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[ok, I'll admit it. I'm gonna start updating on this regularly.]

"Well well well,"

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"Well well well,"

Ariella woke up, with chains tied to her wrists.

At first she didn't know what to think- it took her a couple of minutes to fully wake up and process where she was at.

She remembered last night- she was dragged out by Draco Malfoy and shoved into a car, his hands gripping onto her body tightly. She wanted to scream- why hadn't she screamed? Because there was a gun down her throat, physically stopping her from doing so until they got all the way inside of the car with the doors shut.

And then she remembered being dragged out of the car, Dracos hands never leaving her body and someone named Lorenzo Berkshire had been ordered to stick a needle inside of her arm and actually put her to rest for a good few hours. She liked him- he seemed nice because he didn't want to do it at first.

Ariella jerked her hands against the chains, the metal rattling against the headboard and it made her groan out loud- her head pounded. She didn't have anything to drink last night- she didn't get the chance too, so it must be the drug that she induced in her body to make her fall asleep that was causing her a headache.

Fucking Malfoy.

She looked down at what was wearing- her dress was still tightly around her body and this only made her jerk her hands again. She hadn't showered- she never slept without showering because she felt disgusting, and then she took a shower in the morning because it helps with acne.

She wasn't going to survive in this place.

She jumped on the bed when her door opened, the fear of being dragged around again was growing on her. But instead, she was met with a tall masculine man with brown curly hair and the same dark demeanor that Draco had. Only this one gave off the vibe that he only hated you unless you got on his bad side.

"Oh shit- Shes awake-," he stammered, closing the door a little bit to yell for- of course- Dracos name. When he opened the door again, he stepped inside to walk closer to her. "Morning, Dollface."

She gave him a sarcastic smile before completely dropping her face clean from emotions. "Get me out of these goddamn chains."

"Look," he took a seat on her bed, trying to be reasonable. "If you gave Malfoy his ring back, you'd be set free. But you have yet to do that- I know this isn't ideal of how we meet-."

"Your wrong." She interrupted him, spite laced in his tone. When he raised an eyebrow at her, she knew he was confused. "It wouldn't matter if my brother gave the ring back anyways. The only way Malfoy would actually let me go, is if my brother got on his knees to beg."

She scoffed just thinking about it- but it still pissed her off. Harry wouldn't try and save her, the only reason he would ever want to find her is so he could figure out the PIN numbers to her safe.

"Okay, I get it." The man sighed, staring into her eyes deeply. He only wore some sweats and a white T-shirt, so she could tell he most likely just woke up. "Malfoys never went to this extent- but maybe if you try to be reasonable with him? He'd never hurt you- me and Enzo would've allow that."

Ariella sighed, leaning her head back against the pillows. "So, your name? I'm sure I don't even have to tell you mine."

Her head still pounded and she finally took a look around the room, looking at the furniture and how there was no light in the room whatsoever besides the dim lit lights in the corners of the room. The windows were sealed off- it was completely dark in here.

They could've at least added some plants.

"Mattheo Riddle." He held out his hand- it became awkward and he immediately pulled it back realizing she couldn't shake his hand back. "Sorry-."

"Well well well," Draco entered the room, looking at Mattheo and motioning for him to leave. Mattheo stood up, giving one last look to Ariella that said 'good luck' and walked out of the room.

Now, it was just Draco and Ariella.

How desperately she wanted to slap him- for multiple things. Tying her up and basically drugging her, that gave her a major headache. Dragging her away from her own club and into a car, where he continued to be rude to her. She couldn't expect anything less, but the main thing she wanted to slap him for-

Was being so irresistibly attractive.

Having him put a gun to her head- it really shouldn't have- but it turned her on last night. To he sitting in a back of car, her body toppled over his because he was 'afraid' she'd run, only caused a heart beat to form.

"Give it up already." Draco snapped, slamming the door shut and locking it. He stocked towards her, an angry expression playing on his face and she could see the bags under his eyes. "Just tell me where my Fucking ring is."

"Someone didn't get enough sleep last night." She giggled, pissing him off even more.

"Oh yeah?" He came closer to her, "I'm sure you slept like a fucking goddess last night-."

"Because you drugged me-! You asshole-!" She jerked on the chains again and again, trying her hardest to get free but it was no use.

His hands stopped her movements, by gripping her throat and pushing her body back into the pillows. Her breasts bounced and moved accordingly when she was pushed- and Draco could've help but look down at them.

"Your brother started this." He moved his eyes to her face, her makeup all messed up because of last night but for some odd reason he still though she was attractive. "Just- give me the Goddamn ring!" He shouted, his palms slamming against the headboard and it startled her.

"Fuck you!" She shouted back, her hands aiming to jerk again and it was only then that she heard a gun lock.

Draco held a gun in his hands, his face completely confused in angered and for a second she began to grow actually scared.

"Tell me where it is."


He pointed the gun to the mirror, pulling the trigger and hearing It shatter.

"Tell me. Where it is."


He aimed the gun at one of the lights, pulling the trigger and hearing the bulb break into pieces.

"Potter I won't ask again."

"And I'm not telling you-."

He aimed the gun straight next to her head, firing it and hitting the headboard next to her.

A slightly whimper escaped her lips as she tried to stop her body from quivering- she hated this. Hated the effect he had on her and how cowardly she began around him but she would never give him the satisfaction of giving in.

She promised her brother- and even if, Draco wouldn't be able to get in that safe. He might- but it would be very rare.

The door was kicked open again, the two familiar boys of Mattheo and Lorenzo walking in and a worried expression plastered on their face. Their eyes traveled to the broken mirror, the shattered light bulb and then back to Draco- who still had the gun pointed where he shot.

"This-." Lorenzo stammered. "Is complete madness."




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