Chapter 20

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         Mateo's POV

          That fucking bitch got away. Fuck fuck fuck this is not going according to plan. 

         I'm currently at my warehouse in my office trying to find that little bitch. 

        She should try running for the Olympics and she'll win first place. The bitch bolted through those streets even I couldn't catch up with her 

            I decided to check what those little girls are doing. I made my way down to the basement and entered.

        There were all of the girls laying on the floor sleeping.

     Time to take them up I thought to myself as I grabbed a bucket of water that was in the corner of the room.

         I threw the water at them and they instantly jolted awake. I get it. I know their kids but I belong to the mafia I was supposed to be mean to. At least I didn't throw the water harshly onto them. You should thank me for that.

           "Wakey wakey sweethearts," I said with a grin 

           They looked at me scared as they shivered at the coldness of the water. Some of them already had streams of tears running down their cheeks.

           I turned to look at Ace's offspring. She is a cute child I can't deny that but after her time here she's beginning to look pale and sick. I smirked at her seeing her this way just wait until Ace discovers his daughter and is sick and weak. That makes him surrender himself and I can make his life a living hell.

       He is going to pay for killing my parents. I turned to look at his daughter once more to see her crying increase. I slowly made my way up to her. She squirms back as I approach her. She's scared of me and I love it.

         "Aww is mommy not here to take care of you," I said in a mocking voice as I crouched down to her level

         "M- mama is g- going to come f-for me," she said as she cried

       I chuckled at her thinking.

        "Sweetheart they are going to save you but your father he's going to die" I chucked evilly 

             Her crying eases for a moment and looks at me confused 

        "I don't have a father," she said confused 

        "Oh baby you do and he's bad just like I am that why I need to kill him," I said with a smirk

                She continues to look at me confused. I got up and walked up to one of my men. 

         "Did the girls eat as yet?"  I ask him with a cold stare?

           He looked at me with fear, his body started to tremble which means he did not do what I asked him to do

          "Answer me!" I shouted I was now angry

     " n-no s-sir I fo- forgot," he said stuttering

            " tsk tsk tsk, now do you want to know what happens when you disobey me," I said as I slowly walked around him.

           I looked at the girls to see them watching in fear

         He shook with fear as he kept his head down low. Droplets of sweat run down his forehead.

            " you have one minute," I said as I looked at him

     "Run as fast as you can" I smirked.

          With that, the man begins to run as far as he can.

         I took out my phone and called the guard.

           "There is one of my men running to escape, kill him," I said and hung up

         I turned to one of my other men "go get them some food" I said 

He hurried quickly towards the kitchen trying not to get himself killed.

             I turned to make my way back towards the girls but a knock at the door made me stop.

          "Come in," I said annoyed

          One of my guards entered with his head down. 

           "Sir your girlfriend is here to see you," he said not looking up

        "Ok allow her in," I said in a cold voice. He nodded and left the room 

            A couple of seconds later I heard the door opened I already knew who it was

            "Hey baby" her soft voice whispered into my ear.

            "Hey cupcake," I said with a smile. I turned towards her to look into those beautiful brown eyes to see my world. 

        I leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips but we were interrupted by a scream coming from across the room

             " aunt Neha please help me the bad man is going to hurt me" 

           Another chapter to enjoy😊. Don't forget to vote and leave a feedback🥰😘 


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