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"𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰,"

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"𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰,"

When Ariella stepped out of her room, she was met with more than a thousand guards standing in this huge living room.

It made her tense up, made her whole body go into almost shock and she retreated back into the room despite her orders being, 'to get in the living room.' She wouldn't- not when there's to many in one space for her to even process. So now, she was curled up in a tiny ball, covers pulled over her head and she was trying her hardest to calm down. The amount of people in that room nearly made her faint- she didn't understand why they were all out there.

Because she didn't know Jenna was here, strapped to a chair.

She took the covers off of her head, her hair slightly sticking to her face. Her hair was slightly curling at the ends, but it gave it a small amount of bounce to the strands at the top that were straight. She looked around the room, her door wide open and she could hear the people talking in the living room.

Someone was standing in front of the door way now, a certain syringe in their hands and she tightened her fists on the covers. It was someone she didn't recognize, someone she had never seen and this only made her panic more.

She knew who she wanted- if she wanted anyone to hurt her, it'd be Draco.

The man stepped further into the room, his buff complex made her shudder even more. He was a little more small than Draco, and his face had a full grown mustache. "Get up. Boss wants to see you."

She hesitantly slid her legs out of the sheets, the little shorts she was wearing caused her legs to be shown and this didn't go unnoticed to the man. He stared- more than she liked and her anger clouded over her mind. She was so tired of being seen like an object, someone who didn't have a choice where she was, if she was going to be punished or not.

She was so tired of being punished as a way of torture.

Her hand took the bulb of the lamp on her night stand next to her, untwisted it faster than the man could handle, and she took it on her hand before ramming it straight on his face. The bulb shattered, some cutting her hand but she ran for the door. The syringe in his hand fell to the ground, Ariella grabbed it and stabbed it in his neck while pressing down.

Her feet carried her out of the door, before she ran into another chest. Was everybody against her today? When she looked up she saw Mattheo, who had a slight cut on his nose- probably from when she fought her way against them yesterday.

"Ariella," his voice was calm, his hands reaching to grasp but she stepped back, pulling her shorts down and along with the shirt. "I won't hurt you-."

"Lies!" She shouted, tears brimming her eyes and she tried so hard not to cry. "Everybody here looks at me like I'm a target- an object. Fuck you!"

Mattheo took a look inside the bedroom she was sleeping in, looking at the guard who was past our on the floor, blood leaking down his face and shattered glass in many places. His eyes widened, looking at Ariella who was hugging herself. "Ari, he wasn't meant to hurt you. We just want to talk to you-."

"You had your chance," she whimpered, looking at him with glossy eyes. "You've had chances to talk to me. But then you lock me- I'm always locked up. My own side won't even want me after what Jenna did and none of you believed me. You haven't even healed me- I was sliced in the fucking leg by one of your men."

"I know," Dracos voice came out of nowhere. She looked up at him, a tear leaving her bottom lid and finally sliding down her cheek. "What I was wrong. After we talk, you'll be able to get properly treating. I promise. But first I need answers on someone who I've been trying to find for 9 years."

She huffed, deafeated and looked at the floor. If talking was what it took to get her something to eat, and someone to heal her back than that's what she'd do.

She was not aware of who he wanted to talk about.

Draco gently approached her, and instead of gripping of her arm like he usually would and drag her around like a prisoner, his hands settled on her waist and he stood behind her, gently edging her further. The way they were going was towards the living room- Merlin, she did not want to go in there.

She tensed, turning her body around instinctively and that brought her to Dracos chest. He knew why she was turning around- he just didn't know how to deal with it. He did the only thing he knew how to do, order everybody around. The sound of his voice echoed throughout the living area, him telling all of them to go outside and exit the building.

Everybody cleared out, and Ariella finally took a deep breath. Draco led them to the couches in the living room, her legs coming underneath her as she took a seat on the chair.

Draco took a deep breath, looking at her with the softest eyes she'd ever seen on him. "I don't know exactly how to put this, but Jennas in the basement. I got my flash drive back, it's safe to say she won't be going back to New York."

Ariella sighed, her eyes still glossy. How badly she wanted to be the one who nearly killed her- she wanted her to feel the hurt she felt when Jenna created a wound on her neck and back. "Ask me whatever you need to." She was basically surrendering herself to them; she didn't care anymore.

Because as of right now, she was an enemy here, and a traitor to her brother.

Unless Jenna was stupid enough to not contact her brother when she found out immediately.

"Well," Mattheo let out a chuckle. "You broke my nose and you sprained Blaises wrist before we got to ask, but obviously it was a sensitive topic." He rested his elbows on his knees. "What do you know about Adrian Pucey from your experience."

Her whole body tensed at the mention of his name.

She knew him as an abuser, a child molester, a person who was so manipulative into bringing her into torture with her body. He was hired to do everything that was listed to her and only her.

She knew him as a monster, a menace.

Her eyes glistened with more tears, her hands shaking around her knees. "He was- he worked for my brother," she choked out. The most horrible thing was, she thought it was okay because she was a child when it first started.

A child.

Who thought it was only discipline.

And Draco became angrier by the minute.




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