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[just in case any of y'all come for me in the comments about her being pregnant and still having sex 😭.^

mature content.]

"I think my heels are-"

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"I think my heels are-"

Ariella stood in front of the doorway, watching Draco work out.

His back was turned to her on a bench, his hands gripping a bar with a lot of weight on it while he lifted it up and down repeatedly. She's been standing here for a couple of minutes, watching him work out instead of saying anything about how lunch was made.

Earlier, she'd kept herself occupied while Draco was working out. She'd planted a new flower, and set in the window sill of the kitchen where her other plant was growing, Daisys. She'd also taken a walk with Blaise around the garden, picked the fresh vegetables and washed them off before setting them in the fridge with Mattheo.

But now, she could help to not stare at Draco.

Her baby bump had grown, she was now seven months pregnant and her cramps had gotten worse since. But of course, ever since Ariella told Draco that she didn't like to wake up alone, he stayed with her everytime she took a nap or he stayed in bed while she still slept.

When Draco finally set the bar down, his chest rising and falling, she bit her bottom lip watching him take a drink of his water. "How long have you been standing there," he asked her with a demanding tone, and she slightly jumped hearing his voice.

"Not long," she responded lightly, her feet shifting. She stood in a baby blue T-shirt with some stretchy black shorts with her bunny slippers on. "I just came to tell you lunch was ready. How long are you gonna be in the gym?"

He wiped his face with his towel, collecting the sweat and turning back to Ariella who was still looking at him like she could rip his clothes off. "I'm done, get dressed into the dress I bought you after lunch, its hanging on the closet door. We're going somewhere tonight."

He stepped closer to her, while she Rose and eyebrow. "Planning my murder?"

She tried to ignore the way her core throbbed when he rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, her cheeks flushing. "Trust me, Mon Amour. If I wanted you dead, you would've be carrying my child." His hands went to her waist, pulling her towards him while he pressed his lips to hers.

His hand slid to her stomach, rubbing it gently while he pulled away. "You're gross. Go shower." She mumbled staring up at him with lust in her eyes.

"I'll meet you down stairs," he smiled at her, leaning down to press a single kiss on her stomach before going to shower.


Ariella stood in front of her mirror, staring at herself in the black dress.

Her baby bump was very prominent, the stretchy dress hugging her body tightly while the sides had holes in this going up her thighs to her hips, chains going through the holes before coming down into a string and tying at the ends of the dress on each side of her body. The short sleeves on it dipped into a square opening, allowing some of her cleavage to show. She looked hot.

And for once, she felt like it.

The door opening was what caught her off guard, Draco standing there with his mouth gaped open and his eyes staring at hers while he closed the door. A deep blush displayed on her face, Draco walking closer to her and admiring everything about her.

"W-wow." He breathed, his hands aching to bend over the dresser.

She turned around to face him, her hands laying on her bump. "I think my heels are-"

She was cut off when his lips slammed onto hers, pulling her body into his while he made sure to be easy with her at the same time. His hands slid into her hair that was down, curls everywhere with diamond earrings sitting in her ears.

She'd been aching for him since this morning at lunch, so of course she moaned into the kiss and tugged at his suit that he had just put on. It was worth taking it off. "Let me take care of you, Love." He murmured against her lips. "You've been quite a Good Girl."

Again, her core throbbed with excitement as she moaned a yes, in response, his hands going to her thigh and picking her up, setting her on the dresser. He took off his jacket, followed by his shirt and wasted no time to hike her dress up, taking her lips back in his.

His tattoo was completely exposed to her, him pulling back so he unbuckle his belt and toss it across the room. He fumbled with his dress pants, pushing them down along with his boxers, his reaction becoming very prominent.

"You're gonna have to be quite, okay?" He aligned at her entrance, pushing in very gently and watching her head knock back with a small whimper leaving her mouth. He thrusted into her, gripping her chin and pulling her face to look at his sharply. "Do you need me to rephrase it? Shut the Fuck up."

His roughness only turned her on more, but she forced herself to stay quiet with her hand covering her mouth, her eyes squinting in pleasure while he began to grow a pace, his hips rolling into hers.

She pushed her other hand on his chest, trying to look at his tattoo while he delved into her satisfaction with his own. One hand was on her hip, the other one sliding around to her back and pulling her impossibly closer to him, beginning to speed up his thrust.

She let a small moan escape her mouth, "Gentle, Draco." Her voice shook and so did her body, but he pulled back slightly and started to go slower for her own pleasure more than his. "Okay, fa-faster than that, Dumbass-"

She was slapped across the face, his hand leaving her hip and giving her cheek a mere hit before he clenched his jaw. "Ella, I will fuck you hard that this dresser breaks." He delivered a hard thrust, "Don't tell me what to do unless it's nicely. I don't appreciate the attitude."

She nodded her head at him, feeling his hand rub the cheek he slapped before speeding up his pace. She loved it when he slapped her- it made her so close to her release that tears were building in her eyes. They hadn't been intimate in maybe a week due to her bump but this time Draco lost control- seeing her in that dress made his cock twitch.

"Draco-" her body fell forward, into his chest while he slipped his hand back into her hair and pulled her up to connect their lips.

"Let it out, Ella." He mumbled against her lips, feeling her walls clench. "Fuck- do that again."

She clenched her pussy around him, her body shuddering as her legs shook, her release finally coating his cock while he pushed deeper inside of her and cumming at the same time she did. It was painful for her to not moan, her body becoming worn out as he gently pulled out.

He gripped her chin softly, "You're okay, Love." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, grabbing a clean shirt from his dresser and cleaning her up, doing the same to himself afterwards. "Let's get situated to go, we can grab some food on the way there."

She smiled at him, slowly getting off the dresser while he got dressed too, her hands pulling her dress back down and fixing her hair. Thankfully, her makeup didn't get messed up so all she had to do was grab her black heels and be ready.

By the time they made it down the stairs, Ariella was gripping the railing of the staircase for a different reason other than her baby bump. Her legs felt like jelly- and people were in the living room which made it worse.

"Looking good, Malfoy." Blaise complimented as the couple came down the stairs completely.

Draco rolled his eyes playfully, "Thanks-"

Blaise cut him off with a weird look, stuffing more pop corn in his mouth. "I wasn't talking to you, dipshit." He glanced at Ariella.




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