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[okay besties, if you can't comment on this actual chapter I just might lose my shit but I hope you can.

Anyways, if you haven't heard i published a vampire book yesterday, and the first chapter is up so it would be great if you could check that out <3.]

"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲,"

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"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲,"

"Don't. Fucking touch her." Draco seethed, watching Jenna press the knife harder into Ariellas neck.

Blood trickled down her throat, a small thin cut now appearing with how hard Jenna was pressing the blade into her skin. Ariella winced, a worried expression on everybody's face. "I'll admit," Jenna jeered, her hand pressing into Ariellas arm hard enough to leave a bruise. "She's smart, but not smart enough. Dumb enough to leave a knife through my hand."

Blaise had a stunned expression on his face, but he was stepping forward. "We can talk about this, just- just give me the knife," he tried to compromise, tried to get Ariella out of this situation but he couldn't. Because Jenna only pressed the knife down harder, a tear leaving Ariellas eye.

She didn't know what to do, she was scared out of her life. The only things he could think of what to do was to bang her head backwards but even then, Jennas head was around to her shoulder, so even if, Ariellas head wouldn't hit Jennas. She could stomp her feet, but with a knife pressed to her neck like it was, she feared it wouldn't do any good.

When her eyes connected to Dracos, his expression softened but he was still angry. She silently begged him not to let Jenna take her back to Harry- she knew what would happen, 'You know you have to get punished' is exactly what Harry would say. Now her eyes were watering more at even thinking of going back to her bastard brother.

"Oh I can't wait to see the look on Adriana face when he sees that I'm the one who brought you back," Jenna laughed, her head slightly tilting back as she giggled.

An idea popped into Ariellas head, one that was definitely dangerous.


Her eyes traveled to Lorenzo who was directly in front of her, and while Jenna was laughing she moved her mouth as smooth as she could to say; 'Go get the wolf.'

Lorenzo became confused, but Ariella Rose and eyebrow at him, looking at him dumbfounded. He was hesitating, but eventually ran out of the room with Theodore holding a questionable look. "Well, Lorenzo said yeet."

"Your seriously joking right now?" Jenna looked him straight in the eyes, and Theodore was as innocent as it comes, so he only gave her a worried expression in response. "That's fine." Her eyes darkened, "Harry and some guards are already on their way here. You see, there's a chip in the back of my neck- as soon as I press it, it alert Harry where I am. There's no getting out of this."

Draco rolled his eyes, "HaRoLd won't do shit."

All Ariella could think about was where Lorenzo was. She didn't know how this would play out- Silas was still skeptical of her, but they had a bond and she really hoped he'd be able to get her out of this situation. If not, she didn't know what else to do.

Especially if Harry was coming.

"Your fucking crazy," Mattheo commented, gripping something in his back pocket. Ariella really hoped it was a gun.

Ariella coughed a little bit, a vile rising in his throat by the minute. The knife was loosening with all the talk that was distracting Jenna, so it eased off the wound that had already been sliced open. "Why are you- why are you doing this?" She asked, her voice week and on the verge of bursting into tears at the thought of going back to Adrian.

Jenna laughed again, "Because your a traitor. All you ever did was steal what was mine-."

A low growl emitted through the room, it alerted every fiber in Ariellas body.

Everyone's head snapped to the hallway that rounded the living room, and Lorenzo was already running away from the two beady yellow eyes with a hint of green. Ariella looked at Silas, and that's all it took for Jenna to become way too scared to keep holding the knife to Ariellas neck.

Silas lunged forward, a murderous sound coming from his mouth as he began to come forward to Jenna- she ran. Ariella didn't need to do anything else beside wrap her body into Dracos arms, his scent clouding her senses giving her comfort. "Ella I'm so sorry," he buried his face into her neck, his arms still around her waist.

The wolfs growls could still be heard, when a loud- dying scream could be heard from Jenna.

"It's okay-."

Clapping could be heard, guns getting loaded and cocked filled Ariellas senses. Blaise was screaming, Mattheo was ordering people around and Lorenzo was gathering more men but all Ariella heard was ringing in her ear, her brain going fuzzy because she knew exactly who was here.

It sent an unwanted, uncomfortable shiver down her spine. She put her feet on the ground, but still in Dracos arm who was ordering people around too above her. His hands were holding her tight- she wished Silas was in here. She could call for him, but once she turned her head in the slightest she saw a glimpse of Adrian and her whole world crashed down.

Her hearing came back all at once- when everything was dead silent. But a guns were pointed everywhere- a gun to Dracos head by Harry himself, Theodore and Blaises gun pointed at Harry's head, Dracos men mixed with Harry's pointing guns at each of them. It was complete madness.

Harry clicked off the safety, but Draco only pressed his head further into the heel of the gun. "Forget. It." He seethed, tightening his grip on the girl in his arms.

"Your underestimating me," Harry told him sternly, making Ariella shudder at the sound of his voice in fear.

"No," Draco gave a small chuckle, pressing harder into the loaded gun. "I'm calling your bluff."


[im ending this right here because I have something to do but there might be another update today idk.]



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