Chapter 40

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       After a couple of hours at the cremation ground, I was given the ashes of my girls in a traditional urn.
     I collected them and headed out to the car with the guys following me.
    We entered the car and sat there for a while not saying a word. It was silence, not an uncomfortable one, just a peaceful one.

     "I hope you guys know we aren't done yet" I grumbled as I looked down at the urns. They both turned and looked at me with confusion.
       "I'm not stopping until I have Mateo's blood-covered on my hands," I said coldly
     "What's the plan?" Al asked as he looked at me
      "Looks like we're going to pay a little visit to our gang back home" I responded before starting the car and taking off.

      It's about time they saw their boss. I drove towards my new home where I stay after I had finished high school and became the leader after my father died.
      The entrance was new and looked like someone did some renovations without my permission while I was gone. Not gonna lie though it's looking good though.

    I made my way towards the gate before slowing down. An old guard who I was familiar with stood up and slowly made his way limping towards me.

      He has been working with us since I was a child. He is a great man. Most of the time he would drive me and the guys to school.

      I rolled down my window before greeting him.

  "Why hello there Roberto nice to see you again," I said with a smile as I looked at him.

   His face lit up joy as soon as he saw me.

     "Ace my child," he said with a bright smile. I made my out of the car to embrace him with a hug. 

    "Ahh, Robby, did you forget about us?" Leo whines as he opens his arms for a hug. We all chuckled at childishness. 

    "Never my child never," he says before making his way towards the guys hugging them.

      "Why are you limping and why are you guarding the gate? That's not your job," I said as I looked at him confused and concerned.

     "Things changed when you were gone son and about my limping, I fell and injured my ankle," he said sadly

    "Well don't worry now I'm back, things are going to be the way they once were," I said with a smile.

    "Come with us, we'll get your foot checked," I said but he refused.

     "If you don't we'll carry you inside," Al said sternly and he accepted

     We all got into the car and made our way towards the house.

    As I got out of the car I watched the different expressions on the guard's face. Some were happy, angry, shocked, confused.

    Looked like the police did a good job covering my release ever since I was helping to find the girls because by the look on their faces I can't tell they had no idea about it.

      "Now is that the expression you welcome your boss with," I said with a smirk on my face. They knew where this was going so they didn't dare to speak.   
     Everyone exited the car and made their way into the house. The guards and maids looked terrified at my presence. They probably weren't expecting me. But what can I say I like to make a grand entrance.

       My expression was cold as ever, not showing any emotion as I walk to the living room. Roberto signaled me to come closer to him

     "You should go check your office" he whispered in my ear.

     I wonder why he told me that but either way I was going to find out.

    As I made my way towards my office I stopped a couple feet away from the door. Faint moans were coming from my office. I swear to fucking good if someone is fucking in my office they're dead.

      I kicked open the door to find my uncle pounding the shit out of a young woman. 

    He looked at me startled before pulling away from the lady and rushing to put on his clothes. So is the woman beside him.

     "So when I was in prison this is what you were doing huh fucking in my office," I said dangerously calmly. He knows he's not going to walk out of this room alive.

    " n-no I wasn-" was all he said before I pulled the gun out from my waist and shot him in the head.

    The woman let out a dreadful scream as she saw the blood running down from his head.

     "I suggest you leave and don't ever speak about what you saw if you don't want to end up like him," I said to the woman before she began rushing through the doors.

    Al and Leo came rushing down the hall to see what was wrong. They glance at the woman in confusion who was rushing to get out of the mansion before entering my office.

      "What was going on?" Al asked before spotting my dead uncle on the floor.

    "Ohhh never mind," he said before walking outback.

     "The motherfucker was fucking someone in my office. Can you believe that? The audacity."


      "Yea either way I never liked him so I don't mind him being dead" Leo chirps as walked him into the room and takes a seat on the couch.

     Sometimes I wonder if I should get him therapy sessions cause this dude is more fucked up than I am.

      "We need to head to the cemetery. I already had someone dig the holes for us to place the ashes in" I said as I stared at the door.

    They both hummed in response and we made our way towards the exit.

     The ashes were still in the car when we got back. The cemetery was about a 45-minute drive from my mansion.

       The gloomy night made me feel worse than I already felt. It's about 10:00 pm when we made it to the cemetery.
      We made our way into the cemetery and stood in front of two holes that were dug up. I gently place both of the urns into separate holes.

       I took off my ring from my finger and placed it next to lia's urn. I placed the chain I had around my neck next to naya's urn silently bidding them goodbye before signaling my men to start filling it up.

   I watched as they filled the holes and placed their tombstones. As much as I want to cry, my body won't let me. It's like I am alive but somehow dead.

     I wiped my tears as I looked at their graves. I need to be strong for them. I need to make those who hurt them suffer.
     I closed off my emotions towards the other world and focused on my main goal which was make those suffer who but the ones I love.

    "Al I need you to get in contact with everyone and tell them the plan," I said coldly
   "Leo you are in charge of finding out Mateo's location," I said

    "I will get our weapons ready," I said as I looked at the graves in front of me.
      "We leave at dawn tomorrow," I said before making my way towards the grave.
     They both nodded and left to go do their job as well as the others. I sat in the middle of their graves but my back was leaning on the side of naya's. 

     "I miss you, I miss you both," I said as I looked into the starry night as I let one last tear shed before the war


    Heyy guys😊 How are you? Don't forget to vote and leave feedback. Also sorry for my grammar errors. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter😘🥰



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