towards the gate of the warehouse trying not to get caught as the guards  patrolled in front of the gate.

      I signaled Leo to take the left while I took the right. With one swift move, I quickly made my way to a guard and broke his neck making sure to be quiet and not get caught. 

             Leo made his way up behind a guard and slit his neck. The man's lifeless body dropped to the ground with blood gushing out. Poor him he will be missed RIP

        We left numerous lifeless bodies at the entrance of the gate. We made our way into the warehouse with Williams and Leo by my side.

            I motioned my hand to tell them to enter. 

         "We need to split up," I whispered. They nodded and headed to different parts of the warehouse. A couple of officers went with them separately for backup.

     "Ok, let us go" I whispered as he began to walk into the warehouse.

     The house was empty which is weird. If they did have the girls here they would keep eyes on them. Something's not right.

        I made my way into the kitchen. The light was off so the smell of hot choco filled my nostrils. Well someone is here. 

     Leo's pov

      Williams and I took the stairs. We spread out and searched in different directions and so did the officers 

      This is weird. I haven't heard a noise or seen anyone except for the guards at home. Something is wrong.

         I walked through the hall and entered a small room. There was a small bed in the corner along with a lamp on a nightstand. The walls were plain white which reminds me of hospitals. 

           I walked out of the room and into the hallway once again. This time Williams we're nowhere in sight. He must have headed downstairs. 

     I moved towards the stairs until a quiet sound of ticking made me stop in my tracks. 

       I looked back to see if I could find out where the noise was coming from. 

      I followed the sound until I  stood in front of a large wooden door. I had now reached the end of the hall.

         The noise started to get louder and louder as I approached the door.

    I slowly turned the knob and entered the room. The noise was coming from the bathroom. I now had my gun out and walked quietly towards the bathroom.

         I pushed open the door slowly surprised at what caught my eye.

         There lay a small girl covered in blood and bruises. Her body is pale as ever. She laid motionless. An innocent girl was gone.

My eyes moved to the device next to her. A bomb. This was all planned. Shit. 

     I turn around to run but stop in my tracks at the sound of a small groan. 

      "Shit she's alive," I said to myself in disbelief. I looked at the timer on the bomb. Three minutes left before this place goes up in flames.

     Another small groan came from her mouth. I rushed to her side and picked her up in my arms. 

       "Shhhh don't worry you're going to be ok I promise" I whispered in her ear as I began running out of the room with her in my arms.

       I ran towards the stairs no one was in sight so I shouted 

    "Bomb we need to get out of here" I shouted 

    "Ace where are you" I shouted once again looking around 

   I saw him running from the kitchen. 

      He looked down into my arms and noticed the little girl covered in blood. You could see the panic in his eyes. 

    "She's alive we need to go there is a bomb upstairs a big one too and I'm looking forward to seeing my grandkids-" I was interrupted 

     "Shut up Leo not the time let's go," ace said and began to run

     "Where's Williams" he shouted 

   "I don't know let's go we don't have enough time to look for his ass," I said and started to run even faster 

          We made our way through the front door and into the front yard before the house went up in flames. 

       My arms tighten around the little one in my arms making sure not to hurt her but also making sure I protect her 

        The house exploded into flames causing us to fall onto the grass. I kept my arms around the little one protecting her from the heat.

         At the corner of my eyes, I saw officers rushing towards us. I rolled over with the little girl in my hand and waved to the officers for help 

       They ran up to me "she's alive" I said as I handed her to them. I watched them rushing with her to the car taking her to the nearest hospital.

     I looked over to see Ace slowly making his way up.

      Anaya rushed to his side as always.

         "Are you guys ok?" she said as she looked at us with tears in her eyes

     "We're ok Anaya," I said with a small smile.

     I looked over her shoulder to see Williams walking towards us.

       All I could see was red. "You are some kind of an officer," I said angrily. "Where were you?" I shouted

       He looked at me as if he didn't know what we're talking about. ''We could have died and so could have that little girl," I said as I got up. I was now fuming.

          "I looked around but I couldn't find you guys so I thought you guys had left the warehouse so I did the same.". He said calmly 

     " So why didn't you come find us when you found out we were still in the warehouse huh" I shouted 

  He just looked at me and shrugged.

       "You have got to be fucking kidding me," I said in disbelief

       I took one more look at him and I want to beat the shit out of him.

     Something's off about him and I'm going to find out. I didn't trust him from the start but now I'm one hundred percent sure I don't trust him. I'm going to find out what he's hiding 


Hi, guys sorry I haven't been updating frequently like I used to. I was a bit busy so I couldn't update that much. I promise everything is back to normal now and I will be updating as usual so don't worry😊


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