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[PLEASE- they're 11😭.]

"𝐀𝐫𝐢? 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧-

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"𝐀𝐫𝐢? 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧-.?"

The windows were wide open in the library, Ariellas body positioned in a chair with a book in her hand.

But they were shaking. Her hands were shaking along with her body, her eyelids fluttering shut every other minute because of tears and the fact that she hadn't slept in 34 hours. How could she? How does she sleep when every time she closes her eyes, all she sees is someone watching a tape of her getting raped. Violated. Touched without consent.

She tried to stop her body from shaking- she hadn't stopped crying since the words left Jennas mouth. Well, that's a lie. She didn't cry during the day, but during the night like this, it always got bad. Her thoughts crept in too much into her mind and it was making her lose sleep.

Tears were still in her eyes, drowsy and almost shutting. But she didn't allow herself to sleep, she only sipped the last bit of coffee she had and hoped to god that no one was up this late so she could get more in the kitchen. She closed her book harshly, standing up and making her way out of the library. The moon was the only light she got, so she couldn't see very well.

If there's one thing she's certain of, she wanted to kill Adrian and Harry.

Her feet carried her to the kitchen, but stopped when she heard voices. She didn't have a chance to eavesdrop because she'd already stepped out to far and was now shown to Blaise, Lorenzo and Draco. Her eyes became more watery at seeing Draco- she couldn't ever get his words out of her mind. The way he was so cruel about what she'd gone through.

Blaise gave her a soft smile- all three of the boys had noticed the tears in her eyes and the bags under them. "Ariella, hey." He spoke softly, while she just stared at him with no emotion in her eyes, her small cup in both of her hands keeping them warm from the coffee she had previously. "What can I do for you?"

Ariella shook her head, wishing she had a blanket over her shoulders. She was in only wearing a large sweater and sweatpants, her hair in a low bun with loose wolf strands hanging in front of her face.

"Ari, Babes, how much coffee have you drank?" Lorenzo approached her gently- she took a step back, far away from him.

His face seemed to fall, but she didn't care. She couldn't care about anything else besides the tapes. The someone could be watching them right now, getting a good laugh about how she was tossed around and played with like a toy. How she was being forced on her knees and her arms tied to her legs to keep her in that position, paralyzing her with a spell so she couldn't move while Adrian personally touched her like she was just a fuck toy.

She'd come to the conclusion that's all she'd ever be- that's obviously what she was to Draco.

She thought that's all she'd ever be to Draco.

Ariella turned her body around, ready to leave until she was bumped straight into a hard chest. Her body instantly jolted back, ending in her stumbling and allowing Mattheo to catch her arm and pull her back up. She took her hand away, tears threading to come out of her eyes and Mattheos face dropped. "Ari? What happened-."

She took a deep breath, preparing herself to speak for the first time in at least 32 hours. "Can I just- get me some coffee." She snapped, moving around the island counter in the kitchen, grabbing the container out of the coffee machine and pouring it back into her cup.


Draco felt horrible.

He knew he should feel awful, he knew he should've felt like he needed to get a life and stop treating her like she owes him something because he gained feelings for her. But seeing her now, in baggy clothes looking like she hadn't slept in days- it shattered his heart into pieces.

But doesn't his heart deserve to shatter?


He didn't have an explanation nor an excuse for how he acted. It was out of impulse, out of jealousy and hatred to see her with two other guys. But it still didn't give him a right to say the things he said just because he was having a hard time admitting what and who he wanted. He knew who he wanted- it would always be Ariella.

It wasn't anybody else but her. He wouldn't dare think about touching anybody else- he definitely didn't touch Astoria. After he left her room, he went to the gym and took all of his anger out on a punching bag.

He only watched the scene unfold before him, and before he could ever register it, Ariella was out of the kitchen fast enough to nearly spill her coffee. Blaise looked stunned, turning to Draco. "Okay, spill." He spat, setting his cup of apple juice down. "What the fuck did you do now."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Something terrible enough to know that she'd never talk to me again."

Mattheo rubbed his face down with his hand, an annoyed expression plastered on it. "Dude, seriously? We were literally helping you how to ask her to be your girlfriend and you go and fuck it up. Is it because me and Theo took her to the library?" He questioned, and when Draco gave him a guilty look all Mattheo did was huff. "You do understand that you were right about me and Theodore being together? Fucking dumbass. I'm gay. Do you want me to spell it out for you? G-A-E-Y."

Lorenzo laughed, "Who's gonna tell him?"

Blaise shook his head, his face hardening. "Malfoy the girl looks like she's gonna throw up every time she try's to speak. Somethings wrong- and it's all because of your dumbass mouth. Tell us what you said to her."

Draco rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, trying to think of a lie. But he couldn't lie to these mother fuckers that were standing beside and in front of him, so he told them the honest truth. "Isaidsomethingabouthersobstoryandhowshegotdrowned." He said as quickly as possible, his eyes wide from guilt and sadness.


"Speak up, Wanker."

"What the fuck you say?"

Mattheo, Blaise and Lorenzo could hardly hear what he said, but Draco didn't want to repeat it. "Do you think I should go talk to her?"

Mattheo shook his head, but a questioning look was on his face. "I would say yes, but keep in mind, if she doesn't forgive you then how about you don't get angry at her again. Just try your best and even if she doesn't forgive you, keep trying. But don't flip out- it's your fault."

Jennas fault too, but none of them knew that.

"Okay," Draco rolled up his sleeves on his sweater, making his way down to the library where Ariella was.




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