Chapter 19

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      WARNING: SMUT AHEAD if you don't like smut I suggest you do not read this chapter. Enjoy you freaky freaks😏😈

Anaya's POV

I freshen-up and took a shower before heading downstairs. I wore black jeans with a black hoodie.

As I walked down the stairs I noticed this wasn't a house, this is a fucking mansion. So much for blending in. I heard persons chatting and plate clattering as I walked towards the kitchen 

"Sleeping beauty is up" I heard someone say. I turned to look to see it was Leo who had spoken. It was the second time he had spoken to me since we met. I haven't heard anything from Al as yet.

"Here," he said as he passed me a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes. Well that's something I thought I'll never see coming from him I thought to myself 

I muttered thanks but I couldn't eat. 

My mind drifts to lia wondering if she had anything to eat. Did they hurt her, is she ok? 

My mind was racing with thoughts until someone decides to interrupt me

"Why aren't you eating?" someone asked, I looked up to see it was Evan 

"I'm not feeling hungry," I said quietly

"You need to eat Anaya," he said. I didn't feel like arguing with anyone so I just left the table and headed upstairs.

I laid in bed for a couple of minutes until I heard someone knocking at the door.

I continued to lay down without answering the door. I heard someone enter and the door closed.

"Naya you need to eat" It was Ace. He was holding a tray with the chocolate pancake from earlier and a glass of orange juice.

   "I'm really not a hungry ace," I said raising my voice

       " naya shut up I know how you get when you down" he shouted 

   I turned to look at him with tears in my eyes. He slowly made his way to me and hugged me

       "Look I know you're worried about lia and I am too but you can put yourself down like this. We both need to be strong for her ok" he said as he stroked my hair 

         He pulled away to look at me in my eyes. He slowly leaned to the point I could feel him breathing. He licked his lips as he looked at me deciding whether or not he was doing the right thing. As much as I hate Ace I still want him to come back to me. I know what I'm doing is wrong but my body says differently. 

                I was busy trapped in my thoughts when he finally pressed his lips onto mine.

       His lips were soft and warm just like how they've always been. 

      He moved from my mouth down to my neck leaving trailing hot wet kisses. He nibbled on my sweet spot earning a moan from me. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he continued to move downwards towards my breast leaving hickey marks all over me.

       He brought his lips back up to mine as he grabbed onto one of my breasts pinching my nipple causing me to moan as he kissed me.

         He was now on top of me with one hand on my breast while the other he used to position himself to not weigh himself onto me. 

          "I need you now Ace" I whispered out of breath. He paused for a minute breathing heavily before asking me"are you sure you wanna do this naya?" he asked "you might hate me even more" he said as he looked at me

        "I already hate you so I don't see anything wrong," I said I didn't give him a chance to speak. I slammed my lips onto him with a force. He continued to kiss with the same force as I pulled his shirt over his head. 

              He pulled my hoodie over my head and unclasped my bra. His mouth made its way towards my nipples as he sucked and nibbled.

        His hand made its way towards the crutch of my pants as he Continued to rub fastly causing me to want him more.

         He unbuttoned my pants and slowly pulled them off my legs.

      I was now in my underwear waiting for him to continue. He stops and stares at me before he continues. He begins to trail hot kisses down my tummy down to my lower region.

           He stops and stares at me waiting for my approval to which I nodded. I felt his hot breath on my lower region as he planted multiple kisses there then made his way to my inner thighs leaving hickeys marks everywhere.

           With one swift move, he tore my underwear into pieces and began to start sucking at my lower region. My breathing had increased rapidly, without any warning his finger entered me causing me to moan. My fingers were now tugging at his hair to which he seems to always enjoy.

           He continued to suck at my lower region when he decided to add another finger to cause me to moan even louder. I covered my mouth trying to suppress my moans.

           "Let me hear your moans baby, let me hear how I make you feel," he said to me, causing me to squirm. I could feel my tummy getting tighter 

         "Fuck Ace I'm going to cum" I barely said through my breath 

       He quickened his pace pumping in and out of me as he continued to eat me out.

          I couldn't hold it in anymore. I climaxed on his face. He continued to suck gently at my lower region taken in all my juices. His lips glistened with my cum as he licked his lips and made his way towards my lips. He kissed me once again but this time the kiss was soft and gentle. 

           I quickly positioned myself on top of him and started to leave a wet kiss along his neck. I nibbled and sucked, earning small moans from him.

        I made my way towards his chest leaving small kisses. 

        I pulled his sweatpants off to see him hard as a rock. I slowly moved my hand to caress the tent in his boxers.

             " yo Ace, Williams wants to see you downstairs now" Leo shouted from the other side of the door causing both of us to freeze in the middle of our act.

           "Shit" I muttered as I quickly got under the sheets trying to cover my body in case he tried to enter.

            "Tell him I'll be down there in a second," Ace shouted back angrily. 

         We were there for a couple of seconds in awkward silence.

         He then got up and grabbed his pants and shirt from off of the floor and put them on.

         "This is finished as yet naya," he said as he looked at me with lust before leaving. 

        As soon as I heard the door shut I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

  " what the fuck did I just get myself into," I said out loud as I stared at the ceiling.


Why hello there peeps you have no idea how embarrassed I was writing this chapter but here you go enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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