Chapter 25

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Anaya's pov



             I peered my eyes open only to be hit with the bright rays of sunlight coming through the window. 

   I quickly put my hands over my eyes to block out the sunlight as I tried to sit up but something or should I say someone grabbed my waist. 

        I looked down to see a large hand covered with tattoos tightly clasped around my waist.

         I tried to remove his hands but he wouldn't budge 

       "No don't leave me" he whined in his sleep

       "Ace I need to pee let go of me," I said as I tried to remove his hand with all my strength


        "No" he continued to whine like a little child whose mother won't give him candy 

         That's when I got a brilliant idea. I smirked to myself and began to do my mischief. His face was buried in his pillow. I ran my hand through his hair and massage his scalp with my fingers 

          "Mhmm" a small moan came from his mouth

   He seems to be enjoying this too much. Time to make this a little bit exciting.

     I leaned down towards his back and started to plant small kisses. I felt his body tensed up against my lips and I continued to plant small kisses up his back and towards his neck.

            I nibbled on his sweet spot earning a moan from him. God damnit even his moan is fucking sexy.

        "What are you doing?" he whispered with his morning voice 

          I continue to nibble on his neck, earning a few more moans from him.

          I made my way towards his earlobe and I gently nip his ear

      "Cazzo," he moans deeply

         His moans made me so wet I just wanted all of him.

          He slowly turned over and he was now facing me. Before I could say anything he smashed his lips upon mine without warning. 

         His lips were so soft and warm. I could still taste a hint of mint coming from him. I climbed onto his lap and continued to make out with him

         His tongue continued to massage mine with his. He then caged my bottom lip between his teeth causing me to moan.

         "Ace" I moaned against his lips

       "What's wrong baby, do you want me to stop," he says between our kisses.

       Do I even want it to end or do I want more? I'm even more confused by what I want.

         Wait, this isn't going as I planned. Should I stop or keep going. I want him so fucking bad but I'm fucking scared he's going to hurt me

      Come on Anaya do what you are supposed to do. 

           "Ace close your eyes for me," I said as I pulled away from his kiss gasping for air.

         He looks at me puzzled. 

   "What why?" he asked, panting. How is this man not gasping for air?

        "Just do as I say," I said as I looked at him.

       He stared at me for a couple of seconds before closing his eyes.


        Time to abort the mission. I quickly jumped off his lap and sprinted towards the door. 

       He seemed taken back at my action since he took a few minutes to register what I just did.

          I didn't look back to see if he was behind me but I heard heavy footsteps chasing behind me so I knew it was him.


        I quickly ran to my room since it wasn't far from his and locked my door 

          "ANAYA MALHOTRA YOU BETTER OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN" I heard him shouted from the other side of the door 

        Fuck I'm in deep shit. He just called me my full name.

     R.I.P me this isn't going to end well. Think of something to tell him what Anaya think.


       "I told you I needed to pee and you weren't letting me go," I shouted slightly. 

            "Really, Is that the reason what happened in my room all because YOU WANTED TO TAKE A PISS!" he shouted in the last part.


      I'm sure the entire house is listening to us right now.

        "Hey didn't you learn in school it's bad to hold your pee in," I said angrily as I folded my arms.

      "Anaya," he said through his teeth. Fuck I'm dead like literally dead.

        "Yess" I answered quietly 

     "You have on the count of three to open this door, if not I'm breaking this fucking door down and you will not like to see what happens next" he angrily whispered

     Oh shit, what should I do?


   Fuck fuck fuck should I open the door or not. If I do he might throw my ass through the window for provoking him and his little master. (If you know what I mean  😏)


     Oh no damn it anaya why did you have to do that. Couldn't you come up with any other ideas? You just had to tease him, didn't you?




       Before he could say three I rushed to open the door.

      I was now faced with a fuming Ace. 

    Say something Anaya, anything

      "Before you say anything I would just like to say that you are one fine-looking man and by that I mean like Massimo fine. You should feel honored because I don't tell a lot of people that. Just wanted to let you know before you do anything"



   Hello sweetheart I'm back with a new chapter 😊 make sure to vote and leave feedback. Enjoy 😘🥰


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