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[the cast to the vampire story is published besties, but I don't know why you can't comment on it.]

"-𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭-

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"-𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭-."

Ariella was still sat in her chair now sipping her coffee, trying to read her book.

She was trying to keep herself calm, stop her hands from shaking and she had her knees curled up to her chest with a blanket wrapped around her. She had no intention of letting her tears fall from her eyes- until she saw Draco step into the room.

He looked upset, that was clear. But Ariella didn't care if he was upset, she hardly cared for him at all. All she felt towards him right now was anger- and she'd completely lose it on him if he went off on her again.

Draco stopped right at the doorway, leaning against the frame with a guilty expression on his face. "Can we talk.. please?" His eyes skimmed over her hands, noticing she was still wearing the ring he got her as an apology for last time he screwed up.

She didn't even look him in the eyes, "No."

He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, shifting on his feet awkwardly. "Ariella I'm sorry-."

"It's Potter to you," she snapped, closing her book sharply and looked him straight into the eye. "Isn't that what you called me when you told me you were gonna fuck Astoria?" His face paled a little bit, but he kept himself composed. "Exactly. Go away, I don't want to speak to you."

Dracos face riddled up in regret- how badly he wished he could take it back. He wished he could take everything he said back from his mouth, from her hearing his words but he couldn't. Magic was powerful, but it wasn't that powerful. He didn't know what to say- he could say sorry, but he knew she wouldn't forgive him. How could he blame her? Even Draco felt a pang to his heart when he watched her in that tape, and he allowed his anger to cloud his mind so he could rub that in her face.

He pushed his hands in his sweatpants pockets, "I'm really, really sorry, Ariella." His voice was soft, on the verge of becoming even more low because he didn't want to upset her more.

That was the thing Ariella hated about Draco Malfoy. He could say something awful- truly horrible but then his guilt would settle in and he'd feel sorry. She hated that- she hated how he was with his temper, it wasn't fair for her. "You can shove that apology up your ass for all I care."

He nodded his head in an understanding way. "I deserve that, I deserve the cold shoulder." He stated with a little bit of spite in his tone. "But all I can say is I'm sorry, you don't have to accept it-."

"-I don't-."

"-but I'm trying to make up for it." He finished, his eyes leading down to the floor, trying his hardest not to remember what he said to her. "And I- I didn't sleep with Astoria." His tone was almost a whisper; ashamed.

She raised her eyebrows with a scoff, but she couldn't help but feel relieved. "Great, is that all your here for?"

His face dropped, but all he did was nod a small little nod and walk out of the library doorframe, closing the swinging door behind him.

The moment he was gone, Ariella broke into sobs.


Sleep still didn't come, neither did happiness.

Ariella stayed awake until morning rolled around, and it didn't help that she could barely function with the lack of sleep. She wanted to go to breakfast, she wanted to see Lorenzo and Blaise and her actual friends but she knew Draco would be there.

And she couldn't stop thinking about his apology- he sounded sincere, but everything he said because of his apology just came flooding back into her mind. He wouldn't have to apologize if he hadn't said what he said- he could've prevented this. But she knew how hard it was for someone who had anger issues, it was very hard to control his temper.

Buts it's not an excuse.

Her feet were carrying her down to breakfast, wanting to be with people for a little bit before she isolated herself again. When she walked in, she saw Delilah and Mattheo laughing, Astoria talking to Lorenzo and Pansy with Theodore and Blaise at the island counter. It made her heart swell with how happy they were, but she didn't see Draco.

Blaise was the first to notice Ariella, "Morning Ari," he greeted her with a soft smile. "Would you like some waffles?"

"They're called Eggos- weird, they were a muggle store." Lorenzo held up the box, laughing with Mattheo who was trying to read the instructions on the back of the it.

She gave them a small smile, taking a seat at the Counter on a bar stool, sitting next to Lorenzo who was next to Astoria. "You look like shit," she commented, and Ariella would've shot something rude back if she hadn't been so tired.

She only gave a small him in response to Astoria, her eyes threatening to close. She still had her coffee cup in her hand, but it was well empty by now because it was 10 am in the morning. She'd drank all of it, but she didn't care. Delilah set a plate down in front of her, making Ariella look up at her. "Do you know where Draco is?"

She wasn't going to forgive him, but she couldn't stop herself from asking. Delilah shook her head, "He's down in the basement talking to Jenna. Says he needs to get more information on Adrian."

Ariella winced at his name slightly, her features darkening at the fact that he could find out what Jenna told her about the tapes. Her heart beat began to grow, until she heard screaming from the hallway. Her head whipped around to see something she'd never thought she'd see.

Jenna, was clearly running with a knife in her hand from Draco.

How the fuck did she get out?

"Oh fuck-." Mattheo set his kitchen towel down, turning off the stove and watched Jenna approach all of them by standing in the living room.

Dracos breathing was heavy, his hands balling up into fists. "Little bitch stabbed me- had a fucking knife in her hand when I got in there." He seethed out, death glaring the back of Jennas head.

Ariella wanted to laugh, but all of a sudden she was being pulled off of her seat and into Jennas arm with people screaming. "Let me go with her," Jenna seethed. "Tell your guards to back down or I'll do it- I swear I'll do it."

The knife Jenna had was pressed directly to Ariellas neck, Dracos face paling.




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