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[just wanted to say thank you for 2.16k followers, I love you all <3.]


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Ariella felt like an actual criminal.

She was locked up- in a dungeon. She didn't even get the privilege of staying in a bedroom anymore and it was all because of Draco. Because she wouldn't give him his ring- but she wasn't telling him out of spite.

She wasn't telling him because he was being a dick to her- she wasn't the one who even took it. She wasn't telling him because he had physically drug her out of the bedroom, and tossed her small body into a dark dungeon. Wasn't telling him because she was scared- it was pitch black in this dungeon and she hadn't ate in over two days now.

She'd been in here for two fucking days.

It was torture- her stomach hurt all the time. And it made her physically sick to not eat, it made her feel like someone was punching her stomach repeatedly. But there wasn't anything she could do, she was chained to the wall, and at this point she gave up completely.

She hated Draco Malfoy.

She slumped her head onto the wall, the coldness making her shiver. She didn't have anything, she was still in the dress she was wearing, and she was cold all the time. It was freezing in this room, and there was absolutely no light anywhere. Not even under the small crack of the door.

Her stomach growled, her eyes hurt from how much she hadn't blinked.

But then small footsteps approached the door- and usually she would've been happy about it but she was scared it was Draco. And she didn't think he could put her in a worse place than this, but it was always possible with him.

The door was being unlocked, and she shut her eyes against the wall, the slight burn effect on them caused her to squeeze them shut harder. The door pushed open, and she knew there was light in here now.

"Holy fuck."

Ariellas body flinched at the sound of a girls voice, her eyes shot open and she jerked her head off the wall looking at a girl, short hair with bangs and she had a small school shirt and white blouse on. Her face looked mortified, and relieved all in one.

She stepped into the room, looking at Ariella who was squinting her eyes because of the light. It's been so long since she'd seen actual light- and compared the dark, it hurt her eyes.

"Pl-please don't-."

"I'm not here to hurt you, Babe." The girl responded, her hands now fumbling with the chains on Ariellas wrists. She had a Bobby pin in her hands, working it with her fingers on the locks and one of the clicked open, her body moving to the other hand. "I'm Delilah."

The other chain was released from her wrist, and she brought it down to her hands rubbing it gently. She didn't think she'd be able to stand up, or do anything for that matter because she felt so weak. Her legs felt like jelly because of how hungry she was.

Delilah grabbed her arm and helped her up, her body nearly covered in dirt and it made her feel sick. She hadn't had a shower- it made her feel even more gross with herself.

They were walking out, and Ariella tried so hard not to show her weakness of her legs. She held herself together, ready to go off smooth off on Draco until another person approached them and she looked exactly like Delilah.

"You found her?" The girl approached them, a small cup of water in her hands. She turned to Ariella, looking at her with sad eyes and handed her the water gently. "Come on, we'll take you to the kitchen. I'm Pansy, by the way. This is my sister-."

"Unfortunately," Delilah laughed, her arm still holding onto Ariella. It made Ariella crack a small smile, finally feeling hope that she would get out of this situation.

They continued walking, and by now Ariella had completely drunk the glass of water, her fingers slight shaking as she finished off the last bit. And despite Pansy and Delilah thinking she didn't see it, she saw them share a worried glance.

"Look," they all three turned a hallway, before walking down some very modified stairs. "Draco has anger issues. And that ring- it belongs to his mother who is very sick at the moment and I don't agree with you taking it but nobody should be treated like that."

"I didn't take it though," Ariella spoke gently, her throat finally ridding out the dry feeling. "It was all my brother. He took me for payback- it's not fair."

Delilah rolled her eyes while Pansy gasped. "That's Draco for you, Babe. He's got this weird obsession with you two- these are his exact words. 'Those fucking Potters are gonna get what's coming to them.' And all that other bullshit."

Ariella rolled her eyes as they stepped into the kitchen, but once they did she wished she could've walked back. Because as soon as they opened the door-

She connected eyes with cold grey hues.

And he looked pissed to see her out- and Pansy and Delilah didn't know what else to do besides start yelling at him but he quickly shut the down and walked towards Ariella who was now backing away and growing closer to a wall.

"Why the fuck are you out-."

"Draco you were starving her!" Pansy yelled at him, but he didn't care he only flared his nose and continued to walk closer to her.

"I was going to feed her when I wanted to!" He shouted back, and despite the fact that Ariella felt like she was about to get killed she couldn't help but admire how he looked.

His black turtleneck hugged his chest tightly, giving her a clear trace of his defined chest through the material, giving her an outline on how his abs looked. His hair was messy, over his forehead and slightly covering his silver blue eyes that were capturing her own. The combat boots he wore onto added to the collection along with his rings on his fingers, with the same hand that had now attached to her neck and pushed her against the wall.

She gasped, hearing him tell the two girls to leave and Ariella could tell they didn't want to, but they did and instead Draco stared into her eyes besides killing her.

She glanced at his lips for less than a second- it was such a short glance but it was one that he caught, and it didn't take long for him to start to lean in towards her.

For some reason, he wanted to kiss her- badly.

His hands went up to her cheek, gently caressing it and then sliding downwards towards her ear and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"This is exactly why you shouldn't have come out," he whispered, admiring her entire facial looks and how she effected him.

Because in some twisted way, this was his way of showing her that he was trying to stay away from her. But not because he wanted to hurt her, because he didn't think he could control himself anymore around her.


She couldn't finish her sentence because his lips collided with hers.




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