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[this chapters kind of a filler but I think it's cute.

And smut is happening next chapter regardless of the baby because I know y'all are deprived 🌚.]

"Okay, you see this?"

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"Okay, you see this?"

Draco signed the papers in front of him, setting the pen down on the office desk.

Fred Weasley stood before him, along with Hermione and a girl he didn't quite recognize. But he sighed a treaty, to make peace between the Gryffindor side and the Slytherin side. But if someone were to kill a person on the opposite side, it would break the treaty and they were free to kill whoever they wanted.

The girl he didn't recognize was staring him down and it made him uncomfortable. It had been eleven hours exactly since Harry and Adrian were killed, and although Hermione hated it, she was willing to make peace. But Ariella was still resting- Draco should be resting, but Theodore had poured so much Dittany in his wound that he didn't even care anymore. Now it was just a mere sting where he was shot, his doctors had to remove the bullet before he could properly walk.

But now the main thing that was on his mind was her. Ariella. Because he remembered her pointing to her stomach and he remembered Mattheo saying she was pregnant. His heart completely melted at the thought of her carrying his child- at the thought of her being able to have one. Because he knew she had a low chance, but it made him happy to think about it.

He didn't mind having a baby with her.

Fred cleared his throat, "You can tell Ariella I'm sorry."

Draco rose his eyebrow. "For?"

"For being put through that." Fred snarled back, his time laced with hatred while he crossed his arms. "Don't forget I was the one who had her first-."

"She's not a game," Draco slammed his hands down on the table, standing up with the paper in his hands. "I don't care that you had her first, I'll tell her you said fucking sorry. Stop being childish and get out of my office."

He wanted to speak to Ariella, but she was still asleep. She'd been sleeping for awhile now and Draco wasnt gonna wake her up because he wanted her to get the rest she needed. After everything she'd been through, he knew she was hurting. Because after she passed out, 20 minutes after that she woke up and got the news of Lorenzo dying. She sobbed into Pansy's shoulder, and kept apologizing because she felt like it was her fault he was dead. Ariella felt horrible but Pansy never once made her feel like it her fault.

And after that, she went to sleep right at the moment Draco woke up. So he was kind of just waiting around, going on five cups of coffee to keep himself awake. He wouldn't fall asleep without her in his arms, he wouldn't be able too.

Making his way out of his office, he went down the hallway to where Mattheo and Theodore were, getting some things ready that made Draco raise an eyebrow. "What the fuck is this shit?"

Mattheo laughed, setting a baby bottle out on the counter. "We went out and bought things to help you prepare for a child. I think it would be good-."

"I know how to take care of a child-."

"Draco," Blaise put in, coming around the corner. "We'd be lucky if you didn't feed it paper for breakfast. Besides, it'll pass time to wait for her to wake up."

Draco rolled his eyes. He took a seat on the floor of the living room, watching Theodore unscrew the baby bottle cap and pour some milk into it, before screwing it back on and shaking it up.

He couldn't wait for Ariella to wake up. He'd also went out to buy things, a lot of chocolate and he also bought a ring. He'd already gotten her a ring for an apology last time but this time he wanted to ask her to be his. He wanted her to be all his, and he would understand if she said no.

Because he was a dick, he knows.

"Okay, come here." Theodore urged, a small smirk forming on Blaises face while Theo held the baby bottle in his hands. Draco furrowed his eyebrows, bun nonetheless, moved closer to Theodore who was acting like Draco was the dumbest person in the world. "Okay, you see this?" He pointed to the top of the bottle. "It's called a nipple. The baby eats this with formula as a breakfast. Try it out."

Before Draco had time to protest, Theodore shoved the baby bottle into his mouth and made Draco suck on it.

"What the fuck?" Pansy stood at the archway that led to the hallway, her hands crossed and her eyebrow narrowed.

Draco pushed the bottle out of his mouth, glaring massively at Theodore who had the biggest smile on his face. And for once, Draco didn't mind that his friends came up with a dumb scheme to piss him off because it was the first time he'd seen them actually smile after Lorenzo.

It warmed his heart.

Mattheo laughed, "We're teaching him how babies work."

"How they work?" Pansy repeated, a more confused facial expression plastered onto her face. "You guys are not going anywhere near her baby until it's like, 60 years old."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. It's my child." He sat up and dusted off his plain white T-shirt. "Is she-."

"Yes." Pansy cut him off. "She's asking for you, so go and don't fuck shit up." She rolled her eyes, "Merlin knows you love to do that."

"Fuck. Off." Draco pushed past her gently, making his way to the hospital room.

He couldnt wait any longer, not when he'd been awake for 11 hours, waiting for her to wake up because he missed her. He'd missed her a long time ago, when he first found out she was taken away and he hadn't gotten a chance to hold her in his arms since then. Because when he was so close, Harry shot his leg.

When he pushed the door open, she came into his view and his heart melted. Her eyes were open, her hands hugging her waist while she stared at the movie playing that Theo had put on for her on the muggle TV. Her eyes connected to his, and she smiled weakly.

It wasn't long before he closed the door and walked towards her, his body climbing onto the bed gently and pulling her into his arms. She melted into his grasp, situating herself so she was straddling him and wrapping her legs around his body, holding him tighter. "H-Hi," he breathed out into her hair, his hands rubbing small circles on her waist.

She sighed, "I missed you."

"I missed you more, Ariella." He pulled her head up, looking into her eyes before finally connecting their lips, her hands now wrapping his neck and coming up to tug at his blonde hair.

The kiss was soft, full of passion for missing each other. He pulled away, resting his forehead on hers before he laid a hand on her stomach gently, a small smile appearing on his face. "Ella-."

"Regardless if you want this child or not," she sounded hurt at the possibility of Draco not wanting kids. "I'm keeping it. I couldn't give two shits what you think-."

He cut her off with a kiss, his hand sliding up to her hair and taking some in his fists, tugging at her roots. "I've never wanted something more," he told her against her lips. "And I'm happy about it, I am."

She smiled, pulling away from his lips before reaching into her pocket to grab a small little box, setting it in his hand. He took the chance to open it, his eyes lighting up.

His eyes widened, "My mother's ring. How did you get it?"

"I told Cedric to get it when they first tied me up in the main foyer. That's how I knew Harry didn't have your actual ring because nobody knew the passcode to the safe I put the ring in that was in my closet."

He hummed, smiling. "Smart girl. Let's get you something to eat, Love."




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