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[hey besties, sorry I took a little break, but for the people who got mad I have a life to, if you didn't um.. know that? Yeah I have a personal life 😐.

Anyways, TW, flashbacks of rape.]

"𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝,"

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"𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝,"

If there's one thing Ariella learned from poker games, was that they are shit.

She hated sitting in this chair, hated how hot Draco looked in the black suit he was wearing- that he previously fucked her in. But most of all, she hated how her thighs were getting stuck on the seat from sweat, causing them to burn when she moved them occasionally.

She was here for a translation, but for some reason none of the people were speaking German. It made her feel like Draco wanted her here for a different reason, more so because he didn't trust her alone at the mansion. Which she couldn't lie, upset her a little bit but honestly, she had no right to blame him because she had tried to escape multiple times and still failed.

By now, Draco had gained fifty grand, the person sitting across from Draco that was playing him, was determined to beat Draco at least once but he had just put all of his money on the table which meant he lost it all.

She tugged on Dracos sleeve a little bit, her chair sat right next to his with his hand on her thigh. He looked over to her for a second, "Are we almost ready to go?" Her voice was low enough for just the two of them to hear, but for some reason she felt a stare on her.

Draco gave a curt nod, his hand tightening on her thigh as he pushed upwards, standing up. "We must go, but I have to say you suck ass." He chuckled at his opponent, who had a friend that wouldnt stop looking at Ariella.

The two men standing across from them nodded, and Draco gathered their things. It made Ariella uncomfortable, watching them stare like that sent a certain tingle down her spine, and it was certainly not a good one. She gripped Dracos sleeve on his arm a little tight, holding him closer to her as the two men started to have a conversation with themselves. One that she could hear, because they we're definitely speaking in German, "Sie ist diejenige um die sich Adrian ständig Sorgen macht," the friend of Dracos opponent spoke, his voice nasty and grim. [she's the one who Adrian keeps worrying about.]

"Machen wir was?" [do we make a move?]

"Riskant sage ich," the man scratched his chin, trying to think whole thing through while Draco talked to some men. Ariella had to keep a straight face, they didn't know she spoke German but on the inside she was freaking out. "lm Moment warnen wir Harry, dass sie zusammen sind." [Risky I say, for now we alert Harry they are together.]

Ariella stomach did a back flip, her chest tightening and it felt like everything in her mind was cleared other than trying to get these men to shut their mouths. Harry was most likely coming for Draco, and if he knew for sure that her and Draco were together more then just friends- they had sex for sucks sake- he'd be gathering men faster.

Draco finally gave a curt nod to the men, sliding a hand around Ariellas waist before heading for the door. A sense of fear came over her while she knew the men were watching from behind, watched the way he pulled her closer to his body while his hand stayed on her hip and around her waist. Watched him hold the door open for her and be as gentle with her as he'd been in weeks.

"Tell me what they said." Draco demanded, while she explained everything.


"Adrian please!" Ariella begged as she sobbed, her body being pushed around as if it were a toy for the man standing in front of her.

Adrian stepped forward, his jacket already on the ground and his shirt being pulled up. "You know the rules, Bitch." He spat, unbuckling his belt while she held her hands to her chest. "You failed, again. This is the third time, Ariella. I have to do something about it."

She pleaded for him not to do this- not to violate her body. She was standing in the dim room, the same room she was used to be drowned in, only in her jeans with no bra. Adrian had cut off her shirt, in the process of doing so he also cut her bra. She was trying her hardest to cover up her body from someone who didn't deserve to see it.

What was worse, was she'd never had this happen before. She thought about losing her virginity to Fred, he was the only guy she really trusted but they hadn't made it that far. Nobody had ever touched her like she was about to be touched and it horrified her to the brim.

But.. he was right. She failed her mission.

Her mission to kill the two children that saw Harry murder someone in a parking lot and ran away. She couldn't do it, how could she pull the trigger on those innocent kids?

Her eyes squeezed shut, feeling dirty, nasty hands claim her waist to him while she pushed against him. "I don't want this!" She sobbed, her body nearly collapsing on her from how hard it felt to breathe. "They were- they were kids Adrian- anything but this, please."

"Mm," he gave a low hum, trailing a knife up her jeans making her gasp and sob even harder. "I like it when you beg." He cut a rip in her jeans, and started to pull. From what started as a small string that was sowed together, quickly came undone while she writhed in his grasp.

A sharp pain emitted in her stomach, quickly realizing that he'd stabbed her for moving too much. Another scream left her mouth as he pulled her jeans off completely, pressing the knife to her hip where her most hated scar laid and threatened silently to give her another scar.

She wouldn't give up- she was only 15.

He'd touched her before, but not like this. Never with his actual intention of putting something a lot worse inside of her that she wasn't mentally, nor physically prepared for. It started when she was five, he would touch her when she didn't do things right, grope her boobs and even play around with her clit. Sometimes, it would go far enough for his fingers to be forced inside of her.

She wanted to scream, to tell him not to do this, not to take away something that was supposed to be her choice.

Ariella woke up to her body shaking, covered in sweat with the covers clung onto her body tightly.

Her eyes opened, seeing the worried expression on Lorenzo and Dracos face as they looked at her. She must have fell asleep in the living room, because a blanket was on her body while she laid on the large sectional couch.

"Ariella," Draco furrowed his eyebrows at her while he took a seat next to her. "Are you okay? Do you-." He stopped himself, almost widening his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Even the mere thought of talking to someone about that made her feel disgusted. It made her feel like she was dirty, like she needed to scrub off his touch again after doing it for so long. She shook her head, throwing the covers off of her body while getting up on her toe feet.

"Just a bad dream, thanks though." She muttered, going to see Silas.




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