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[mature content warning😌.]

"I didn't-!"

The shower that ran across Ariellas body was hot, and it would've permanently burned her skin if she went any hotter.

This shower was huge- ten people could fit in the space she was currently sitting in, and although it had a little bench at the end, she chose to sit on the r floor where the water would hit directly. Draco was downstairs, he didn't know she was taking a shower but she'd done it anyways because she wanted one.

And she also wanted to feel clean if she was going to he sleeping in the same bed as Draco. Because that was the main disadvantage of sharing a room with him- there was only one bed. One bed, which meant that she had to try and control herself harder than she was already having to do.

It was no secret that Draco Malfoy was attractive, but nobody had ever turned her on as much as he did.

She slightly jumped when she heard the bedroom door to their room slam- it startled her- not to mention that the fog on the glass of the shower door was the only thing covering her body from being exposed.

"Potter." A deep voice called through the door, a line of chills going down her spine at how harsh he sounded.

What the fuck is wrong with me? It's a voice, Ariella. Do not get turned on by his-

"Tell me your in there, and you didn't try something dumb."

She fluttered her eyes closed for a small couple of seconds before her mouth parted to speak. "I'm in here." Her voice was small, trying to keep herself from trailing her fingers down her stomach and towards her clit, pleasuring herself while she imagined it was Draco-

The door clicked open, and her breath hitched in her face while she got to her feet. "Lies." Dracos voice echoed throughout the bathroom, Ariellas hands coming up and covering her boobs to at least attempt cover her body. "The left window down stairs in broken open."

Ariellas breathing started pick up once she took her fingers and swiped the fog on the glass a little bit. It cleared up, allowing her to watch Draco get undressed, his shirt slipping off of his body and straight onto the floor. "I didn't- I've been in here for an hour."

"Your minds filled with with other thoughts," he taunted, finally slipping off his black pants and once she saw him in his boxers she nearly fainted. "Your obviously not good at Occlumency. Parents teach you nothing?"

Ariella began to grow angry- he knew she had no parents whatsoever. He was taunting her, getting her riled up and for what? She didn't know. But the fog was closing in on her gap, as soon as he started to slide down his boxers and she couldn't see him anymore.

"Malfoy- Leave me-."

The shower door opened, revealing Dracos toned chest and bare body. She didn't dare look down, not when she was confused on why he was even in here and especially not when the throb had definitely increased between her legs.

Ariella took a step back, and he took one closer. "Don't lie to me, Potter." He clenched his jaw, before completely walking towards her, getting wet in the process from the shower. "What did I tell you was gonna happen if you tried to-."

"I didn't-!"

He gripped her waist harshly, pulling her closer to him and as soon as she smelt the familiar smell of mint and cologne, she was relaxing. But her hands were still covering her boobs- it didn't matter with her lower part, because he'd already seen that- in fact, he'd tasted it too.

Draco didn't hesitate to connect their lips, it was a harsh kiss that sent butterflies into her stomach. He took his hands off of her waist, gently removing her arms from her chest and she gave in, his lips sending her into a haze. "Let me feel you, Ariella." He slipped his tongue into her mouth, his own mind about to go crazy too. "Let me please you."

She gave him a small moan in response, her hands aiming to wrap around his neck. "Yes," she managed to get out before his tongue was swirling with hers in a rough manner.

Draco backed them up to the bench that sat in the shower, pulling Ariellas body on his so she could straddle him. And she definitely felt his etection on her bare ass- it only made the throb increase a lot more. He finally detached their lips, a cold look on his face while be lifted her hips and gripped his cock with his other hand, aligning at her entrance.

"Don't let me do this if you don't want to," he spoke sternly, and she was growing to impatient. Her own body slid down on his, his cock sliding into her and a strained gasp came out from her lips.

He was big- definitely bigger than she'd ever taken before but she wasn't going to show it. Draco didn't make a sound, only stared down at her while he still had control over her hips, and moving them back and forth. But she could tell it was effecting him by how he took sharp in takes, and how he clenched his jaw even harder.

Ariella was a moaning mess, shifting her body upwards more and creating a different angle for him to allow her to sink into- she couldnt help but whimper and moan. "Do you have any idea- How good you look like this?" He praised, his head finally knocking back in pleasure and delving into the way she moved her hips with his.

"Har- Harder-." She moaned, her hands displayed on his chest and suddenly she was being picked up, leaving the bench and slammed against a wall. A small whimper came from her mouth, his cock still inside of her and her legs still spread for him.

He took her waist in his hands, his eyes piercing into hers and waiting for her to say stop, but she didn't. "You want me to go harder?" He asked her, voice low and deadly, the only sounds were the water from the shower and Ariellas moans. "So Fucking be it, Little Girl."

He buried his cock all the way inside of her, thrusting in and out of her core with anger. He was taking his anger on her body- and for some reason, that only turned her more. She wanted him to destroy her.

A loud moan came from her mouth, and he attacked her neck with his mouth, his lips closing in on her pulse point and she gripped his hair while he continued to suck. "Fuck- I didn't capture you so you could be my slut," he rasped out, his teeth leaving marks on her delicate skin that was turning purple from his sucking. "But your never getting out of this now- Ever."

She could feel the knot in her stomach grow tighter, her legs starting to shake and Draco kept littering her neck in hickeys, silently marking her as his without her knowing it. It drove him crazy- she drove him crazy and fucking her was not his intention, but he wouldn't be able to stop himself anymore.

"Malfoy- I'm gonna-."

"Say my name," he demanded her, before lifting his head up with his swollen lips. He continued to pound into her, her body completely exposed to him and she didn't care. "Say it, and you'll cum. But I have to hear you say it first."

Her walls were tightening, before she could stop it, and Draco fucked her a little more before pulling out mid orgasm. A small cry left her lips at this- she couldn't help but moan his name. It felt like someone had just made her itch everywhere and now she couldn't scratch it for herself. It felt horrible- she'd never been punished like this before, to be in the middle of an orgasm when he pulled out.

"Draco please," she whimpered, and he obliged, sliding back into her before her orgasm could completely fade away and she arched her back into his while her orgasm took over her senses.

Her walls tightened again, her cum releasing on his cock at the same time he finally pushed inside of her all the way and releasing his hot seed. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably, her neck filled with hickeys and even Draco would hardly stand from where he was. Both of their breathing was unsteady, he pulled out of her softly before catching her body in his that was tired.

"Get dressed, and go lay down." He told her gently, turning off the shower and grabbing a towel.

She tried to stand up, but her knees buckled and she dropped to the floor. A small chuckle left his lips as he went to pick her up- she didn't let him. She knew that if he were to take care of her afterwards, she'd gain feelings- more than she already had, so she steadied herself before gripping the counter.

Draco wrapped a towel around his waist before leaving the bathroom, leaving her to go to the restroom and go to sleep.




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