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[scared you guys didn't I? 🌚

the kids got a studdering problem, just in case you guys are confused.

Mature content.]


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Ariellas body was pushed against the kitchen counter, a moan leaving her lips as Draco kissed down her neck.

They couldn't keep their hands off of each other- not when they had just got done shopping with their three year old daughter, Stella, and Ariella had chosen to wear a dark green dress that was tight fitting- it made Draco want to bend her over right here.

Stella was currently in her room going through the clothes she got, showing them to Blaise who had come over with them. So they knew they had to be quick, but for the both of them it would be worth it. "Fuck-" her head knocked back, Dracos hands pulling up her dress to reveal she wasn't wearing underwear either.

His eyes darkened with lust, pushing her legs apart roughly. "Why the fuck aren't you wearing any underwear, Hm?" He spat, slapping her ass harshly before taking off his belt through the loops. "Trying to get Fucked like a Whore?"

She chuckled, but regret while he gripped her throat harshly, "No-"

"Shut the fuck up," he pushed her back onto the counter completely, his pants sliding down with his boxers and pressing his thumb to her clit harshly. "If you're loud enough for them to hear upstairs, Ella, I swear to Merlin you won't cum at all."

He slammed into her without warning, his hand leaning over her body and pushing his fingers into her mouth where a loud moan was now muffled, her clit throbbing from being so needy. He thrusted inside of her once more, his cock gaining pleasure from every time he gave a thrust.

Her head went backwards onto the counter, but realized that all she could do was arch her back up slowly. Her moans were muffled, but they were still very prominent to Dracos ears, his eyes fluttering shut as he began to grow a pace. His other hand was still on her clit, making her want to absolutely scream at the pleasure he gave her.

He hiked a leg up over his shoulder, and this only made her eyes widen, his cock hitting a different angle inside of her before he had to cover her mouth completely with the loud moan that was now being muffled. "Ariella, your really risking it," he gritted his teeth while he continued to thrust inside of her, his body leaning down to kiss her chest again.

"Mm," she moaned against his hand, her core throbbing so much that she could practically feel how easy her lubricant made it for him to pump harder. "F- faster-"

He chuckled deeply, leaving a hickey on the skin around her nipple, before going deeper inside of her and connecting their skin together, a slapping noise being heard but slow enough to block it out from upstairs. He knocked his head back in euphoria, leaving her body while his thumb connected to her clit again, his index and middle finger rubbing it harshly.

She clenched her jaw to keep quiet, but she could feel the coil in her stomach about to burst. Draco was chasing both of their orgasms, his cock hitting her cervix which oddly enough, became her sweet spot.

"Come on, Ella." He groaned out, squeezing his eyes shut. "Cum for me, and do it now before I leave you right here, Filthy Whore."

Her walls clenched harder than ever at the name he called her, the coil in her stomach making her see stars before she released, a loud muffled moan could be heard from her mouth.

He came at the same time she clenched around him, his cock twitching inside of her before he let out a low moan himself, pushing so far inside of her he could see himself in her stomach. When he took his hand away from her mouth, she heaved for breath and he pulled out.

He cleaned her off with a towel and did the same to himself, before pulling her back up to sit upright. "That should teach you," he gave her another harsh slap to her ass. "To never wear something like again unless you want to suffer the consequences."

She definitely wanted to suffer the consequences.


"Ma-ma," the little voice brought her out of her trance, "W-w-why are you cr- cr-crying?"

Stella climbed onto the little wooden swing outside on the patio, sitting next to Ariella who wiped her tears. She was staring at the negative pregnancy test in her hands, more tears running down her face. They'd tried so hard for a second child, even talked to Stella about having a sibling and she wanted it. Draco didn't want Stella to grow up alone like he did, and he was okay with having a second child.

But they'd been trying for a year now.

She had two other tests in her hand, and apart of her was hoping that this was a false negative. "Nothing baby," she pulled Stella into her arms, burying her face into Stellas curls and slightly sobbed.

Stella looked exactly like her father, except she had long curly hair and a stubby nose with thin lips. Draco loved her with his whole heart, he took to the park most days, and he also took her to see Blaise and Theo and Mattheo. Milo was like her best friend.

"Do y-y-y-" Stella took a breath, growing frustrated with how much she studdered. "You want me t-t- to get Da-dada?"

Ariella shook her head, slightly smiling before finding the courage to look at the other pregnancy tests.

They both read positive.

Her heart sort of stopped for a moment, and she pulled away from Stella, suddenly standing up with her in Ariellas arms. Shock was evident on her face, but it was clear she was happy. Her tears had stopped, now opening the door to the back and walking inside where Draco was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey, why don't you go play with Si?" Ariella told Stella, the pregnancy tests still in her hand. She watched as Stella got down from her arms and walked over to Silas, grabbing his stuffed animal and throwing it across the room with the strength she had for a three year old.

Draco, who was folding a towel, turned around to see Ariella walking towards him while she hid the test behind her back. "Love? Why have you been crying?" His voice was laced with worry, his feet carrying him closer to her.

She only stayed where she was, her nose red and stuffy before taking the two positive tests and handing them to Draco. He took them, quickly getting the fact that she was pregnant again. "You're-" he cut himself before pulling her into a kiss, lifting her off the ground and twirling her off the ground.

She giggled. "We did it."

He kissed her lips one more time, harder this time. "I love you, Ella. So fucking much."

She smiled up at him,"And I love you, Draco."

It's funny how at first, she was a Mafia leaders pet more than a Wife, but she'd grown to love him more than anything in the world.




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