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[im not sure when you guys will get smut in this book again because of everything that's about to happen but feel free to read my other books that have smut in them to make up for it- sorry babes.]


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Draco felt at peace.

His body felt calm, his eyes closed and relaxed. He adjusted his eyes to the light around him, blinking several times before sitting up. He was absolutely confused, the atmosphere around him was quiet, smooth and no background noise either.

He ran a hand through his blonde strands, his watch still on his wrist only he wasn't in the clothes he wore when he was in his house. He was confused where he was, light surrounded him everywhere. The white T-shirt he wore was paired with grey sweatpants, his eyebrows furrowing before he looked around.

His eye caught sight of a women- only she was on the other side. Other side of wherever Draco was, a barrier between them. He recognized the girl as Ariella, her hair down and curly at the end like he always loved it, a bright smile on her face while her plump lips were plastered with a baby pink lipstick, a blanket wrapped around her petite body as she stared down at a little girl in her arms.

Dracos heart clenched at the sight.

Because it was clear this little girl was his, platinum blonde hair that was as curly as they came, his piercing blue eyes staring back at her blue orbs through the barrier, a giggle leaving her lips while she laid on her mother's chest.

He pushed his hands against the barrier- he couldn't get in. It wouldn't let him, it wouldn't let him reach the people in front of him, he couldn't no matter how hard he tried. He remembered everything that happened at his place- why wasn't he there? He remembered pushing his head into Harry's gun- had he shot him?

He reached again, but this time he was being pulled away, the women and child fading into swirls of color while he was brought back to pain. He was being pulled back into reality and with that, all the pain he endured hit him at once. His stomach felt like it was being punched over and over again, his hands gaining movement to them.

He didn't open his eyes until he could take a moment to finally adjust to how badly his stomach hurt- he could take it. Looking around hurt his eyes, he didn't adjust to light because all his mind ran too the moment he woke up was Ariella. It was recognized as a hospital room was where he was at, wires attached to his body.

He ripped them off of him, and got out of bed like nothing had happened. He couldn't lie and say his stomach hurt, a patch was taped to his stomach where his wound was but all he cared about was finding Ariella.

Sobbing could he heard down the hallway when he pulled open the door, rain falling from the skin and coating the windows. His eye sight was somewhat blurry, but all he could focus on was what was in front of him in the living room.

Pansy was full on sobbing, holding her stomach while crying in Delilahs arms.

Blaise was the first one who noticed Draco, his eyebrows furrowing. "What the hell are you doing out of bed, Malfoy? You're a bloody idiot-."

"Pans," Draco rubbed his eyes and approaching her with a worried face. "What's-."

"He's gone!" She sobbed, tears rolling down her delicate skin before she slapped Draco across the face. "How is it that you get to survive and he doesn't! He left me- he left us!" She pointed to her stomach, Dracos face paling.

It didn't take him long to realize she was talking about Lorenzo. So Draco let Pansy hit him in the chest, punch him and slap him because he knew it was out of anger and grieve. Especially because he'd gotten the hint that she was pregnant with his child.

Mattheo stepped forward, his cheeks red and damp from crying. "Pansy, he's injured-."

"It's not fair," she choked up, now gripping Dracos shirt and pulling him down to let her hug him. She sobbed into his shirt, his hands coming down to wrap around his figure.

He wished he could cry, wished his dad hadn't shaped him into something that made him not show emotions.

He sighed deeply, his eyes droopy. "I'm so sorry, Pansy. But you have to believe that if I would've saw it coming I would've moved in front of him-."

"No," she sniffled, her words muffled. "I don't want to lose you, Draco. It's just not- not fair. We were supposed to he having a family and I didn't even get to tell him," she cried more, her hands balling his shirt up.

His heart broke for her, but there wasn't anything he could do. Because he remembered how it happened and what happened. George held the gun, pointing it at Lorenzo and Draco was right behind him, but as soon as he turned around Lorenzo had been shot, pushing him into Draco and the bullet went straight through Lorenzos body, into Dracos.

It was neither of their fault.

"He would've loved that, babe." Delilah rubbed Pansy's back comfortably, tears still in her eyes from the death of her best friend. "Let's go get you a cup of tea, yeah?"

Pansy nodded, leaving Draco and following her sister down the hallway towards the kitchen. Draco however, looked at Blaise who was looking around nervously, along with Theodore and Mattheo.

Draco stepped forward, "Where is she."

Mattheo looked everywhere but Dracos eyes, and it made him nervous. He didn't see Ariella in sight- it was making him get worried to the bone, the thought of her being taken back to that god awful place was welling up inside of him.

It made him sick to his stomach at the thought of her being there. But with how everyone in this room was acting, his face scrunched up in disgust, his fists balling together.

"Draco, we tried to stop him."

No. No no no-

"But they apparated before we could grab her."




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